Davis arrived at the club in search of Beau. He had called in advance to inform his cousin that he was coming. Beau’s discontent was apparent when Davis filled him in over the phone. When Beau told Davis to meet him back at Magic City, his tone was ominous, which left Davis feeling anxious.

From his eavesdropping, he overheard the woman instructing Johnny to go through the back door and figured that’s where Beau would be posted up. When Davis arrived, he walked over to one of the bouncers and spoke before going inside.

Davis strolled in, and looked around. The lunch shift was a complete contrast to the way the club partied at night. The strip club during the day just didn’t have that same effect on him. There was only one dancer floating around the poles, the club wasn’t dark, and the flashing lights weren’t as enticing. Overall the energy during the day was more low-key, but Davis felt that today it was eerily dead.

Upon further review, Davis noticed that outside of the dancers and staff, he was the only one there. The thought made him feel antsy.

He took out his phone to call his cousin.

Davis let the phone ring several times before hanging up. Something in his gut told him to get out of there.

He turned to leave and was just about to exit when he ran into Beau coming through the door.

Davis jumped back, almost dropping his phone. “Man, I was just calling you. What’s up?”

Davis was caught off guard when he looked up to see Detectives Benson and Bower walking in behind Beau, whose mouth was set in a deep frown. Detective Benson started to smile while looking around at the place. “Wow… so this is the famous Magic City, huh? I must say it’s not too shabby for a strip joint. Is the food pretty good here?”

Davis looked at his cousin and back toward the detectives.


Detective Benson continued, “Since no one wants to make small talk, I guess we can just get to the point of our visit. First, there should be introductions, Beau Cannon meet Davis Montclair. Are you still going with Montclair or has it changed since our last visit?”

The detectives had been hinting around since he first had this displeasure of meeting them that they knew his true identity, but he was getting tired of this guy. “Listen Detectives, you should be contacting my lawyer if you want to speak to me. I’ve tried to be civil, but I will not continue to be harassed.”

Detective Bower finally spoke, “Since we have the two of you together, perhaps you can fill us in on the details of your business transactions that took place in Chicago. Now that we’re all caught up on why we’re here, why don’t the two of you come down to the station? Y’all can catch up on the ride over. Have a little family reunion on us.”

Before Davis could respond, Detective Benson chimed in, “This is just great. Montgomery Davis and of course the infamous Beau Cannon…we’ve been looking forward to spending time with both of you. Y’all have been busy. We have so much to discuss.”

“There must be a misunderstanding. We have nothing we need to discuss with you.”

Detective Bower guffawed. “Montgomery Davis and Beau Cannon, you’re both under arrest for drug trafficking, and kidnapping.”

Davis held his hands palm out. “What? Y’all just making up stuff man. This is bogus.”As Detective Bower Mirandized them both, a uniformed officer came up behind them and placed handcuffs on their wrist.

On the way out to the waiting patrol car, Davis contemplated the charges placed against them. Johnny must have told them everything. Who knew if they would bring up even more of the dirt Beau had on his hands? Davis would be an accessory to crimes he didn’t even know were committed, he just knew they would associate him with everything that Beau was running in Atlanta.

Davis dared not look at his cousin.

“You know this changes everything, right? Beau uttered. “I told you to make sure my name wasn’t in the mix—I won’t be protecting you in jail. Matter fact, I’m done covering for you. Believe that.”

“I haven’t said jack, man. From what they just said, you the one been talking loose,” Davis said.

Beau’s neck snapped in Davis direction. He knew he was pressing, but Davis wasn’t about to let his cousin think that he had done him wrong.

“You know better. They setting it up to play us against each other.” Beau inhaled. “I swear, you bet not let me find out you snitching. You know what I do to snitches.”

Davis couldn’t hide his emotions this time. He was nervous. He was not sure who he feared the most, the detectives or Beau.