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Instructions to perform the exercise


One of the possible options for leaving the horizontal position is moving Ardha Kurmasana and the similar asanas.

While leaving the vertical position, bend forward and put the hands on the floor at the shoulder width.


MIDDLE FINGERS IN THE Downward Facing Dog should look strictly forward; the others are slightly ‘opened.'

Bend your knees and press the ribs to your hips, then try to place hands in such a way that you could pass a straight imaginary line through the phalanges of the middle fingers, the middle of the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints.


IDEALLY, TRY TO PUT your heels on the floor.


THERE IS ALSO A deeper variant of the Bridge pose when we stretch our arms a bit forward and try to arch in the thoracic spine even more:



— tightly press your palms and feet to the floor and try to ‘push off’ from the ground, pushing the tailbone up as high as possible

— align your hands and back

— pull your belly and perineum inside

— relax your neck completely

— direct your glutes to each other.

Effect: the Downward Facing Dog helps to develop the spine flexibility and the quality of the muscles and ligaments of the back surface of the legs. Blood flowing to the head has an optimizing effect on the brain vessels.

Adho Mukha Svanasana is the basis for understanding and further learning the whole series of similar but more complex elements. Providing the large positive effect on the human body, the Downward Facing Dog holds an honorable place in many yoga training sets.

Bring the feet together and raise the right leg. Put your toes away from each other.
