
It’s a little bit daunting to think about all of the people who make it possible to write a book, because like every other part of the human experience, it’s only possible in community. I am humbled and grateful to be one of this amazing species, despite all mistakes we make trying to live and and learn about this wondrous world. Nevertheless, there are certain individuals whose presence and influence helped wrest these ideas from my brain and put them to page for others to share.

Robin Ward, my unflappable life partner, whose faith in my capabilities and potential have never wavered.

Heather Greene, my editor, who has the gift to recognize the really good stuff in the first draft that I wrote and help to bring out its shine.

The many people who took the time to talk to about their own expertise and experience: Anthony Rella, Barbara Rachel, Courtney Weber, Ivo Dominguez, Jr., Joshua Tenpenny, Kelden Mercury, Kirk White, Nimue Brown, Orion Foxwood, Raven Kaldera, Sarah W., and Siobhan Johnson all gave generously of their time and attention with no reward promised. Without them, this book would have been flat and without life.

Perhaps most important, I give thanks to the many people whose stories are not included, either because they were unwilling to share such personal information, or because they later got cold feet and withdrew consent to use the material. Your struggles are the reasons this book needed to be written.