What wonders abound, dear boy, don’t fear
These shimmering pages, never clear.
Choose your year, the Wisden name,
Find the page, your destined game,
Then find yourself a quiet place
Where shadows lurk, to hide your trace.
Whisper clear date, place or score
While staring, smitten; then before
(You hope) the close of play,
Be careful now, you’ve found the way.
So hide your home, your age, your soul
To roam this place and seek your goal.
Be aware that time moves on—
Your time, this time; none short, or long.
So say aloud two lines from here
Just loud enough for you to hear.
From a quiet spot, alone, unknown,
Back through time, now come—alone.
And never speak and never boast,
And never taunt, nor ever toast
This knowledge from your time you bring.
To woo the rest, their praises sing:
They wonder, and your star shines bright…
Just this once, this one short night?
But every word that boasts ahead
Means lives unhinged, broken, dead.
Don’t meddle, talk, nor interfere
With the lives of those you venture near.
Respect this gift. Stay calm, stay clever.
And let the years live on forever.