Official Medical Record

September 2, 2008

Swedish Edmonds Birth and Family Clinic

21911 76th Ave. W., Suite 110, Edmonds, WA 98026

Andrew K Smith

Male DOB: 06/06/1990

Patient Profile: 18 Year Male

Height: 66.75 inches

Weight: 134 pounds

Pulse rate: 78/minute

Resp: 16 per minute

BP sitting: 122/72 (right arm)

History of Present Illness:

Here to follow-up ADD. Took medication through summer—had job at golf club. Started senior year this morning. Thinks medication still good dose, focus is good. Side effects not problematic, sleep okay . . . Will apply to Washington State University and other colleges. SAT’s done, will take one more time. Will continue to work around 25 hours during school year. Still seeing counselor.

Impressions and Recommendations:

Review ADD treatment options, importance of organizational skills, refill policy . . . Next follow-up, six months.