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About the Authors

Mike Wooldridge is a writer and web developer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has authored more than 30 books for the Visual series. For more information about him and his books, visit www.wooldridge.net.

Brianna Stuart is a writer, editor, and busy mom based in the Seattle area. She is also the author of Teach Yourself VISUALLY Photoshop CS6, Teach Yourself VISUALLY Photoshop Elements 11, and Creating Web Pages Simplified, 2nd Edition.

Authors’ Acknowledgments

Mike and Brianna thank Sarah Hellert, Scott Tullis, Dennis Cohen, Carol Kessel, and everyone else at Wiley for their help with this book. Mike dedicates this book to his wife, who provided many of the photos in the examples, and his son, who continues to impress with his technological talents. Brianna dedicates this book to her husband, who doesn’t mind too much when his camera gear gets borrowed, and to her three-year-old twins, whose energy she really needs to figure out how to bottle.

How to Use This Book

Who This Book Is For

This book is for the reader who has never used this particular technology or software application. It is also for readers who want to expand their knowledge.

The Conventions in This Book

001 Steps

This book uses a step-by-step format to guide you easily through each task. Numbered steps are actions you must do; bulleted steps clarify a point, step, or optional feature; and indented steps give you the result.

002 Notes

Notes give additional information — special conditions that may occur during an operation, a situation that you want to avoid, or a cross-reference to a related area of the book.

003 Icons and Buttons

Icons and buttons show you exactly what you need to click to perform a step.

004 Tips

Tips offer additional information, including warnings and shortcuts.

005 Bold

Bold type shows command names or options that you must click or text or numbers you must type.

006 Italics

Italic type introduces and defines a new term.
