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Special alone time, and time together? I love the sound of that. Thinking about having all three guys in my bed at the same time makes my knickers wet. Fuck yes, I want that. Karl’s been unusually quiet though.
“Karl? Are you... do you not want... talk to us, please?” Tears are threatening to spill over. Karl doesn't want us, doesn't want to share me? Share them? Anxiety rises in my chest and I feel like I can't breathe.
“Ever... come here,” he says.
Will he break my heart if I go over there? I’m standing near the window now, the evening breeze helping my nerves. He’ll tell me he doesn’t want that, and my heart will break in two. I slowly walk back to the table and sit on Karl’s knee. Please don’t break me.
“I want that, want you. Them. All of it. But...” There is a sad look on his face. I look around the table; we've all finished eating so I ask the guys to give us a moment.
“Go pick a film, we’ll be in soon,” I tell them softly. I don't want them to think I’m rejecting them, but Karl and I need to talk. They each kiss me before leaving. Gar strokes Karl’s curls back from his face. Karl looks up into his brother’s face, vulnerability is his eyes.
“Whatever you decide, bro, we’ll support you.” They both leave. The sweet gesture makes my heart squeeze in my chest.
“Talk to me, K, I don't know what you're thinking and it's driving me crazy,” I beg. He inhales deeply.
“I'm a bit nervous about it. I know you've fallen in love with Gar and Le, but you're not there with me yet. What if you don't want me like you want them? What if I’m not good enough for you? You've been so hesitant with me, I’m worried...”
I stop his anxious babbling with a searing kiss. Fuck that. I want them all. I love them all. I'm not ready to say I love you to Karl yet, but I’m well on my way.
“K, I have love for you, and it's growing. You all mean the world to me.” I wiggle a bit in his lap. A gasp leaves his mouth, his length hardening beneath my arse. “We’ll work it out, Karl. And I want all three of you, very much.” To bolster my words, I kiss him until we're both gasping for air.
“COMMUNICATION,” LEYLAND announces as we enter the front room. Karl and I spent some time kissing and holding each other as I tried to reassure him with my body I want him too. “That's how this will work. If there’s a problem, we communicate. If someone wants to spend alone time with Ever, we communicate. If we don't, I fear problems will arise,” he tells us all logically.
Damn, he's so right. I look around at my guys; they’re all nodding.
“Absolutely. If one of you or all of you want something or need something, tell me. Remember, I’m just one woman. I may be Queen of the Sea," whatever the fuck that means, "but that doesn’t mean I know what the fuck I’m doing. I don't. I’m winging it.” I know they understand, but I need to make a point of telling them I'm swimming in the dark right now. I could plunge off the edge of the world at any second. "Can we talk about you guys now, please? I know Gar moves things with his mind." I send him a wink. Oh what he can do with those powers of his. "But what can the rest of you do?" Are they all telekinetic? Am I dating the X-men?
"I'm a Cupid. I sense loneliness inside people. I use a filing system in my mind to set them up with potential love matches," Leyland says first.
Huh that sounds so freaking cool. "How's that work? Do you hit them with a love arrow? Are you Bulls-eye?" I giggle at my own joke. I'm such a geek.
"Kind of. If and when I find suitable matches who are unattached, I touch the lonely person's heart. I open them to the possibility of love. It also tags them so fate can find them. She then makes it so the lonely person and the mark will meet," Leyland patiently explains. Hmm, interesting.
"After that, then what happens? Does fate bring them together?" I ask eagerly, leaning forward in my seat. He sat on the floor in front of me. Karl and Garrot are on either side of me on the sofa.
"No, I then shoot them with an appropriate arrow. And let nature and freewill take over."
He's drip feeding me information. Does he think I can't handle it all at the same time?
"Ok so... appropriate arrows? Like...?" He knows I've caught him out because he smiles and sits back using his hands to hold him up.
"It depends, darling. If it's just a physical attraction the two marks have for each other, then I hit them with desire. If it's a little deeper, I'll hit them with a like arrow. If it's deeper still, I’ll hit them with love at first sight. That's rare these days, but it does happen."
Oh my god, insta love? Did he hit any of us with that? Or desire? Mother f... He must be reading my thoughts.
"No. I didn't hit any of us with an arrow. I can't do that. Because I'm intertwined with each of you, I couldn’t and still can’t see the connection we each share. When I first met you, Ever, your hand touched the spot over my heart, and I felt something. At the time I didn't know what it was but now I realize it was my own loneliness." He looks a little sheepish admitting that to me. I reach towards him and take his hand.
"I’m so glad I ran into you at the station." I give him my biggest, most genuine smile. Because it's true, meeting him was the best thing that's happened to me in a long time.
"That's a good point, Le. She ran into you," Garrot says.
Uh? What has my clumsiness got to do with it?
"Ah yes, I do my Cupid work whilst incorporeal. I place myself into the light so I can’t be seen," Leyland says.
Into the light? Say what now? I feel a bit like I'm pulling feathers here. "Tell me it all, Leyland. I can handle it, I won't run again," I demand, giving him a stern look. He has to know that no matter what he says, it wouldn't change my feelings for him. He sighs and looks to Karl and Garrot. They each nod and he continues.
"The light between this world and ... heaven," he starts but I interrupt him.
“Heaven? Like real heaven?” As in angels and Castiel? Holy shit, are Sam and Dean real? I need to find them! Love me some Winchester boys. I could totally handle five hot as fuck men.
They all burst out laughing. I guess I must’ve said that all out loud, huh? I feel my cheeks flame. I bet they match my hair.
"Yeah, you said that out loud, but there is a problem; there are already two guys in your harem with luscious curly hair, we don't have room for Sam. But Dean..." Garrot supplies with a full belly laugh. "Heaven and hell are real, my love. As are demons. There are not just fallen angels, but also fallen Cupids too."
Now we’re getting somewhere. I sit forward even more, fascinated.
"When a Cupid consummates their bond with his or her fated consort, half of their soul is transferred to that person. Should that person die, or leave them, then with half of their soul missing, the Cupid turns demon. Which means losing their soul and all previous connections they have made in their careers."
Holy Moses on a popsicle stick. This is so interesting! I’m channelling my inner Dean when I ask, "Are they redeemable? Or must they be eliminated? Should that need arise, who does that? Hunters?" Yeah, knee deep in Geekville right now.
"No, and yes," Karl says. "They can’t be saved. Yes, there are Hunters. That was my job in the army. I hunted demons for the government. I used my elemental powers to send their darkness back to hell.”
Holy shit. I have a Hunter boyfriend. Badass. "So, with your power, you can control earthly stuff?" I ask, trying not to sound totally dense, but not quite achieving it with the word "stuff". Damn, Ever.
"Kind of, yes. I can control earth, its dirt layer to be precise. Trees and plants. I can sense seeds in the earth and manipulate some things to grow, but it's not very powerful. I have yet to master that."
Wowwee. He’s awesome. They all are. I wonder if there are more like them in the UK? My guys are so badass. "So, this shit face that's meant to be my father, Pois...?" I forgot how Will said his name. It's on the tip of my tongue but it just won't come.
"Poseidon," Garrot supplies for me.
"I guess we should Google him to see what his powers are," I say, making Karl and Garrot chuckle. Bitches.
"I doubt anything on Google would be solid information, sweetheart. I hope when William comes back in a week, he can tell us more," Leyland says.
Wait, a week?
"I called him and asked him to leave us alone for a few days. You need time to process what he’s told you so far. Too much too soon won't be of any use to us," Garrot supplies.
Oh, ok then. Extra time alone with these three then. I am so down for that. "Ok, I agree. It’s all overwhelming. I won't remember half of it if he just bombards me with it all in one go," I say. Seriously, I wouldn't. I've had the same phone number for six years and I still can't remember it. Too much at once and it’ll go in one ear and out the other. "I wonder what I can do?" I muse out loud.
"How about we try to find out?" This from Gar.
Hmm, tempting.
"How, we don't know what her powers are?" Karl asks.
"William said she could control creatures of the sea, right? There's an aquarium not far from here. Tomorrow we could go and see if Ever can have a chat with some fish?"
Um, can I talk fish? Like dory can talk whale.
Garrot continues, "You up for a trip to the fish zoo tomorrow, babe?"
"Ha, why not, eh? If nothing happens it will be a nice day out. I haven’t visited an aquarium since I was a kid.” A family day out sounds lovely. I'm in desperate need of some chill time. It's been nonstop since I stepped off the train in this cute, little town. Bonding time with my guys is exactly what I need. It's getting late. I stretch my arms in the air and let out a huge yawn. I look around to see three sets of eyes staring at my tits.
My eyes take control of themselves as they swing to Everly’s pushed-out boobs. Her nipples are hard, and because she is braless, we can all see those hard buds poking through her white t-shirt. Her tits are truly beautiful, perky and just over a handful. Perfect. My dick stiffens at the sight and I lick my lips. While I very much enjoyed anal sex with her, I can't wait to be inside her pussy. I want to suck those nipples while pistoning my cock in and out of her. I want to feel them brush against my chest as she straddles me, with my shaft buried deep inside her. I don't think I'll ever get enough of my Everly.
“Karl?” Everly brings me back to the now.
“Yes, babes?”
“Will you move in with us?” she asks, shocking the shit out of me. I jump from my seat and pull her into my arms.
“Yes!” My excitement makes my voice waver as I bury my face into her hair. “Ever, I - thank you.” This is everything I ever wanted. I kiss her until my lungs burn for air. My voice fails me as we sit back down. Best day of my life so far.
I'm thankful we now have eternity to spend together. The fact that she’s a goddess of the sea might be a problem though. If she’s a creature of the sea, then she’ll be able to live in Atlantis as she rules over her kingdom. My brothers and I, however, can't do that. I wonder what sex underwater would feel like? Garrot interrupts my naughty thoughts.
"Ever, your adopted mum, did she ever... mention anything about any of this?"
I doubt it. Her face when she realized Garrot moved the glass with his mind told us she never saw anything like it before. Which means, she has no clue about the light or dark worlds.
"No, not a thing. She raised me as a normal human girl. I still don't really believe what William says. I mean, surely I would know if I had something different about me? Abilities can't just come out of nowhere, can they? I think he's got the wrong girl," she says, sadness in her voice.
"Maybe they didn't manifest until you met us? Or moved to Scarborough? Or both. Since we joined together, Ever, my powers have grown already. I feel many more hearts than I did before I met you," Leyland announces.
My own power hasn’t changed, my connection with the earth remains the same.
"That's what Fish Boy meant!" Garrot exclaims excitably. "You did it wrong. You need to have... conventional sex to link together. For Everly to be marked by him. My mark appeared when we did the deed. Le, did you mark her? Did she mark you?" I know he didn't because the only mark on Ever is a bright blue G between her tits.
"No. My kind doesn't mark our consorts. I have no mark from Everly." Leyland says.
Huh, I wonder if...
"Babe, can I just say, I love your t-shirt." Garrot pervs unashamedly over Ever's breasts. We all giggle at his inappropriate comment out of nowhere.
"Thanks, Garrot, I'll lend it to if you want? Though I'm not sure your man-boobs will fit into it," she fires back.
Ooh, burn. His pecs are big though. He often refers to them as his double D's. "I love Gar's man boobies. He rests the popcorn bowl between them, it's handy," I say laughing, making everyone laughs harder.
"I love Karl's arse more; I could park my motorbike between those cheeks," Garrot shoots back, and he scores. We all have our arms wrapped around our middles laughing until tears roll down our faces and we can't breathe.
"Yeah, but Leyland's curls. Man, I swear I saw a bird nesting in it earlier today," Everly says when we can all breathe again. His hand reaches up and touches his hair, a frown on his face before we are all in stitches with laughter.
"Baby, I have no comeback." He grabs her hand, pulling her to him. She straddles his hips and he lets out a moan. Shit. The mood changed so quick my head spins. "You're so perfect I can't think of a thing to say," he says seriously.
Gar and I say at the same time.
"Oh, fuck that. You could use my arse as a trampoline and my toes look like fingers. Also, I really do think I have a birthmark on my butt that looks like Donald Duck," she teases, not accepting she should be left out of our poking fun of each other. We all burst out laughing again. Garrot rolls on the floor clutching his ribs.
"Quack! Ahh, a stitch, I can't breathe," he gasps out, making our laughter double in intensity. That is, until Leyland stands and lifts Ever with him. He walks to the rug in the middle of the room, gently laying down on it, with her on top of him. He reaches up and pulls the bobble out of her hair so it cascades down her back. Just like the sexy Goddess she is, she shakes her head, letting the curls loose.
"You are perfect, my love," he tells her. She looks down at him, smiling sheepishly. I stand, mesmerized by the flames that are her hair. "Ever," he breathes.
"Beautiful," I agree.
"Sweetheart," we all say at the same time. She looks us in the eyes, Leyland first, Garrot, then me. Something passes between us all and I'm pulled towards her without even thinking about doing so.
"Guys, I believe there are too many clothes on you all," she purrs, making us all instantly hard. She stands up above Leyland, her feet either side of his hips, lifts her t-shirt over her head, and whips it off. We don't need telling twice. We all strip naked in seconds and stand there surrounding Everly and Leyland. He reaches his hands up and pulls down her leggings. No bra, no knickers.
"Perfect!" I say.
"Sexy as fuck," Gar says at the same time. She reaches a hand out to both Garrot and I. Together we kneel down. She sits her bum back on Le, just behind his hard shaft. Gar and I move towards Leyland's head to get a better view of her. Her pussy lips are at the base of his dick and she pushes her hips forward and upward, sliding herself along him. He lets out a moan at the same time as she does. My arse cheeks clench, thrusting my hips forward at the same time Gar does the same. I turn my head towards him, flicking my eyes down to his cock and he licks the palm of his hand, rubbing the head.
"This is different, good different," Le says on a moan. He's right, this does feel different. Even though we've done this many times, I've never felt as turned on as I do now. I've never felt like my heart is as close to bursting as it does right this moment. Ever pushes up on her knees and plants a hand next to Leyland's head, the other reaching up to flick one of Garrot’s nipples.
Garrot’s free hand comes up and grabs her loose hair, pulling her head back sharply. Their moans shoot red hot desire straight down to my dick. I grab a hold of myself and pump my cock slowly. Everly notices and moves closer to me. She plants a soft kiss on my tip. The feel of her soft lips on me makes me throw my head back and let out a growl. Looking back down, I notice Leyland has moved down Ever's body, burying his face between her legs. Moaning with abandon, she takes Garrot in one hand and me in her mouth.