Ansley spoke to the doorman who informed her that he thought Davis had moved in because he had a key. In reviewing the surveillance footage from the parking garage, she saw there were a few times that Davis walked in right behind other tenants and made his way up to her place. She still couldn’t figure out how he managed to get a set of keys made without her knowledge, but then as she thought it over if he were able to get in her bag to get her checkbook then why not her keys?

After speaking with the detectives, she promised to come down to the station after she verified the total amount of money Davis had taken. Ansley tossed on a teal maxi dress and headed to the bank.

In reviewing her checking account, with the banker, Ansley learned that the other check Davis had written was also for five hundred dollars. Had she not been home to discover Davis’ devious plan, he would’ve gotten away with one thousand. After spending hours at the bank, they assured Ansley that they would do their best to get all of the money returned.

She had just gotten back from speaking with the bank, when she saw detectives, Benson and Bower, standing right in front of the parking garage entrance. She pulled into a space and got out of the car. Ansley peered over her sunglasses at them, she felt a headache coming on. Exhaling, she stepped out of her truck and walked over to them. Her steps felt long and weary, her legs unstable and baby fawn-like, she didn’t feel able to do this.

Ansley always thought she had a discerning spirit, Davis had proven her wrong today. Davis was who she thought he was after Simeon told her that he was lying about his name. But she chose to follow her heart, it was clear to her now that she was clinging to something that was never there. It was just infatuation, and she was the silly fool who let him juggle with her emotions.

“Ms. Wright, thanks for calling us. Did everything check out with Davis? Get it? Cause he took some checks from you.” Benson bent over laughing at his own corny joke.

Ansley clicked her teeth. I’m not here for this foolishness today.

“Excuse my partner. Can you tell us what happened?” Benson asked.

“I was home today, which is different from my normal routine. I seldom work from home. Anyway, I was in my bedroom when I heard someone enter and so I—.”

“Whoa, hold up there,” Detective Benson requested. “You mean to tell me you heard someone enter your home and didn’t call the police ASAP?”

Ansley cut him a dirty look. “As I was saying, I reached over to call the police, but realized my phone was on my dresser, which is by the door leading to the living room. Once I got up to grab the phone, I looked around the corner and saw Davis. At first glance, I felt relieved but then I remembered that I have never given him a key to my home. He must have made one. Anyway, he was there because he had taken my checkbook and placed it behind a frame on my mantel. He had written out and cashed one check for five hundred, and was preparing another for the same amount today. Only today I was home and he was unable to cash that check.”

Detective Benson took a glance over at Detective Bower. “What happened after you confronted him?”

“I didn’t,” Ansley said looking away. She knew Spanky was judging her. “After he left, I called my bank and then went down there to complete some paperwork. They’re going to assist in recouping the stolen money.”

“Do you know where he might be now?” Detective Bower asked.

“I have no clue, but I’m sure he’ll be snooping around here. I haven’t heard from him yet.”

Detective Benson nodded. “If he reaches out to you, act normal as if nothing has changed. If you can get him to meet you somewhere, we can be there and we can have someone surveillance your home if you like.”

Ansley shook her head before taking out a pen and paper. Her head was spinning and she just wanted this to be over with. “I can’t do that. Here you go. This is his phone number. I’m sorry. I’m willing to point him out of a line up, or identify him in court, but that’s all I’m mentally prepared to do right now. I don’t want to speak to him. I don’t want him in my home and I don’t want to be alone with him anywhere, ever again,” she spat.

Her hands began to shake. She hated that she allowed this to happen. Had she broken things off from the jump, none of this would have happened. He would be ruining some other woman’s day.

“I understand that you’re overwhelmed, we’ll be in touch Ms. Wright,” Detective Benson said.

She walked through the building entrance from the parking garage, and got onto an awaiting elevator. Hurt and anger escalated inside of her. Ansley could not believe how naïve she had been. One thing for sure, her eyes were wide open now.