
Chapter Sixteen



Day 54 

I sit in my usual spot, the sun blinding as it glances off the fresh snow around me. In front of me, the Earth pushes up, as if breathing. Sparks of electricity zap through my palms, up my arms. The mark on my chest from Everly burns as twigs, moss and branches pull together to form a humanoid shape. The woman before me cants her head, looking down on me. A frog climbs her body, coming to rest on her shoulder. It croaks at me, its beady eyes looking at my soul. Her face is made entirely of moss. There are dips where her mouth should be, and snakes heads peering out of her eye sockets. Her voice enters my mind, bringing with it a sense of complete and utter calm.

My son, how pretty your human form is.

"How... is this possible?" I ask the form my soul recognises as my mother, Mother Earth.

Quite simple. We are the Earth. She says a note of humour in her tone. I push myself up, only then realising my mother's form is taller than me. At least seven feet tall, more creatures of the forest climb her body, melding with her as if they belong. A red squirrel reaches out a tiny hand and hits the frog over its head. The frog turns and leaps off the shoulder, straight onto mine. Its oil-like skin reflects the sun's muted rays, making it appear iridescent. My child, you suffer deeply, and yet, your heart does not give up. Why?

Stunned, I stand there, my mouth open, staring at the squirrel who gestures its small arms wildly as if it is, he who is talking.

"I..." I clear my throat and look away from the cute creature to look at the snakes, "I won't ever give up on Everly, mother, she is mine and I am hers. Eternally."

What if We tell you, she does not miss you, what then, child? Would your heart relent and let her go? She asks inside my mind. The squirrel rests his chin on his hand, waiting for my answer.

"I wouldn't believe it. Not for a second." I reply, leaving no room for misunderstanding.

Well, I guess you wouldn't, would you? You are your mother's son, after all. The snakes stick out their tongues and hiss, the squirrel throws his arms in the air. Well, then what are you waiting for? Her head moves around as if the snakes I presume are acting as her eyes are looking for something.

"She is below the ocean, on its bed. Atlantis is beyond our reach." I tell her what I have told witch after witch these past few weeks. Poseidon took her and means to kill her. And why.

Ah, yes, We know, child, Atlantis is beyond your reach. But what are you waiting for? She asks again.

My brows drop in confusion, I just explained that we cannot reach her. You cannot reach her.

"I don't know... I don't understand!' I yell, frustration getting the better of me. If my mother knows a way, then she has to tell me. She owes me that much.

Dear child, you are the Earth, as are We. Look down, look up, be brave, be fearsome, for the land is yours, almighty Earth child. You needn't look farther than inside for all that you seek. At her confusing words, her form disintegrates, slowly, the debris sinks to the ground.

"Wait! What do you mean? Will you visit me again? Mother?" I drop to my knees next to the pile and dig my hands in it as if to pull her back with them, the creatures and animals all scurry away except the squirrel. "Mum?"

The squirrel looks at me, and I look at him. Tears leak from my eyes, the brief encounter with my mother, the first-ever encounter, didn't bring any answers but left more questions in her wake. "Wanna come with me, little fella? It's bloody cold out here." I ask the red squirrel, half expecting it to run away as I hold out my hand. Instead, it hops onto my hand and crawls up my arm, coming to rest on my shoulder. Huh, cute.

I trudge back to the cabin, feeling more confused than I was before, but less alone. Victor is sitting crossed legged in the snow when I arrive back.

"Hey, Vic, can't concentrate?" I ask when I notice his eyes are darting everywhere. Usually, when he meditates, he’s as still as a stone. His eyes are closed. He wouldn't hear a bomb go off next to him. He looks up at me, noticing my new friend before looking into my eyes.

"No, I cannot. He got a name?" He notions to the squirrel.

"I dunno." I answer on autopilot, then suddenly, it comes to me. "His name’s Harry. Oddly enough, he is British too." I don't know how I know , but I do. Harry snuggled his face against my ear, letting me know I got it right. Victor grunts and stands. He towers over me, blocking out the harsh rays of the sun. Look down. Look up. Does my mother mean Victor? He looks down on me and me up at him. Instead of the darkness I usually feel in Victor's shadow, I feel warmth, I feel the light. Perhaps, I’m on the right track.


Day 54 

Everly sits on the floor across from me. Her mouth isn't moving but she is singing. One of our favourites. Dead or alive, Bon Jovi. It's unnerving, hearing her but not seeing her lips form the words. She swings her bare hips; my dick stands tall between my legs. The sight turning me on to the point I'm almost tempted to have a wank. My mind rebels against the sight of her for a brief moment, her form wavers, then blinks out completely as Karl crashes into the room.

"Come, Gar, my mother visited me, I need all our brains for this, get off the floor." He orders and I immediately stand. "Hmm, grab a shower, brother, you stink." He jokes, sounding more positive than he has in weeks. What exactly does he have to be happy about? Did his mum tell him how to get Everly back? Karl leaves, not shutting the door, I turn to where Everly was just a moment ago, but the room is silent. Empty, without her.

I head to the bathroom and strip off my boxers, accidentally catching myself in the mirror. My cheeks are gaunt, my beard is overgrown, and my hair sticks up in all angles. Everly would say I look cute but stinky. I lift an arm and covertly sniff my armpit. Ew. Oh, yeah, I really am stinky. As I climb into the shower, I can't help but wonder why Karl had a squirrel on his shoulder, and why it gave me the middle finger? As I open my eyes and reach for the soap, Everly appears before me.

Hey, handsome. Her voice enters my mind, her lips curled up into a sultry smile. I've missed you. She says as she rubs her wet, naked body against mine. Oddly, her hair is completely dry as she slides to her knees and presses a kiss to the tip of my dick. I lean back against the cold tiles as she takes me in her mouth, a finger flicking my nipple. I blink and look to the ceiling. When I look back down, my hand is wrapped around my cock, pumping hard. I squeeze my eyes closed and imagine it's her mouth. My hand stills. I pump my hips back and forth as she sucks. I bite my lips so the others can't hear my moans as I cum over the shower floor, the white liquid swirls around the plug as I open my eyes to find I'm alone.



I GET DRIED AND DRESSED in record time, the thought that we might finally have answers spurs me to move faster. I don't shave but I do comb my hair. The act brings a stab of loss to my gut. Everly loved to comb my hair. When it’s wet, it's more like ringlets than the waves it is when it's dry. She loves to twist them around her finger, letting them spring off the end. If I'm honest , I feel like she’s dead, and not in Atlantis. I don't know if she is dead, though, I think I'd feel that. But my mind certainly seems to be acting like she is. The grief, it's so strong, all-consuming, I can't breathe, I feel lost without her.