Original painting by Kaku-an Shu-en; this rendition by Tokuriki Tomikichiro, 1902--1999.
Esther Vervloed.
Cover of The Spirit of the Game, by Rob Smyth, published by Elliot & Thompson, 5 June 2010.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com, Stonehenge, United Kingdom.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Images provided by http://PresenterMedia.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com, Michoacan, Mexico.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Dirk Hansen, https://www.flickr.com/photos/dirkhansen/3235465927/, 24 January 2009.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
NASA, S116-E-05983, https://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/images/shuttle/sts-116/html/s116e05983.html, 12 December 2006.
Alistair Cockburn. Communicating, Cooperating Teams. In Agile Software Development. Boston: Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., 2006, pp. 90--100.
Thomas J. Allen. Managing the Flow of Technology. Boston: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1977.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
The Scrum Patterns Group (Lachlan Heasman). Neil Harrison’s kitchen, Utah, USA, 17 October 2014.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Henry Ford Hitting Soybean Plastic Trunk with an Axe, Image from the Collections of The Henry Ford. Gift of Ford Motor Company, 02 November 1940, image-id: P.188.28273, https://www.thehenryford.org/collections-and-research/digital-collections/artifact/220805#slide=gs-223214.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Masatoshi Okauchi/Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com, Motor Corporation president Akio Toyoda with the new Toyota GR sports car, Tokyo, Japan, 19 September 2017.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Two Mules Learn Cooperation Donkeys Postcard (Los Angeles, CA, August 1941).
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
U.S. Department of Defense, Joel Rogers, ID: 636681-E-PBD16-814, https://dod.defense.gov/Photos/Photo-Gallery/igphoto/2001084205/. Milan, Italy, 2003.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Gerard Mak/Pixabay, https://pixabay.com/photos/migration-bird-clouds-2792834/, Arcen, Netherlands, November 2011.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
The Scrum Patterns Group (Mark den Hollander). Created with Blender 2.79, Blender.org, https://www.blender.org, October 2017.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Sir Edmund Hillary, 1953.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
The Scrum Patterns Group (James Coplien). Scrum class Oyatsu Jinja, Tokyo, Japan, 30 Oct. 2013.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Giuseppe Maria Crespi, Sacramento della confessione ovvero la regina di Boemia si confessa da S. Giovanni Nepomuceno, Pinacoteca, Torino, 1742.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Image Provided by http://PresenterMedia.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Gerald Weinberg. Quality Software Management: Volume 1, Systems Thinking: New York: Dorset House, 1992, p. 284.
Figure from Liker, The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World’s Greatest Manufacturer, 2004, Chapter 8, Figure 8-4.
Scrum Patterns Group (Esther Vervloed). Steensel, Netherlands, May 2018.
Hirotaka Takeuchi et al. Extreme Toyota. Wiley, May 2011.
Pixabay, https://pixabay.com/en/flowers-growing-winter-grow-plant-1911205/, 6 February 2016.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Richard Heeks, https://www.flickr.com/photos/11164709@N06/3673992165, 30 June 2009.
Photograph by Walker Lewis, 1944, Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, FSA/OWI Collection, LC-USW3-055963-D.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
The Scrum Patterns Group (Lachlan Heasman). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 7 July 2011.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, photo 090605-F-1234P-021, http://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Upcoming/Photos.aspx?igphoto=2000558698. Near Hanoi, North Vietnam, 12 August 1967.
NAVAIR 01-F14AAp-1B, NATOPS Pocket Checklist, F-14B Aircraft, U.S. Army, 1 August 2001, p. 26.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com, Cows grazing on open land in Gower, United Kingdom.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Greg Neate, http://www.flickr.com/photos/neate_photos/3522905573/in/album-72157617918428883, https://www.flickr.com/photos/neate_photos/3522905573/in/album-72157617918428883. Prince Regent Swimming Pool, Brighton, United Kingdom, 9 May 2009.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Members of the Women’s Royal Naval Service sampling the Christmas pudding at Greenock in Scotland, 19 December 1942, Imperial War Museum (A 13392).
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Image from: M.C. Escher’s “Hand with Reflecting Sphere.ˮ The M.C. Escher Company—The Netherlands, All rights reserved. http://www.mcescher.com, 1935.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
NASA, GPN-2000-001705, https://archive.org/details/GPN-2000-001705. Washington D.C., USA, 1 January 1921.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
r.nagy/Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com, Barcelona, Spain.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
NASA, ID: 9260665, https://images.nasa.gov/details-9260665.html, 25 May 1961.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Damian Dovarganes, AP -- Associated Press/Scanpix. Topanga Caynon Road, California, USA, 10 January 2005.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Interface quality as a function of the number of design iterations: Measured usability will normally go up for each additional iteration, until the design potentially reaches a point where it plateaus, Jakob Nielsen. Iterative User Interface Design. In IEEE Computer 26(11), 1993, pp. 32--41, https://www.nngroup.com/articles/iterative-design/.
David J. Singer, Norbert Doerry, and Michael E. Buckley. What is set-based design? In Naval Engineers Journal 121(4), 2009, pp. 31--43, Intentional phases of convergence and divergence.
Esther Vervloed.
Allen Ward, Jeffrey K. Liker, John J. Cristiano, and Durward K. Sobek, II. The Second Toyota Paradox: How Delaying Decisions can Make Better Cars Faster. In Sloan Management Review 36(3), January 1, 1995, p. 43, Converging interdependent components over time.
David N. Ford and Durward K. Sobeck, II. Adapting Real Options to New Product Development by Modeling the Second Toyota Paradox. In David N. Ford, and Durward K. Sobek, II, eds., IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 52(2), May 2005, pp. 175--185, Expected quality of point-based and set-based development projects.
David N. Ford and Durward K. Sobeck, II. Adapting Real Options to New Product Development by Modeling the Second Toyota Paradox. In David N. Ford, and Durward K. Sobek, II, eds., IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 52(2), May 2005, pp. 175--185, Expected values of flexibility in set-based development relative to point-based development.
U.S. Navy photo by Erik Hildebrandt, 170728-N-UZ648-093, https://www.navy.mil/view_image.asp?id=242661. Atlantic Ocean, 28 July 2017.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
The Scrum Patterns Group (Mark den Hollander).
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Image Provided by http://PresenterMedia.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Photo credit: Todd Herman Associates, 2016, https://www.toddherman.com/improve-business/client-roadmap. Reconstructed by Mark den Hollander and Esther Vervloed (April 2019).
Esther Vervloed.
Morzaszum/Pixabay, https://pixabay.com/photos/spot-runs-start-la-stadion-862274/, 29 July 2015.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Cicero Castro/Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com, Group of folklore of Madeira island perfoming at â24 horas a bailarâ festival in Santana city, Madeira Island, Portugal, July 2017.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Sgt. Neil Bryden, Royal Air Force, https://www.flickr.com/photos/14214150@N02/16669707664. Nepal, 27 April 2015.
Esther Vervloed.
An Esther Vervloed rendering of a slide from Mike Cohn.
Scrum Patterns Group (James O. Coplien), Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, Sendagaya, Tokyo, Japan, 24 March 2018.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed; original from Mike Cohn.
Amateur007/Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com, Orienteering race. Traditional annual orienteering game Partisan Spark Cup 2018, Yuzhnoukrainsk, Ukraine, 26 May 2018.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Photo by JTV, Jackson, Michigan, USA. The event was the American 1 Supermarket Sweep, benefiting the Food Bank of South Central Michigan. https://jtv.tv/supermarket-sweep/, 7 April 2014.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed; original from Geir Amsjø.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed; original from Geir Amsjø.
Tomatin Distillery Co., Ltd.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
The Scrum Patterns Group (Kiro Harada). VAL Research, Kōenji, Japan, May 2018.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
The Scrum Patterns Group (Cesário Ramos). Netherlands, 2008 (reconstructed by Mark den Hollander, April 2019).
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
The Scrum Patterns Group (Mark den Hollander). Gerbeaud Kávéház, Budapest, Hungary, 25 July 2017.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Planning Poker® Cards, Mountain Goat Software.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Image Provided by http://PresenterMedia.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Adhesive Pads for Footwear (2008), United States Patent and Trademark Office, http://patft.uspto.gov/. Many thanks to Richard Beem, patent attorney.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Rawpixel Ltd., https://www.rawpixel.com/image/8657/hands-holding-bangkok-thailand-travel-guide-book-map-floor.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Image Provided by http://PresenterMedia.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Image Provided by http://PresenterMedia.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Wei Huang/Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com, Display windows of Harrods, an upmarket department store, London, United Kingdom, 19 October 2016.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Engin Akyurt, https://pixabay.com/en/shift-gear-knob-vehicle-parts-1838138/, 1 March 2008.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
From Hirotaka Takeuchi, et al. Extreme Toyota: Radical Contradictions That Drive Success at the World’s Best Manufacturer. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley, 2008, pp. 84--85.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Image Provided by http://PresenterMedia.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Gaie Uchel / Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com, Japan athlete’s in action during 38th Asian Track Championships 2018 at National Velodrome in Nilai, Malaysia, 16 February 2018.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Scrum Patterns Group (James O. Coplien), Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology, Nagoya, Japan, 27 October 2015.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Pixabay, https://pixabay.com/en/labour-day-tools-work-1393864/, 13 May 2016.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
The Scrum Patterns Group (Ville Reijonen). Dirty dishes in Ville Reijonen’s kitchen, Helsinki, Finland, 2012.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
U.S. Air Force, Airman 1st Class Samuel Taylor, 120625-F-MN676-097, https://www.dover.af.mil/News/Photos/igphoto/2000139408/. Dover, United Kingdom, 22 June 2012.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
winterbee/Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 18 July 2011.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Image Provided by http://PresenterMedia.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
The Scrum Patterns Group (James O. Coplien). Rungsted Kyst, Denmark, 1 April 2019.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Heinz Hummel, Pixabay.com, https://pixabay.com/en/climb-free-climbing-sun-rock-2296308/.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Jeff Schuler, https://www.flickr.com/photos/88127747@N00/1353039387. Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 9 September 2007.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Image Provided by http://PresenterMedia.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
U.S. Air Force, Tech. Sgt. Rey Ramon, ID: 090307-F-5435R-131, http://www.kadena.af.mil/News/Photos/igphoto/2000611358/. The Rotary Plaza, Okinawa, Japan, 7 March 2009.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
John Hayes.
John Hayes.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
The Scrum Guide: An interview with Jeff Sutherland. StickyMinds.com, https://www.stickyminds.com/interview/scrum-guide-interview-jeff-sutherland, 21 October 2014 (accessed 2 November 2017).
Pixabay, Alexander Lesnitsky, https://pixabay.com/en/planet-earth-cosmos-continents-1457453, 15 June 2016.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.
Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com.
Esther Vervloed.
Esther Vervloed.