Davis released a sigh of relief. He was getting closer to having his debt to Beau paid off, and then he could just focus on Ansley. Focus on being a better man altogether. That’s all he wanted was to be a better person. He hated using her. Davis could not deny that he was catching genuine feelings for her, and if he lived a straight life, maybe they could have something real.


He took the bus across town trying to find a nearby check-cashing store. He never went to the same one twice; he didn’t want to leave any trails. He walked inside and was elated to see that there was no line. Typically, when he came on paydays, the line was almost out the front door.

He walked to the counter, provided his identification and the check he had stolen from Ansley. The clerk, slid the glass away so that she could take the check and ID and began processing the transaction.

While waiting, he walked over to the bulletin board and pulled a few of the job announcements. If he really wanted to be an honest man, he knew he had to earn an honest living. Today was his beginning, and once he got this cash in hand, he planned to live free of the drama.

He glanced back toward the counter, wondering why it was taking so long for her to process his request.

The cashier was gone.

Davis walked over and peered through the glass. He did not see the check or his identification.

This was not a good sign.

He made a hasty exit.

Davis walked down to the next block where he climbed on the first bus that stopped. He looked back in time to see a police car pull in front of the check cashing shop. He did not relax until the bus pulled away and merged into traffic.

He was glad that he had used a fake ID, he removed the Bulls hat that he had on and tucked in under his shirt and jeans upon leaving the store. Davis cursed as he realized he hadn’t even scoped that place to see how many cameras were in the store before doing any business. Now, he had to try to get another check. Davis checked his watch.

It was still early. He considered going back to the condominium, but with everything that had just transpired it might be better to wait until tomorrow. He needed some time to figure out if today’s events were associated with his fake ID or had Ansley realized her checks were missing?