Chapter Eighteen
Joe looked through the spyhole in the front door. “I think that’s the car just pulling up. Control said they wouldn’t be long.”
“Off we go to the studio, me and Joe,” Alejandro sang, popping his admiral’s cap rakishly atop his hair. “Then shall we go for something to eat? I fancy something spicy!”
“Shall we go into town? How about Thai, is that spicy enough?” Joe reached for his phone. He’d heard a text arrive. But there was nothing on his screen. “Is that you?”
“Thai!” Alejandro smacked his lips. “You’ve worn me out, you naughty copper. I need heaps of food to build up my delicate feminine strength.” He took his phone from his pocket. “Oh, it’s Mel. She’s at the end of the road with one of your associates, Sergeant, and seeks an audience with the admiral. Do you mind if she comes up for a bit? I won’t ask her to dinner, don’t worry.”
“Yes, that’s fine, she can come in. And she can come to dinner too if she wants.” Joe wasn’t sure why Alejandro wouldn’t want her to dinner, unless he wanted it to be a romantic meal a deux. And Joe was still glowing from all the a deux they had enjoyed that afternoon. “I’ll give them a ring at the top of the road and say it’s okay to let her through.”
“You’re such a lovely, normal boyfriend!” Alejandro flung his arms around Joe and held him tight. Alejandro’s boyfriend. It had a much better ring than his generic CPO. “I’m still getting used to having someone who’s not a nut!”
The shade of Zak strikes again.
“I’m not here to control you, or tell you what to do, you know that. Unless I need to get you out of the way of a firework!” Joe kissed his cheek, then told the security team outside to let Mel through. There in the hallway, with just that brightly painted door keeping them from discovery, Alejandro treated Joe to a romantic Hollywood smooch. There was going to be a lot more a deux, Joe concluded happily.
Then Mel knocked on the door. “Coo-eee! I’ve been allowed through the barricade!”
Joe peered through the spyhole again. “Yup, it’s definitely her. I’ll let her in.”
Joe pulled back the locks and Mel stepped inside, then flung her arms around Alejandro’s neck. “I’m here!”
“Through the barricade, just like Jean Valjean!” He hugged her tight. “What brings you to our little corner of London, Lady Melanie?”
She grinned at him excitedly, but her gaze roamed to Joe and she giggled. Then she smiled at Alejandro. “Have I just… Did I interrupt?”
“We’re popping out to the studio,” Alejandro told her brightly. “Then for Thai, do you fancy it?”
“Wow, I’d love to go for a Thai, but…” Mel clapped her hands. “I’m going on a date later! Very hunky man, Alejo, you’ll be jealous.” She glanced at Joe.
“At least have a quick glass of something before you run away? Our swanky car can drop you anywhere you like.” Alejandro led them towards the kitchen. “Tell all about your hunky man, since you seem so intent on seeing saucy couples everywhere!”
“Oh! Sorry. So you two aren’t…?” Mel pointed back and forth between them.
Oh, fuck it.
“No, no, we’re not. I’m a married man!” Joe said, hoping he sounded convincing.
“Although you’ll be pleased to know that I’ve jettisoned Zak off into outer space!” Alejandro took a bottle of wine from the fridge. “Joe has to put up with me, it’s his job. Do you really think I’d be his type? He’s nice, for starters!”
“Joe is very nice! Well, I thought hunky guys were your thing, Alejo!”
“Oh God, don’t tell Joe we’re giving off couple vibes!” Alejandro filled two glasses, just catching himself as he went to pour a third. “He’ll run a million miles if he hears that and I’ll have to find another copper willing to put up with me!”
“Maybe you’ve just spent so much time together stuck in this house that you’re like an old married couple, even if you’re not!” Mel laughed. “Sorry. I suppose Joe’s not your type, if he’s into ladies rather than chaps! Bit of a hurdle, there.” Apparently dismissing her suspicions, Mel went on, “Anyway, well done, babes, for drop-kicking Zak. He’s such a twat!”
Alejandro glanced towards Joe and he felt his heart skip, even if his face betrayed nothing but professional good humour. Then he looked back to Mel and said, “So. Why are you here instead of pampering yourself before you go for your hunky date night?”
“We’re going to a bar-kitchen place, you know, where everyone eats dirty burgers. So no need to pamper. And I’m wondering if you want a job?” Mel asked hopefully.
“Depends.” He took a sip of wine. “I might have to ask the Sarge if I can. What is it?”
“Me and my sister are going to have the most epic New Year’s Eve party of all time.” Mel took a slug of wine. “You know that amazing zombie face you did? I want a zombie party. Can you do it? I will pay. And you’re invited, too.”
Alejandro took another sip, pouting comically as he considered the offer. Then he asked, “What about my hunky bodyguard? Is he invited too?”
“Yes! You can’t travel anywhere without him, so of course he can come.” Mel took out her phone and tapped at the screen. “It’s going to be at the house in town… It’ll be the hottest New Year’s party in London.”
“What do you think, Osi—” Joe cleared his throat, stopping Alejandro just in time. “Sarge? Shall we go?”
“Yes, I don’t think there’ll be any problems with that,” Joe said. “And if there’s anyone else invited who has a CPO, they’ll all be told in good time, and we can ensure the house is secure. I can’t see any objections.”
“Vicky’s already said she’s coming, and I told her my zombie theme idea, and she loves it! Can you make her look horrible too, Alejo?” Mel bared her teeth and rolled her eyes back in her head before fortunately returning to normal. “We can turn my bedroom into a makeup studio if you like.”
“Oh my God, yes!” He clapped his hands. “And you’re not paying me, don’t even think that! Is there a specific theme for the zombies? Dawn of the Dead or Thriller? I’m so excited!”
“The theme’s basically zombies. Make us look awful and amazing! I know you can do it! And I will pay you, because it’s not fair if I don’t.”
“Make a donation to something instead?” He smiled at Joe again. The sort of smile that a girl like Mel couldn’t fail to miss. “Something for coppers like Joe, who throw themselves in front of danger without a second thought?”
“If you’d like. I don’t mind! Sergeant Joe, just give me the charity’s name, and the money’s theirs.”
“That’s very kind. Thank you.” Joe gave a small bow.
Alejandro opened the fridge again and peered inside, then took out a bottle of juice. He poured some into the spare glass and handed it to Joe.
“You can’t toast with an empty glass and I want to toast to a very, very happy new year with Fuckface and Zak in the past!” He raised his glass. “Chin chin!”
Joe and Mel raised their glasses too.
“Chin chin!” Mel echoed, and Joe laughed.
* * * *
Mel waved to them from the pavement once they’d dropped her off outside the bar-kitchen in Bloomsbury. Joe spotted a man inside who caught sight of Mel and instantly looked happy. He’d seen him before somewhere.
Then Joe remembered—he’d been in uniform at the Windsor Castle charity bash.
“Do you recognise him, Mr Fuente?” Joe asked as the car pulled away. Alejandro’s phone landed in Joe’s lap, the worryingly titled Alejo’s Fierce Mix showing on the screen.
“How could I not? I have an eye for sailors.” He tapped Joe’s shoulder. “Can you make the music happen, Sarge?”
“I can indeed.” Joe pressed a few buttons and Beyoncé filled the car again. The driver pursed his lips and accelerated.
One way to get there faster at least.
“Don’t tell me you don’t like Queen B?” Alejandro asked the driver, tapping his shoulder this time. “I can put something else on. It’s a mix anyway, I think it’s Ariana next. Maybe Sia? Everybody likes Sia!”
“I don’t know who that is, Mr Fuente. Sorry.” The driver shrugged. “I’m a Status Quo man, to tell the truth.”
“Well, we can do that!” He tapped Joe again. “Can you do that? It’s the least I can for keeping you waiting outside in the cold. Bit of Quo for the boys?”
Joe scrolled through Alejandro’s phone and was surprised to find Rockin’ All Over the World, which soon boomed out from the car’s speakers. Joe pressed his hand over his mouth, trying not to laugh, but the driver nodded in time to the music and seemed to be enjoying himself as they drove on to Camden.
They didn’t have far to go, and soon the driver told Alejandro, “Your studio’s just up ahead, Mr Fuente.”
But he had to mount the pavement to allow a fire engine to pass, blue lights soaking the streets as the siren drowned out the Quo. Joe watched where the fire engine was headed.
“Wonder what’s going on up there? That’s near the studio,” Joe remarked as the driver pulled back onto the road. Alejandro gave a murmur of agreement, drumming one hand on Joe’s shoulder in time to the un-Alejoesque playlist.
The driver followed in the wake of the fire engine. He turned a corner and the sky was lit up, orange with flame.
“I hope that’s not your—” But Joe never finished his sentence.
Because Alejandro’s studio was on fire.
“No!” Alejandro’s voice came out in a wail and Joe heard him pulling at the door handle, but the doors were locked as they always were in transit, only Joe’s unlocked to allow him to make his exit if he needed to. “Let me out of this fucking car! That’s my studio! Let me out!”
Joe blinked, trying to process what he was seeing. Was this Zak’s work or Baqil’s? His phone pinged at that moment.
Control came through.
Divert from Peanut’s studio. Fire on the premises.
Another fire engine arrived.
“We’ve got to go, Mr Fuente,” Joe told him “You’re not safe here.”
“That’s my studio!” He hammered helplessly on the window with his fist as the driver lurched the wheel round, and from nowhere, a siren sounded from their own car. Alejandro could shout all he wanted but as the car tore away from the scene of the fire, there was nothing else he could do. Yet still he shouted, exclaiming, “I want to go! Let me go!”
“Please calm down, Mr Fuente.” Joe wished he could get out of his seat and comfort Alejandro, and it lanced him with pain to know that he couldn’t, not in front of the driver. Instead he reached back between the seats, holding his hand out to Alejandro. “Hold my hand, Mr Fuente. Please.”
Alejandro’s fingers caught Joe’s hand and clutched onto him tightly. His shouts had dissolved into pitiful sobs, and as London sped past in a whirl of lights and noise, the siren cutting through the night, all Joe could do was hold onto his lover’s hand.
Another message arrived from Control to say that the house was secure for Alejandro’s return.
“Take us back to Highgate,” Joe told the driver.
He hated seeing Alejandro in so much distress, but at least once they got home, he could comfort him. Something bothered him. There had been a car parked near the studio. A black car. Baqil’s Mondeo?
The car screeched to a halt outside Alejandro’s home, safe in that ring of steel. Joe jumped out before it had stopped moving and escorted the sobbing Alejandro from his seat. Even knowing there were officers all over the road he kept his eyes open, hearing mobiles ringing and excited chatter from the vastly depleted press corps.
This was something big.
He bundled Alejandro up the steps and through the door, shutting out the world behind them.
As soon as he’d shut the door, Joe brought Alejandro into his arms, holding him more tightly than he ever had before. He didn’t say ‘calm down’, or ‘it’s okay’. He just held him, rocking Alejandro gently from side to side as he wept. Alejandro sank against him like a child awakened from a nightmare, his tears soaking through Joe’s shirt to his skin. He had no words, only those wracking, helpless sobs that shook his whole body.
All that work, all that creativity. Gone. Such a needless waste. There was nothing Joe could say to fix it.
He kissed Alejandro’s cheek and whispered, “Do you want to sit down in the lounge? I’ll ring Holloway and see if I can find out what’s going on.”
“Stay with me?” he asked, clinging to Joe. “Please?”
“Of course I will,” Joe replied. “I love you, Alejo.”
“You don’t have to say that,” Alejandro sobbed. “Honestly.”
Joe’s heart thudded in his chest. “I do need to. Because it’s true, darling.”
“I love you too.” Alejandro lifted his head, his large eyes bloodshot and filled with tears. “I really do.”
Joe wiped Alejandro’s tears away with the pads of his thumbs. Despite everything, Joe was smiling. He loves me.
“I’m so sorry. Your studio.” Joe rested his forehead against Alejandro’s. “I’m so sorry, darling.”
“I love you,” Alejandro laughed through his tears. “Whatever Fuckface does, he can’t ever change that. We win, Joe. Me and you.”
“We do, yes, we do.” Joe kissed Alejandro’s tear-streaked cheeks, then brushed his lips gently over Alejandro’s. There was a heated desperation in Alejandro’s kiss, his fingers gripping Joe’s shirt tight.
He was fierce. Always.