1 Wassily Kandinsky, On White II (1923). © Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Image Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI.
2 A watercolor painting allegedly by Adolf Hitler. Adrian Sherratt / Alamy Stock Photo.
3 A portrait of composer Carl Orff (1920). Lebrecht Music & Arts / Alamy Stock Photo.
4 A portrait of actress Hansi Burg (1926). Ullstein bild Dtl. / Getty Images.
5 Carola Neher, Rudolf Forster, and Valeska Gert on the set of the film The Threepenny Opera (1931). Glasshouse Images / Alamy Stock Photo.
6 Nazi Party officials at a gymnastic exhibition in Stuttgart (1933). Everett Collection Historical / Alamy Stock Photo.
7 A charcoal drawing of Adolf Hitler by H. Oloffs. Universal History Archive / Getty Images.
8 A photograph of Bertolt Brecht (1930s). Chronicle / Alamy Stock Photo.
9 Hubert Lanzinger, The Standard Bearer (1934).
10 The front page of Nuremberg Gauleiter Julius Streicher’s anti-Semitic weekly Der Stürmer. Special issue (May 1, 1934). PRISMA ARCHIVO / Alamy Stock Photo.
11 A reproduction of Arnold Schoenberg, Self Portrait (1935). SPUTNIK / Alamy Stock Photo.
12 Adolf Hitler, Willy Liebel, and Albert Speer at the Nuremberg Reich Party rally site (c. 1936). ImageBROKER / Alamy Stock Photo.
13 Marlene Dietrich and Erich Maria Remarque in Paris (1937). Everett Collection Historical / Alamy Stock Photo.
14 The cover of the exhibition guide to the Nazi “Degenerate Art” show in Munich (July 1937). Author’s archive.
15 The cover of the exhibition guide to the Nazis’ “Degenerate Music” show in Düsseldorf (May 1938). Author’s archive.
16 A page from the exhibition guide to the Nazis’ “Degenerate Music” show in Düsseldorf (May 1938). Author’s archive.
17 Elk Eber, Thus was the SA (1938). The Picture Art Collection / Alamy Stock Photo.
18 A poster for the German film Wunschkonzert, starring Ilse Werner (1940). Ullstein bild Dtl. / Getty Images.
19 Ferdinand Marian in the Nazi propaganda film Jud Süss (1940). Photo 12 / Alamy Stock Photo.
20 The cover for Ernst Hiemer, The Mongrel and Other Thought-Provoking Tales (1940). Author’s archive.
21 A painting of Erwin Rommel by Wolfgang Willrich (1940–1). Ullstein bild Dtl. / Getty Images.
22 A photograph of a Luftwaffe correspondent handing his film reels to a motorcyclist (c. 1941). INTERFOTO / Alamy Stock Photo.
23 A photograph of Gerhart Hauptmann being modeled by Arno Breker, October 26, 1942. The Print Collector / Alamy Stock Photo.
24 Franz Eichhorst, The Memory of Stalingrad (1943). History and Art Collection / Alamy Stock Photo.
25 Hans Albers in the film Baron Münchhausen (1943). World History Archive / Alamy Stock Photo.
26 Nobel laureate Thomas Mann making an anti-Nazi broadcast in Los Angeles (1943). Pictorial Press Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo.
27 A portrait of film actress Margot Hielscher (1950s). INTERFOTO / Alamy Stock Photo.
28 Gustaf Gründgens as Mephisto in Goethe’s drama Faust II (1959). Dpa picture alliance / Alamy Stock Photo.
29 A portrait of composer Werner Egk (May 1981). Keystone Pictures USA / Alamy Stock Photo.
30 A portrait of author Ernst Jünger (1986). INTERFOTO / Alamy Stock Photo.