Ansley managed to enjoy her time in D.C. thanks to Ryan. She could have never imagined on the day that she got some of the worse news of her life, she would have a second chance to correct the worse decision of her life.

Once she landed back in Atlanta, she was surprised to see that Simeon sent her a text about a dinner party on Monday night—she even invited Lanae. Ansley was grateful for Simeon’s dinner invitation—it provided a much-needed distraction from thinking about everything the doctor told her.

Ansley walked into the doctor’s office at eight a.m., she was an emotional wreck. She tried to talk Ryan out of coming with her, but he was sitting in the lobby waiting for her.

“Due to the abnormal cells we found on your pap smear, I have ordered a colposcopy. We can do that here on site today.”

Ansley swallowed hard. “What is that? Is it painful?”

“The procedure will allow me to exam the vagina and cervix for abnormal cells using a lighted magnifying instrument called a colposcope.” Dr. Fadoju explained. “You will experience some discomfort, but most compare the pain to a menstrual cramp. This is an outpatient procedure that will take about ten minutes and no anesthetic will be used. So you would be able to drive yourself home.”

Ansley looked over at Ryan with trepidation. Ryan gave her an assuring look and squeezed her hand.

Dr. Fadoju stood from her desk. “If there are no further questions, shall we can go ahead and get started?”

Ansley nodded and rose from her seat.

“Do you want me to come back with you?” Ryan offered.

“No. You can wait for me in the waiting room. I’ll see you after.”

Ansley followed Dr. Fadoju down the hall to one of the testing rooms. Ruth, Dr. Fadoju’s nurse, was waiting to give her instructions.

“Okay sweetie. Please remove your clothes from the waist down including your undergarments. Once undressed I want you to lay back on the table and place your feet in the stirrups. There’s a sheet that you can use to cover yourself. Any questions?”

Ansley shook her head. As the nurse exited, she did as she was told and prepared for the test.

Dr. Fadoju reentered the room, and pulled her tray of instruments closer to Ansley. “I’m about to insert the speculum, you’ll feel a slight discomfort,” Dr. Fadoju informed her.

Ansley wished she were under anesthesia, she didn’t want to have to think and remember why she was here in the first place.

Hours later, she was still rubbing her lower abdomen. The discomfort she felt was stronger than what her menstrual cramps felt like. Then there was the shame of it all, it was all a lot to deal with in one day. Ryan had been supportive, he offered to drive her home but she didn’t want to inconvenience him any further. Of course he didn’t mind, but she told him that she would call him later and sent him home.

Now she sat in her car, parked outside of Simeon’s home, trying to muster up the strength to put on a brave face. This was one secret that she didn’t plan to share with her girlfriends.

Her phone began to vibrate.

Ansley glanced down to see Simeon’s face on the screen. She wiped away her tears and answered, “Hey lady. I just pulled up.”

She disconnected the call and looked up to see both of her friends standing in front of the house watching her, concern etched across their faces.

Ansley burst into tears. So much for trying to fake it.

Lanae was the first to speak once they got Ansley inside of the house. “Simeon and I are going to finish getting the food together, and when you’re ready, we are going to talk. No judgment, just love and understanding.”

Wiping her face with the back of her hands, Ansley walked across the room to the oversized recliner, and sat down.

Simeon went back to the kitchen to brew a pot of herbal tea. While Lanae fixed Ansley something to eat.

“Ansley, Simeon made that delicious gumbo you love. Here, why don’t you try to eat some?”

She sat up straight and took a few small bites of the soup because she knew her friends wouldn’t be satisfied until she put something in her stomach. Ansley took a sip of the tea and cleared her throat. “Thank you both for doing this.”

Lanae lowered herself on the arm of the chair where Ansley was sitting. “I’m not sure what had you crying in the car, but we want you to know that we’re here for you.”

“I know that,” Ansley stated. “I just wished I’d listened to Simeon and stayed as far away from Davis as I could.”

“I’m confused. Did he do something else? I thought he’d finally left you alone,” Simeon questioned.

“He left me alone, but not without leaving a parting gift,” Ansley responded. “I have herpes.” She glanced over at Simeon. “If you haven’t done so, I urge you to get checked.”

“I don’t understand. Why are you just now finding out? Have you had symptoms?”

Ansley hugged herself. “Not that I was aware of, but you know most people have the disease and aren’t aware that they have it. But I don’t think that was the case for Davis, when I heard from his ex, Bree, she mentioned in her post on the site Don’t Date Him Girl that he gave her a STD. I got tested after reading her post, but I was told that I was negative. So imagine my surprise when I went for a routine check and heard otherwise.”

Lanae spread her hands, the words not forming right away. “What are you going to do now? Is there anything we can do?”

Ansley lifted her chin. “You can both pray for me. Because I’m going to need it once I have him served. I’m going to sue his trifling behind.”