Dear Reader,
Another few months have flown by and, although we’ve been blessed with a wonderful summer here in England, I have been deeply immersed in the winter and spring of 1944/45 which was cold and wet. I did get time to sit in my garden and enjoy the sunshine, but the Reilly family and all at Beach View kept bringing me back to my desk.
Overshadowing the roller coaster of Ron and Rosie’s wedding plans are the overseas events in January and February 1945 in which we find our POWs and our servicemen facing severe challenges in order to survive. Victory in Europe is at hand, but Jim is still fighting the Japanese in Burma and, with the harsh winter hindering the POWs on their death march across Germany, nothing is guaranteed.
Peggy has her own trials to deal with – not least the worry over her scattered family and the continued V-2 attacks. Although there are challenges ahead for her too, her indomitable spirit keeps her going even through the darkest days when tragedy strikes at Beach View and it seems she might lose someone very close to her heart.
I’ve had many lovely letters and emails from fans telling me how much they love the Reilly family, and how good it feels to be back in the love and warmth of Peggy’s kitchen. I feel the same, for they are my family too, and I shall miss them when the series ends. But there are two books still to come, so it’s not over quite yet.
I do appreciate the lovely emails and encouraging messages on Facebook, and I feel very blessed to have made so many friends through social media. Writing can be a solitary occupation, and it’s a great boost to know that all the effort and hours of writing and research is being cheered on by so many well-wishers.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and that the New Year of 2019 will bring health and happiness to each of you. With all best wishes,