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Bring your legs to one leg length width.
EXTEND YOUR HANDS AND turn your right foot to 90 degrees to the right.
When exiting Adho Mukha Svanasana, make a wide step forward with your right leg, bending it at the knee and unfolding your left foot perpendicular to the front leg. Bend the right knee at the angle of 90 degrees to place the right thigh is parallel to the floor. The left leg should be fully straightened, and the foot — firmly pressed to the ground.
Variant 1 — on the floor next to the outer part of the foot, straighten and stretch the left arm along the side surface of your torso, turn your head up.
VARIANT 2 — standing on the arch of the foot, covering the knee joint with the axilla, straighten and stretch the left arm along the side surface of your torso, turn your head up.
Don’t forget that the fingers shall be directed forward.
IF THE LEVEL OF YOUR body physiology doesn’t allow you to make a deep lunge while keeping your spine straight, it’s better to use the arm support in the form of props at the initial stage, maintaining the vertical vector of stretching the torso and spine.
DON’T MAKE A BEND IN the knee of the front leg less than to 90 degrees and don’t lower the pelvis too much – this will lead to excessive load on the meniscus and cruciate ligaments of the knee joint, which can cause injury. Also, don’t lift the pelvis too high. At the initial stage of practicing this pose, if you lose balance when turning your head up, you are recommended to place your head face down, looking at some point in front of you.
TRY TO STRAIGHTEN YOUR left leg more, open your chest, stretch your lower back and stretch out, aligning your legs, pelvis, and chest.
Perform the required number of breathing cycles (usually 30 — 60 seconds) and when you inhale again, raise the palm of the right hand. When you exhale, straighten the right leg, expand the feet and perform Utthita Parsvakonasana in another direction.
The more complex variants of playing Utthita Parsvakonasana are:
— an option with the formation of a carpal lock, when you stretch your upper arm behind the back, and the lower arm goes under the thigh:
— VARIANT WHEN THE HELPING hand is also extended forward and up following the 'upper' hand:
— providing good tonus of hips, knee joints, shins, feet
— getting rid of arthritis and sciatica
— improvement of intestinal motility
— getting rid of problems with defecation
— development of the chest muscles
— reduction of fat deposits in the pelvis and the whole body
— development of a sense of balance.
Attention! The performance of Utthita Parsvakonasana without the instructor’s aid is contraindicated at:
• acute diseases of internal organs
• severe knee and leg injuries
• if you have any neck injuries, it’s not recommended to lift your head up.