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So, she finally tells him. I for one am glad. I've known she is with child since I met her, it's finally time for everyone to know. As Leyland’s eyes roll back into his head and a black ripple of light breaks from his body, everyone in the room is deathly silent. When Garrot drops the tray he had in his hands, not even the sound of smashing crockery breaks the spell.
Both he and Everly are naked, still wet from washing, towels fallen away. So, I walk to the bathroom and pick up some fresh towels. The house is a little chilly and a pregnant woman shouldn't be allowed to sit here, wet, in the cold. I get on to the bed next to Everly and begin to run the towel across her skin. She's freezing, so I work quickly. When she's dry in all the places I can reach, I pull the blanket up around her shoulders. The room has remained silent as I worked, and Everly keeps looking between Karl and Garrot. Probably gauging their feelings about the news. I'm sure they're shocked, but I do not know them well enough to be able to predict how they will react once they are over the shock.
"Lay down, my Queen. He will wake momentarily. Do not fear, I hear his heartbeat, he is well," I whisper into her ear as I push her shoulders gently so that she is lying down. She curls her body into Leyland’s side and closes her eyes. Tears escape from her them, rolling down her cheek and onto the pillow. Standing, I walk to the guys, and push their open jaws closed. It is then that they each blink and look at me.
"Let's leave them to rest. I shall clean up and join you in the big room." I tell them. Pushing on their shoulders, I guide them out of the room, closing the door behind them I pick up the pieces of pottery littering the floor. Toast and bacon are lying on the rug. I place them back on the tray. Just as I stand, Leyland gasps awake.
"Is she asleep?" he asks. His voice is quiet, and laced with awe. I walk to the side of the bed and push her flame red hair out of her face; she is indeed asleep.
"You remember?" I ask him.
"I do. All of it. Ah shit." His face crumples and tears spring from his eyes. In an act I barely understand, I walk to his side and bend to wrap him in my arms. He doesn't stiffen as I would, should he have embraced me this way; instead, he turns into my chest and lets out a small sob.
"Take comfort, brother, she is safe. As is your babe." With my words he pushes back from my arms and turns to her.
"I'm going to be a daddy?"
Pregnant? Everly is pregnant? Holy shit. I'm fucking over the moon! And terrified. Poseidon is trying to kill off the human race, he wants to rid the world of all other kind. The five of us need to band together, use our combined powers to destroy him and his army of Selkies. To defeat his legion of Elites. Everly can't do that while pregnant! Shit.
Every instinct inside me is buzzing with the need to grab her and just run away from all of this. But obviously, I can't. We can't outrun what Poseidon has planned. No, we will have to fight with her. Find a bunker somewhere and just lock her inside. A baby. We are all having a baby! I don't even need to think about who the father is. This baby will have four fathers and one amazing mummy. I have a strong compulsion to lock away every sharp thing in the house. So to keep myself busy while we wait for Ever and Le to come down, that's what I do. Walking into the front room, I take the swords from the wall above the radiator. I put them there after the Selkie had thrown itself through the window and we'd been caught with our pants down. If Victor hadn't been such a beast, that situation could have gone south real fast.
Once I've got every blade and gun in the room I stand looking at the boarded-up window. This won't do, the house is cold because it's not been fixed. So I make the call to get it fixed. Just as I finish up Gar walks in, sweat dripping down his face. "What?"
"Run. Needed to think," he says as he plops himself on the torn sofa, his elbows on his knees, head in his hands.
"Window will be fixed tomorrow," I tell him, I sit next to him and prod at the stuffing that is poking out next to my leg.
"What's with all that?" He jerks his chin towards the pile of weaponry in the middle of the room.
"Baby proofing." I say, ducking my head. Too early? I don't know.
"Never even held a kid, Karl. Purposely avoided women with 'em." he blurts, shaking his head. I whip my head to him, a frown on my face. Does he not ...? "I'm not saying I'm going to bolt. I'm just- it's a shock I guess. It's been five, maybe six weeks? I kind of wanted more time." Gar looks happy, not angry or sad, which is good.
"I understand, brother. I'm shocked, too. But not the same way you are. I'm shocked she didn't tell us. Unless she just found out?" I wonder aloud.
"Nah, seemed to me she's known for a while. My mother visited." He says casually, with a slight raise of his shoulder.
"Oh shit. How?"
"Dunno. But she was here, with Venus no less. Gave Ever a boost, then left." His voice cracks with emotion. Garrot hasn't met his mum before. She died when he was just a baby, only days old. I throw my arm around his shoulders and tug him to me.
"Bro, I- shit. What does one say when his brother’s mum returns from the dead?" I say, chuckling. Garrot’s the joker, not me. My attempts don't fall flat, though, because he laughs with me.
"Fuck knows, man. I get the feeling I'll be seeing her again though. So... s'cool." He looks to the ceiling and sighs.
“I hope so, brother. You okay?” I ask, concern lacing my tone.
“Yeah, we’ve got bigger things to think about now, huh?” he rises from the sofa and walks from the room. I stare after him for a few minutes, I can’t imagine how he must feel about an all too brief visit from his mum, especially after all this time. Pulling my phone from my pocket I send Victor a text. He hasn't given me a report of what happened at Will's human mates’ house yet. What with shit hitting the fan and all.
He doesn't answer so I assume he's chatting to Ever or Le. My eyes start to droop, the emotional rollercoaster of the night and day getting to me. I pick my tired body up off the sofa and climb the stairs. Dragging my feet, I take them one at a time. I find the closest room upstairs and drop onto the bed. I let them slide closed, only for a minute. Just resting my eyes.
WHEN I WAKE BACK UP, everyone is downstairs, their chatter floating up to me. Climbing out of the bed, I stretch. I’m not into yoga like Garrot is, but I can bend just as well. Reaching down, I wrap my fingers around the tips of my toes, and pull. Stretching out my back feels good. Several pops and clicks fill the room as my spine lengthens.Then I stretch my arms above my head, linking my hands I push them behind my head. A little dizzy, I smile to myself. A baby. Jogging down the stairs I join my family in the living room.
"Hey, babe, Garrot was asking Victor about his sexual preferences, again. Come join us." Everly beckons me to her and my body does as commanded. Sitting behind her on the couch, my hands roam her body without my permission. The air is charged with sexual energy and we all feel it. I take the hem of Ever’s t-shirt and tug it slightly. She turns her head to look at me. We all need the connection we share, to feel whole and loved. To reconnect, to wash away the stress of the last few days. With an aim to distract us all, I ask her with my eyes "Is this ok?" Nodding, she leans back so that I can pull the material from her body. Leaning on her arms, her back against one of Victor's legs, she shows us all her beautiful tits.
"Too many clothes,." she states simply. Well fuck me. Right to the point. Gods I love this woman.
We all strip down, and fling our clothes into a pile near the door. Victor gets off the couch and together we cage her in the middle of us. Her small stature means we have to bend our heads to look at her, to kiss her.
Her arms by her sides, she says, "Too small here, let's go somewhere with more room." Turning, Victor moves to the side, his body flush against mine as she walks past us. My dick prods his arse, and he turns to me with a smile on his face, adding a wink as he moves away again.
"Everly," Leyland calls just as we leave the room.
"Yeah babes?" she hangs back as we pile out into the hallway, waiting for them. I stand in the doorway, watching, waiting.
He ducks his head sheepishly, his cheeks flame-red.
The others walk out of the front door, to wait outside. A blast of fresh air hits me, soothing my soul. Everly saunters to Leyland, a sexy sway to her hips. Fuck, she's so beautiful.
"I'm ... I'm not really ready yet love. You go." He kisses her tenderly and then rests his forehead against hers. "Please go have fun. Me and you will spend some quality time together later, just me and you, is that ok?"
"Are you sure?" she asks him, a sad look on her pretty face. Le nods and gives her one final kiss. "Ok Le, I understand. I love you, so much." They wrap their arms around each other and kiss for a long time. He isn't ready to join us yet? We will give him all the time he needs. I move outside to give them some space. They'd both been through so much in such a short amount of time.
"LAST ONE THERE IS A rotten egg!" Everly shouts as she bounds out of the house some time later. Leyland must have kissed her until she could hardly breathe, because her cheeks are red and her hair is mussed. I understand that he is not ready to join us as a group yet, no doubt he needs time with Everly to wash away the horrors he went through at the hands of the dark Fae Princess. We will give him all the time he needs, but we also need Everly. We look at each other, grinning like idiots, then we chase her. Letting her gain a head start. Victor, clearly unsure of what to do, jogs next to us. Looking to us for guidance on how to handle the chase.
"Let her think she's in the lead, then when she reaches the trees, we hunt her," I tell him as we run.
The guys chase me into the woods. I know they're letting me get ahead of them, but the thrill of them chasing me makes me not care. We are all naked, and when I turn to look at them just before I slip behind a huge oak, my pussy clenches. Their very different dicks bounce as they run, muscles bunching and cording as they move. Oh fuck me. I'm being chased by three hot-as-fuck guys, my inner deviant loves it. I move as quietly as possible through the trees, trying my best to keep my excited breathing quiet. I want them to catch me, but at the same time I want to make them work for me. I'm standing behind a tree, my hand on my own breast, the thrill turning me on, when he appears before me. My first instinct is to scream, to shout for the guys. But I don't do that. Instead I let go of my nipple and bring my hands up and wrap them around me in an attempt to cover myself.
"Who the fuck are you?" I ask the man in front of me. He's hauntingly familiar. His red hair catches my eyes, something burns in the back of my mind, something I should remember, but can’t.
"Not yet, sweet girl." And with that he disappears into thin air.
What the fuck? I'm staring at the spot he was standing as Karl barrels out of the trees and scoops me up into his arms, my back to his front.
"Gotcha!" He shouts triumphantly, he spins us, and then turns me to slide me down his hot skin. His eyes widen as my breasts drag down his chest. "Ever..." he says before crashing his lips to mine. He smells like freshly cut grass and sunshine, I take a deep breath, pulling his scent into me. Letting me go, he plants a knee to the forest floor. "Mistress, I am yours to do with as you will." His head is bent low. He’s submitting to me. Oh hell yeah. Just then Garrot appears, from the trees, his eyes full of desire as he takes in my naked body. He stalks towards me, then he spots Karl knelt on the ground. He looks at Karl, then to me. In a move that shocks the shit out of me, he joins Karl on the floor. His head bent, giving all the power to me.
"My boys. What shall I do with you?" I move slowly to them, my hand trailing across their shoulders as I circle them. When I look up again, I see Victor behind a tree, his huge frame half visible, half hidden. He watches as I stand behind the guys, and take a handful of each of their hair, pulling back their heads so that they look up to the sky.
With my eyes on Vic's, I say "Touch each other." Victor’s eyes widen at my words, a small smile pulling at his lip. Looking down, I watch in fascination as they wrap a hand around the other’s cock, and slowly pump them up and down. I'm so wet I can feel my juices running down my legs. I look back up to see that Victor remains where he is, watching, waiting. My eyes flick down his body to see he has his huge dick in both of his hands, one on top of the other. And still they don't fully cover his length. He’s thrusting into his hands as he watches Karl and Garrot, their hair still in my hands, their hands on each other’s cock. "Victor, come here." I say as I let the guys’ hair go, and walk around them so that I am in front of them. I hear Victor striding to us, leaves crunch beneath his bare feet and I point to the spot next to Karl. Kneeling, he doesn't take his eyes from mine, the intensity there making my heart speed up.
I lean down and remove the guys’ hands off each other, letting them drop to their sides they watch me, waiting for my next instructions. All three men have precum on the ends of their dicks. Licking my lips I bend to Garrot, my mouth right in front of his tip. Flicking my tongue out, I lick his saltiness, making a moan escape him. I don't swallow, but keep his cum on my tongue as I move to Karl, and repeat the process. I flick my tongue along his slit, feeling his pulse against my lips.
"Oh fuck me, you dirty bitch." Garrot says as he watches me. I look up to him and show him my cum-covered tongue. His body begins to shake with desire. This is turning him on and I'm about ready to burst myself. Next I lean in front of Vic. His huge pierced dick bobs in front of his abdomen. The bell end is past his belly button, I place a hand to the floor and rise to take it into my mouth. His hand flies to the back of my head, his fingers lace into my hair. Out of the corner of my eye I see Gar lean across and pull Victor's hand from me, shaking his head.
"Let her have control." he whispers.
His words send a thrill through me that goes all the way to my clit, making it throb harder. Control. Yes, I want that. I want it all. I stand in front of them. Their saltiness on my tongue, I lean my hips backwards, exposing my pussy to them, their sharp intakes of breath tells me they like what they see.
Dipping two fingers into my mouth, I transfer their seed onto my fingers and drop them to my entrance. I lift a leg and place my foot onto Garrot’s knee, making sure all three can see what I am about to do. I plunge my cum covered fingers into my pussy. Pistoning my slippery digits in and out of me, I throw my head back and let out a moan, the three men before me echo the sound, their own moans egging me on, I add a third finger. They each hiss in a breath, making me open my eyes and look at them.
"Take yourselves in your hands, but do not move them," I order as my other hand slides down my body. They take their cocks in their hands, bodies shaking with the need to move, to play with their cocks as they watch me fuck my own pussy with my fingers, my other hand I bring down and slap against my clit. I cry out and Karl, Garrot, and Victor all buck their hips forward, thrusting their dicks into their fists.
"Ever ,.." Karl grinds out.
"Please!" Garrot begs.
Victor starts to move his hips, thrusting himself into the hand wrapped around his dick. The sight and sound of their desire spurs me on. I turn to collect the guys’ t-shirts, laying them on the forest floor, I lay myself on them. My legs spread, I bring my knees up, I'm fully exposed to them. Victor reaches a hand out, snapping it back to his side just as his fingertips graze my wetness. The small contact makes me buck my hips.
"Touch," I tell them, giving Garrot one foot, Vic the other. They spread my legs wider, hip to hip, Garrot, Karl and Victor kneel before me. "Cum on my pussy as I fuck myself," comes from my mouth. I’m not feeling fully in charge of myself but loving what is happening. I plunge three fingers inside me, and fuck myself hard and fast with them, the wet sounds of my desire fill the forest. Three of my men wank themselves hard and fast in front of me. I can’t help but wish Le was here, but as my heart breaks, I absolutely understand.
Losing control, Garrot leans forward and slaps my clit, making me cry out.
"Oh, shit," I moan to the heavens.
"That's right, Everly, cum on your hand, you dirty bitch." His words make me pump my fingers faster. My moans mix with theirs, Victor grunts, I hear metal hit metal as he jerks his dick so hard his piercings knock together. Fuck this, rising from the ground, I turn, and place my arse in front of Karl's cock.
"Fuck me, Karl, make me cum. Vic, suck Garrot’s cock but don't cum, any of you. Understand?" I say between panting breaths. I'm so fucking turned on I'm not sure what to do or what to say. My mind is spinning with desire. My body on fire.
SWEET EVERLY IS ON her hands and knees in front of Karl, her arse and pussy exposed to us all as we kneel behind her. She reaches under herself and takes his cock in hand, and guides him into her dripping wet pussy. Garrot shifts to her side, and wraps her long red hair in a hand and yanks her towards him. He thrusts his dick into her open mouth. The sights before me make my heart race. I have been a part of more orgies than I can count, but this, what is happening right now, is unlike anything I have ever experienced. There is love here, desire, respect, passion, understanding. Family.
Everly is so open, so at ease with her body that I find myself losing control. "Give her control." Garrot had said, it's taking all of my self restraint to not throw Karl off her and ram myself into her wetness. Instead, I focus on her, determined to fit in with my new family. I have to learn self-control. I dip my forefinger into her pussy, next to Karl's pistoning dick. Making them both moan loudly, the sound resonates all the way to my cock. I thrust several times, getting her juices on my fingers, I rub my wet fingers around her arse hole. Gently prodding and stretching the tight ring.
"Oh fuck!" she moans as my finger breaches her arse and I thrust it down, pushing Karl's dick into her g-spot. Her moans grow louder. Yes, I have many tricks like this, my Queen. Karl thrusts again and I know he can feel me pressing his dick down from inside Everly's arse. I can feel the ridges of his cock through her wall. When he pulls out, I dip my finger harder, rubbing his bell end with her pussy wall. He moans at the sensation. Garrot stands before me and I take his cock into my mouth. His body shakes and he slaps Everly's arse.
“Ah, shit” he groans as I take more of his length. Karl's thrusts become erratic, on the edge of exploding as he bounces Everly off his hips. Her moans are loud and there is barely a breath in between them as I angle Karl's cock into her g-spot with every hard thrust he makes. I have no intentions of cumming, saving that for Everly's womb. I concentrate on sucking Garrot's cock, his hand takes hold of Ever's nipple he tugs on it sharply, making her back arch and causing her to call out. Letting his dick slide out of my mouth I pull Garrot forward and down. I slap her breast with his dick, which is in my hand. They're all so close I can practically taste it.
"Yes, oh yes! Oh..." Everly explodes on Karl’s cock, her arse hole clenches my finger and he thrusts faster and harder. "Oh my God yes!" she groans.
Through the wall between her arse and her pussy I feel Karl’s cum jet out of his cock, bathing her womb in hot seed. My dick slides across her skin as my hips thrust of their own accord, letting out a small amount of cum across her back, streaks of white against her soft skin. Our moans and grunts of pleasure can surely be heard for miles.
She collapses onto her stomach, Karl's cock slips out of her wetness. My finger slides out and Karl lets loose another spurt of seed onto the forest floor. On instinct Karl shifts, Garrot takes his place and using his thumbs, he spreads her arse cheeks he thrusts into her in one seamless move. She cries out again.
"Oh fuck!" He calls out and grips her hips, pounding into her with little control. The sound of his skin slapping against hers making my dick twitch. "Oh Everly, my dirty bitch. I'm fucking Karl's cum inside you, oh I feel it. It’s all over me. Dripping down my balls, unh..." he says between clenched teeth. Wet sounds fill the air, as I take hold of her hips. Lifting her to her knees, Garrot moves with her, I slide under her body, her breasts resting on my abdomen. My dick in front of her face. I lick her clit as Garrot fucks her with vigor. "You like that dirty girl? I bet Karl's cum is dripping into Victor's mouth as he licks your pussy. Oh, he's licking me. Uhh fuck!" As he talks his thrusts become erratic, her moans come faster and louder.
“Oh, fuck me!” Everly utters, her whole body shaking with desire. Yes, my Queen likes it dirty.
I flick my tongue along his length as he pulls out of her, her juices mixed with Karl's drip down my chin, coat my tongue and slide down my throat, the taste only adding to my pleasure.. Their combined taste makes me moan into her.
"So dirty!" she moans breathlessly as he thrusts back in. I suck her clit and she cums wetly. Her pussy contracts so hard on Garrot, that his seed spills from him. Losing control she presses her body down onto mine as she rides wave after wave of pleasure. My dick twitches as her panting breaths caress my length, combined, the noises and feelings force my dick to let out more cum, it shoots through the air in an arch, landing on her back and on Garrot’s stomach. I reach up and rub his abdomen and then his nipples with my seed. He likes that. He groans with my actions.
Together they lift her, Garrot and Karl work together to lay her on her front on the shirts covering the leafy ground. Kneeling next to her, I run one of my large hands down her back, pressing her into the ground, I use a hand to scoop my cum down her body and into my hand. I skim my hand between her cheeks and into her cum filled pussy, adding my own, fucking the liquid with my finger. How desperately I want to fill her with my seed, but I must wait. Be patient. She moans as cum drips to the floor, the wet sounds get louder as I finger fuck her into another orgasm. Her pussy swollen and sated, she lays there, boneless.
Watching Garrot and Victor work together to bring our girl pleasure makes me practically glow with pride. She takes everything they give her and as I watch her writhe with unbridled pleasure, I can't help but smile. I lay back into the scratchy leaves and pointy sticks, happiness flows through my veins. Connected with the earth like this, naked and sated, I can feel everything. Trees, flowers, seeds. The power the Earth holds seeps into my skin as my orgasm rides my nerves. Little shocks and tingles run across my body, as I watch Everly come apart, Victor’s finger inside her cum filled pussy. He turns her when she can take no more, I turn my head to look at her. Her beautiful body is laid bare to the sky, cum streaking her creamy skin. Leaves and twigs in her flame red hair. She's never looked so beautiful as she does now.
When Garrot came, his head was thrown back, the muscles in his stomach contracted with each spurt of seed. Victor sprayed cum across her back, his dick twitched so hard the spurts reached Garrot, leaving white streaks down his body, too. I watched as he used a hand to rub the cum into his skin, into his nipples, extending his pleasure. Their moans and incoherent words echoed through the trees around us.
Now, I lay here, I can feel the earth's pleasure, drawing energy from our mating.
The three of them arrange themselves around me, their happy faces pointing to the heavens, the ground beneath me lets out a soft sigh, raising to meet my hand. I drag the tips of my fingers through the dirt, I send some of my own energy back into the ground in thanks. We lay there, spread across the forest floor. Drained and sated, as the sky above us opens its gates and sends down warm drops of rain onto us.
"Eek!" Everly calls as she bolts upright. "It's raining!" She yells, turning her face upwards, allowing the rain to caress her.
"Glade?" Garrot suggests. "We are all covered in cum and as much as I like it ... we have things to do." His words sober all of us, as we each rise to our feet the rain pours down harder. We walk to the glade and use the water to clean ourselves off. Exchanging smiles, soft touches and kisses with our woman Together we walk back to the house. Exhausted, we climb into bed. I curl up beside Leyland and it's lights out.