On Wednesday morning, Ansley received her first major assignment for the July issue. They had just started working on the March issue, so she was surprised that Jason wanted to talk to her so far in advance about work for July. Since starting her job with Grind House, she had been writing fluff pieces that no one else wanted to cover. Ansley did not mind because it was an opportunity to display her talent and build publishing credit. Her efforts had paid off and now she had this new piece to write.

It was great being back in a deadline driven environment. Jason was expecting her, so she waved to the receptionist in passing as she made her way to his office.

Ansley tapped on the open door.

“C’mon in,” Jason whispered as he gestured for her to enter. “I’ll be wrapping up this call shortly.”

She sat down in one of the plush, visitor chairs, and her eyes traveled around his office. She hadn’t realized how many awards had been won by Grind House. It felt great to be a part of a company with accolades.

Jason ended his call. “How are things going with you?”

Ansley smiled. “Great actually! I really like it here.”

“Glad to hear it,” he responded. “I must say the pieces you submitted are interesting. I can see one out of the three you submitted being featured in our upcoming issue. The other two need more development, but the one you wrote on women’s health would be an excellent contribution. Can you have it ready for the March issue?”

“Absolutely,” she responded. “I’m really passionate about women’s health topics and this article is going to blow you away. I will need to check out a camera to take a few editorial shots. I hope that you will allow me to cover more healthy-living topics in future issues if this one appeals to the readers.” Ansley paused, and said, “Jason, you also mentioned an assignment for the July issue?”

He gave a slight nod. “Ah yes… the July issue. I recall you writing some amazing pieces on the Essence Festival last year for New Breed. Are you interested in taking on New Orleans again?”

Ansley thought she might faint. Not only had he shown interest in one of her submissions, but also he trusted her to cover one of the major events of the year. Her mind was racing with questions she would ask and who she wanted to interview. She could not wait to get to work.

“Ansley… is that a yes or a no?” he joked. “I’m sure some of the other writers would love to take your place—that is if you’re too busy.”

“Oh, no… I’m sorry—I mean, yes I’m free to cover the event. Thank you for the offer and I’ll do my best to make the publication proud,” she said sitting up taller in the chair.

“I’m sure you will. We need you to cover several events around the city, as well as get some backstage interviews for our live video stream. Use your contacts to go ahead and get everything booked. No harm in getting a jump on the other media.”

“Thank you again for the opportunity and I’ll get right on it,” she said, no longer able to contain her excitement.

“I’m glad to see that you’re so eager because you have a deadline to meet,” he said.

“Yes, I do.” Ansley rose to her feet.

“I look forward to reading your work.”

Her smile was radiating through her entire being—she had a glow. Life for Ansley was looking up. She only wished that she could share her happiness with Davis or even Simeon for that matter. Ansley wanted to wait until Davis returned to talk to him about Simeon. He was still in Chicago, so Ansley used this time apart to try and figure out how to have that conversation.

It dawned on her that she was not even sure if his name was actually Davis or if it was Monty. If they were going to manage to become something, Ansley had to address several areas of concern with him. For all she knew, Simeon could be lying and nothing even happened. She was not sure what to believe, but soon she would have all the answers she needed whether she was ready or not.