“And thou, thy Emblem, waving over all!
Delicate beauty! a word to thee, (it may be salutary;)
Remember, thou hast not always been, as here today, so comfortably ensovereign’d;
In other scenes than these have I observ’d thee, flag;
Not quite so trim and whole, and freshly blooming, in folds of stainless silk;
But I have seen thee, bunting, to tatters torn, upon thy splinter’d staff.
Or clutch’d to some young color-bearer’s breast, with desperate hands,
Savagely struggled for, for life or death – fought over long,
‘Mid cannon’s thunder-crash, and many a curse, and groan and yell and rifle-volleys cracking sharp,
And moving masses, as wild demons surging – and lives as nothing risk’d,
For thy mere remnant, grimed with dirt and smoke, and sopp’d in blood;
For sake of that, my beauty – and that thou might’st dally, as now, secure up there,
Many a good man have I seen go under.”
Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, September 7, 1871
Kurt Cobain, Diaries, 2002