analyze (AN-uh-lize)—to study something closely and carefully to learn its nature

ancestry (AN-sess-tree)—a person’s ancestors, or the people who were in their family in past times

atmosphere (AT-muhss-feer)—the mass of gases that surrounds a planet or star

cosmic (KOZ-mik)—of or relating to the universe, outer space, or very large or important things

deny (di-NYE)—to say that something is not true, or to refuse something or someone

drastic (DRASS-tik)—severe, serious, or extreme

drone (DROHN)—an unmanned aircraft, ship, or device

harvest (HARR-visst)—gather

perish (PARE-ish)—to die or end

sentimental (senn-tuh-MEN-tuhl)—appealing to the emotions, especially in an excessive way