A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | W
ʾabaddon, see Destruction/ʾabaddon
accommodationist hermeneutics, 272–75, see also concordist hermeneutics; Old World Science
advocate, see mediator
afterlife, 41–42, 123, 125–34, 139–41, 179, 184, 215, 220, 227–28, 250–51, 321, see also Destruction/ʾabaddon; resurrection; Sheol/netherworld
ancient authors, 23–25
ancient Near East, court documents from, 215, 244, 263, 371; creation accounts/cosmology, 172–73, 272, 401; friends as representatives of, 106–8, 160, 374; sages, 122; texts related to Job, 31–33; theology of, 33–41, 43, 61–63, 72, 74, 85, 106–8, 157–58, 160, 170, 172–73, 180, 192, 250, 253, 257–58, 265, 272, 288–89, 301, 316, 318, 327–28, 334–35, 351, 355, 361, 368, 379, 400, 414; see also cosmic geography; gods; Great Symbiosis
angels, 63, 83, 159, 164; see also demons; Sons of God
appeasement, see gods, appeasement of
authority of the Bible, 24, 86, 226, 266, 268–69, 272–77, 352
Behemoth, 397, 406–11, 413, 431, 435, 438
benefits, see righteousness, disinterested
blessing, see Retribution Principle (RP)
Challenger, the, 20, 21, 22, 27, 31, 34, 36, 48, 59, 62–69, 71, 73–75, 78, 86, 98, 100–101, 106–9, 118, 123, 134, 161, 171, 182, 184, 186–88, 198, 214, 259, 262, 265–67, 275, 293–94, 331, 352, 358, 374, 399, 412, 436, 450; see also Sons of God
chaos, 85, 119, 167, 175, 257–58, 425; see also cosmic order
chaos creatures, 120–21, 163, 168, 171, 259, 317, 332, 334–35, 406, 410, 418–19; see also Behemoth; Leviathan; Rahab
children of Job, 24, 43, 58–62, 68–70, 98, 182, 302, 316, 434–36
Christ, 47–48, 83, 96, 113, 128, 131, 137, 139–40, 180, 189, 192, 199, 218, 225–26, 229, 233, 235–36, 267–68, 280, 338, 380, 385, 422, 441
concordist hermeneutics, 251, 272–74, 290; see also accommodationist hermeneutics; Old World Science
corporate identity, 313–14
cosmic geography, 166–75, 191, 251–54, 256–57, 273, 287, 399–400
cosmic laws, 39
cosmic mountain, 252
cosmic order, 29, 43, 104, 119–22, 167–68, 171, 175, 249, 252, 256–59, 264–65, 279, 290, 295–97, 334–35, 400, 406, 410–11, 413–14, 418–19, 422, 424–25, 428, 438–39, 441–42; see also chaos; God, wisdom of
covenant, 23, 25, 41–42, 57, 70, 180, 189, 267, 277, 321–23, 437–38; see also Retribution Principle (RP)
courtroom, see legal proceedings
cultic feasts, 58–59, 61; see also ritual
cursing, day of birth, 118–23; God, 58–61, 68, 71, 102–5, 186–87, 189, 435; others, 174, 261, 265, 319; self, 323–24
declarative praise genre, 35
Death/mawet/Mot, 74, 121, 216, 252, 258, 288, 317, 407
Deep/tehom, 163, 255, 257, 287; see also Sea/yam
demons, 33, 36, 38, 78, 86, 122, 157, 172, 191, 196–97, 217, 283, 288, 334; see also Challenger, the
Destruction/ʾabaddon, 250, 288, 326; see also Sheol/netherworld
dialogue section [chs. 4–27], 29, 243, 265, 312, 314, 330, 332–33, 355, 360
disciplinary correction, 137, 161, 181, 272; see also Elihu
discourse section [chs. 29–41], 29, 333, 355
disinterested righteousness, see righteousness, disinterested
divine council, see Sons of God/divine council
dreams/visions, 32, 129, 157, 160–61, 220, 315, 355, 381–82; see also revelation
Elihu, 28–30, 43–44, 165, 178, 188, 215, 293, 335, 350–88, 414–15
Etana, 25
evil, 36, 39–41, 67, 74, 77–78, 85, 104–5, 280, 302, 399, 410, 421, 447; see also Challenger, the
faith/trust, 22–23, 41, 47, 96–97, 110–12, 134, 137, 139–40, 157, 178, 180–81, 190, 195, 197, 198–99, 233, 235, 269, 275–76, 282–83, 291–92, 300, 301, 303–6, 315, 325, 327, 336, 340, 412–13, 415, 420–22, 424, 426–29, 435, 438–39, 443–47; see also fear of the Lord
fear of the Lord, 29, 124, 277, 285, 290–91, 296, 299–304
forgiveness, 35, 75, 164–65, 271, 280–81, 299, 301, 336, 385–86, 417
friends of Job, accusing Job, 21, 31, 98, 210–11, 223–25, 244–46, 260, 354; agents of the Challenger, 108, 161, 184, 186, 198, 262, 266, 294, 374; historicity, 26–27; in the narrative, 105, 432–35; Job’s response to, 30, 34, 161–63, 177–78, 183, 189, 217, 224, 259–61, 265, 293; reflecting traditional ancient Near Eastern dogma, 36, 38, 43, 106, 351, 374; theology of (and critique), 29, 42–43, 72–74, 86, 104, 106–8, 122, 173–74, 176, 178, 181–85, 198, 216, 222–25, 230, 260–62, 266, 271, 275, 281, 290–91, 294, 296, 299, 330, 351–53, 360–61, 364, 375, 378, 414, 433, 442; see also Elihu; Great Symbiosis; Retribution Principle (RP); traditional dogma
God, anger of, 34, 75–76, 224, 230, 271, 332, 398, 432, 450; accessibility, 271, 370, 380–81; as a watcher of men, 164; as mediator, 214; attributes of, 41, 111, 113, 190, 267, 269–71, 279, 289, 295, 359, 363, 377, 411, 414–18, 425, 439, 446; breath/Spirit of, 259, 280, 302, 340, 352–54, 369, 376–77, 381; cause of suffering, 109, 112, 116, 173–74, 187, 196–97, 236, 259, 302–4, 331, 414; contingency/aseity of, 40, 303, 335, 358–59, 362, 375, 379–80, 388, 416; grace of, 111, 136–37, 140, 180, 189–90, 194, 270, 283, 357, 362, 380–81, 417, 441; inscrutable, 38, 97, 107, 176, 182, 332, 414; justice of, 22–23, 35, 38–39, 41–43, 46–47, 73, 108, 111, 125, 130, 134, 140, 165, 172, 182, 185–90, 210, 220, 230, 259, 269–71, 290, 294, 298–300, 332, 334–35, 350, 357–62, 368–69, 374–75, 377–81, 384–85, 401, 405, 410–17, 425–26, 428; names of, 60, 73–74, 291–92, 398; policies of, 21–23, 27, 42, 44, 48, 63, 66–69, 72–75, 106, 108–10, 171, 182, 185–86, 188, 198, 225, 245, 265–66, 331, 333, 335, 355, 359, 362, 364, 369, 375–76, 405, 410–14, 435–38, 442; power of, 23, 36, 41, 43, 71, 131, 140, 166, 170–71, 183, 187, 191, 197–98, 249, 251, 255, 258–59, 264–65, 271, 282–83, 291, 300, 305, 332, 334, 338, 354, 365, 370, 376, 379, 398–99, 411, 417, 427, 431, 442–43; protector, 43, 121, 123, 131, 134–37, 314, 383–84, 417, 424; reputation of, 48, 68, 331, 333, 337, 374; role in the cosmos, 190–92, 302, 361, 380, 382–84, 388–89, 402, 411, 416, 421, 431, 439; Spirit of, 354, 376–77; viewed as petty, 171, 189–90, 192–95, 229–30, 271, 291–92, 333, 337, 388; wisdom of, 22–23, 32, 38, 44, 46–47, 135, 176, 191–92, 258, 269, 292, 294–95, 299–300, 302–4, 332–33, 399, 411–15, 417, 421–22, 428, 431, 438, 444, 446–47
“God of the gaps,” 410–11
gods, 32, 63, 252, 379, 400, 403; appeasement of, 32, 34–35, 38, 62–63, 75, 107, 160–61, 225, 262, 293–94, 301, 303, 318, 330; justice/policies of, 33, 35–37, 39–41, 62, 122, 160, 191, 263, 265, 355, 402, 411, 416; responsibility of humans for, 34, 37, 62, 265, 301, 361; see also Great Symbiosis
Great Symbiosis, 34–38, 62–63, 74, 108–9, 180, 186, 235, 265, 275, 293, 301–3, 330, 352, 361–62, 374–75, 379, 423
harem, 323
“health-and-wealth,” 443
historicity, see friends of Job, historicity; Job (book), historicity; Job (character), historicity
honor, 60, 312–14, 317, 331, 354; see also shame
hope, 129, 133–34, 137, 140–41, 179, 197–98, 283, 306, 422, 428; Job’s, 125, 157, 159–63, 172, 178–79, 181, 185, 210, 214–15, 218–20, 224, 226, 229, 246, 264, 314, 424; see also afterlife; faith/trust
humility, 115, 233, 279–80, 405, 429, 432, 443, 447; see also pride
illness, see sickness
Intelligent Design, 27
Jesus, see Christ
Job (book), artistry, 21; author of, 23–24, 26–27, 57–58, 61, 80, 86, 293, 352; central question of, 20–23, 27, 188–89, 294, 415, 436; composition history, 28; date, 23–24; Israelite provenance, 36, 38, 70, 74; genre, 24–27; historicity, 24–25; language, 23–24; see also wisdom literature
Job (character), accusations against God/flawed view of God, 86, 188–90, 213, 223–24, 229, 259, 267–68, 270–71, 332–35, 398–99, 401–2, 410, 418, 433–34; as not an Israelite, 23, 57–58, 74, 133, 167, 180, 320; as plaintiff or defendant, 108, 182, 329; as role model, 20, 97–98, 188, 276, 278; as star witness for the defense, 182, 186, 266; motivations of, 20, 21, 23, 62–63, 68–69, 74, 98, 124, 179–80, 184–86, 211, 293, 324, 329–31, 333, 358, 361, 364, 374–75, 388, 399, 434, 436; name, 25; repentance, 161, 183, 263–64, 281, 360, 375, 431–32; restoration, 33, 44, 59, 161, 166, 177, 180, 182–87, 198, 221, 225, 245–46, 261–64, 314, 330–31, 351, 356–57, 364, 374, 432–37; innocence/righteousness of, 25, 35–36, 38, 42–48, 57–58, 62, 66–69, 72, 100–101, 105, 108, 119, 161, 163, 180, 182, 185–88, 198, 223–25, 230, 246–48, 260–61, 264–67, 293–94, 312, 318, 320–21, 330–31, 333, 350–51, 354, 358, 361, 364–65, 375, 381, 405–6, 413, 436; signature of, 329; suffering of, 22, 42, 69–70, 101, 105, 109, 116, 186, 189, 218, 246, 259, 262, 317, 355, 375–76, 404–6, 415, 434–35, 437; view of God in general, 62, 165, 171, 173, 230, 271, 332–36; see also righteousness, disinterested
Job’s lament [ch. 3], 29, 118, 162, 174, 415
justice, see God, justice of; gods, justice/policies of
Kirtu, 25
lament genre, 27, 29, 34–35, 40, 118, 124–26, 134, 138, 271; see also Job’s lament [ch. 3]
law of Moses, 23, 57, 136, 189, 277–78; see also covenant
Leviathan, 85, 120–23, 163, 259, 286, 334, 397, 406–11, 413, 431, 435, 438; see also chaos creatures
legal proceedings, 211, 246, 379–80, 404; God on trial, 20–21, 42, 72, 178, 182, 414, 443; in ancient Near East, 66, 164, 244, 263; Job seeking legal action, 73, 125, 160–61, 164–66, 171–72, 174, 176–79, 183–84, 186–87, 211, 214–15, 218, 222–26, 233, 246, 259, 263, 266, 321, 329–32, 350, 360, 370, 415, 431; see also mediator
life’s transience, 163
literary artifice, 24–27
Ludlul bel nemeqi, 25, 32, 37, 158, 160, 182, 219
Marduk, 32, 122, 250, 254, 258, 334–35, 367, 397
mediator, 158, 214, 223–26, 244, 262, 266–67, 355–57, 434, 450–52; see also God, as mediator
monotheism, 39–40, 42, 45, 63, 74, 328
Mot, see Death/mawet/Mot
mourning, 70–71, 102, 105, 126, 214, 219–20, 317, 432
narrative frame [chs. 1–3, 42], 28–29, 59, 124, 177, 271, 292, 432
netherworld, see Sheol/netherworld
oaths, 60–61, 259, 312, 314, 318, 321, 323, 326, 329–31, 333, 336, 350, 433
Old World Science, 191, 272–73; see also accommodationist hermeneutics, concordist hermeneutics
Open Theism, 48
order, see cosmic order
patriarchal period, 23
philosophy, 26, 31–33, 36, 40–41, 67, 73, 97, 104, 107–10, 140, 185, 190, 193–94, 225, 228, 266, 269, 298, 334, 351–53, 358, 376–77, 401–2, 412, 438, 443
piety, 32, 34, 36, 37, 58, 124–25, 157, 181, 210, 223, 244, 276, 292, 294
polytheism, see gods
pride, 84, 175, 222, 224–25, 233, 280, 406, 409; see also humility
prosperity/wealth, 21, 22, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 44, 58, 61, 69, 87, 101, 107, 115, 134, 161, 177, 181–182, 186, 213, 216, 227, 235, 245, 246, 259, 261, 276, 286, 293–94, 303, 312, 316, 323–24, 327, 330–31, 357, 361, 364–65, 375, 432, 435–36, 443; see also righteousness, disinterested
priest, 10–11, 23, 215, 226, 315, 434; see also cultic feasts; ritual
Qoheleth, 45–47
Rahab, 171, 258–59, 334, 406; see also chaos creatures
repentance, see Job (character), repentance
Rephaim, 250
responsibility, see God, cause of suffering; Job (character), innocence/righteousness of
resurrection, 128, 131, 133–34, 179, 219–20, 226–29, 280; see also afterlife
Retribution Principle (RP), 21, 23, 32, 33, 38, 39–48, 59, 67–68, 73, 98, 101, 108–9, 125, 134, 137, 157, 166, 172, 181–3, 185–86, 189–90, 216, 225, 230–31, 236, 247, 249, 259, 262, 264, 266, 290, 294, 323, 331, 350, 352, 358–59, 363, 369, 374–76, 378–79, 384–85, 401, 405, 410, 413–14, 420, 422, 428, 434–39, 443; see also God, justice of; traditional dogma
revelation, 34, 73, 111, 158, 181, 189–90, 212, 215, 267–70, 272–75, 277–78, 302, 304, 334–35, 337, 376–77, 381–82, 398, 417; see also authority of the Bible; dreams/visions
rewards, see righteousness, disinterested
righteous, the, 21–23; see also Retribution Principle (RP)
righteousness, 34–35, 38, 63, 159; disinterested, 23, 67, 107, 185, 188–89, 199, 216, 221, 235–36, 247, 260–61, 265–66, 275–81, 293–94, 330–31, 333, 336, 364; see also Job (character) innocence/righteousness of; prosperity/wealth; Retribution Principle (RP)
ritual, 34–38, 43, 58–59, 61–63, 67–68, 107, 121–22, 158–61, 163, 180, 210, 213, 226, 291, 293, 295, 301, 303, 318, 320, 333, 435; see cultic feasts; piety; priest
sacred space, 35, 62, 252, 254, 286, 315, 418–19
Satan, see Challenger, the
Sea/yam, 120, 163, 287–88, 291, 418–19; see also Deep/tehom
shame, 133, 227, 312–14, 316, 432; see also honor
Sheol/netherworld, 78, 118, 120, 123, 125–28, 130–31, 133–34, 174–75, 179, 215, 228, 250–53, 256–57, 288, 299, 325, 334, 400; see also afterlife, resurrection
sickness, 32–33, 61, 101–2, 106, 137, 182, 216, 235, 301, 303, 318, 429
silence, 105, 162, 178–79, 183–84, 243, 262, 266, 314, 330–31, 355, 359–60, 411, 431
sin, see friends of Job, accusing Job; Job (character), innocence/righteousness of
Socrates, see Plato
Sons of God/divine council, 63–64, 74, 110, 160, 212, 214–15, 221, 315, 335, 372, 400–402
spirit, see God, Spirit of
suffering, 19–20, 22–23, 26–27, 37, 39–40, 43, 47, 73, 87, 97–98, 107, 116, 140–41, 192, 216, 231–34, 280–81, 296–303, 374, 376, 386–88, 397, 412–15, 418, 420–22, 424–29, 437–38, 440–44; in the ancient Near East, 31, 33, 36–37, 40, 43; see also evil; God, cause of suffering; Job (character), suffering of
tehom, see Deep/tehom
temple, 23, 57, 129, 315, 318, 335, 402, 418–19; see also sacred space
theodicy, 20, 21, 39–45, 47, 186, 269, 350, 374–76, 378, 420, 436–37, see also Elihu; Retribution Principle (RP)
thought experiment, 26–27, 48, 69, 110, 424
traditional dogma, 36, 104, 106, 162, 181–83, 216, 222, 249, 262, 352; see friends of Job, Retribution Principle (RP)
trust, see faith/trust
Tsevat’s triangle, 43–44, 108, 165, 185, 225, 262, 374, 376, 410
wealth, see prosperity/wealth
weather, 170, 191, 254, 259, 290, 366–69, 371, 381–82, 398, 400–402, 416; see cosmic geography
wicked, the, see Retribution Principle (RP)
wife of Job, 45, 59, 102–6, 186, 323, 325–26, 434
wisdom, 31, 42, 57, 279; as inaccessible, 285, 287, 304; produces creation, 289–90, 300; source of, 183, 287–88, 352–54, 362, 377, 441; see also God, wisdom of