Abhörurteil, 115–117

Abortion, 96–99, 102–104, 109, 115

Action/agency: Catholic thought on, 97–99; Griffin and, 5; Kant and, 26, 84, 86, 93, 151; Korsgaard and, 88, 99, 145–147, 151; O’Neill and, 88–89, 99; Schiller and, 34–36; violations of dignity and, 111–113. See also Autonomy; Voluntarism

Adenauer, Konrad, 80, 91

Aesthetics, 31–32, 35

Agency. See Action/Agency; Autonomy; Voluntarism

Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 2–3

Airline hijacking, 105–110, 113, 118–119

Animals, dignity and, 12

Aquinas, Thomas, 16–17, 22, 23, 47–48

Arcanum divinae sapientiae (Leo XIII), 49

Aristocracy, 38. See also Hierarchy

Arrogance, 27

Arruda, Geisy, 7

Autonomy: Catholic thought on, 97–99, 120–121, 126; Kant on, 21–22, 25–26, 30; philosophy and, 5, 120–122; U.S. liberals and, 126

Bacon, Francis, 15–16, 17

Balancing of dignity, 107–110

Beauty, goodness and, 136–138

Beethoven, Ludwig von, 36

Behavior, dignified, 30, 31–38, 47, 56–60, 121

Behavior, undignified: the state and, 68–73; value of, 71–73

Benedict XVI (Pope), 94

Bernard, John, 39–40

Bio-ethics, 96–99

Böckenförde, Ernst-Wolfgang, 91

Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne, 18

Brooks, David, 3–4

B’Tselem (dignity), 11

B’Tselem, 11 (organization)

Bundesrepublik, 79, 91, 93

Bundesverfassungsgericht, 78, 102

Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam, 53–54

Caricatures, 76

Categorical imperative (Kant), 81, 87, 90

Catholic Church, 3, 6–7; anti-egalitarian thought of, 8–9, 13–14, 48–51, 92; dignity as intrinsic value and, 16–17, 47–48, 93–94; egalitarian development in social teaching, 51–53, 56, 92–94; on human freedom, 94–95, 98–100; on morality, 94; on relativism, 95, 99–100; on sexuality and bio-ethics, 96–99; suicide and, 121–123

CDU (Christlich Demokratische Union), 80, 91

Cicero, 11–12

Civic dignitaries, 19–20

Cohen v. California, 124–125

Cold jokes, 158

Colonia Dignidad, 4

Comedy, 73

Commentary on the Sentences (Aquinas), 16–17

Communism, 92

Conseil d’État, 63–65

Consent: and dignity, 118–119; informed, 120–121

Consequentialism. See Utilitarianism

Corpses, respect for, 127–160; externalism and, 133–135; humanism and, 129–131; non-human things and, 135–138; utilitarianism and, 130–133

Criminal behavior, 113–114

Critique of Judgement (Kant), 28

Critique of Practical Reason (Kant), 29, 81, 144–145

CSU (Christlich-Soziale Union), 91, 93

Daschner, Wolfgang, 104–105

Death with dignity, 6–7, 121–123

De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum (Bacon), 15–16, 17

De Dignitate Hominis (Pico), 14–15

Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 47

De Officiis (On Duties) (Cicero), 11–12

Deontology, 104, 107, 111, 131, 139

Dignitary harms, 158–159

Dignitas, 12–13

Dignitas (organization), 6–7

“Dignity Is a Useless Concept” (Macklin), 5, 120

Dignity USA (organization), 7

Diuturnum (Leo XIII), 50–51

Dürig, Günter, 81, 91

Duty: -based moral theory, 138–142; grace, heroism, and, 36; Kant on, 87, 90, 142–156; respect and, 10, 29, 55, 61, 157; self-regarding, 148; without Platonism, 156–160

Dwarves, 63–69

Dworkin, Ronald, 131

Ends, people as, 85–86, 88–89, 99–100, 118

Equality, 38–46; Catholic thought on, 48–53; Kant on, 27, 31, 41; Schiller on, 41

Ethics, Kantian, 143–144, 155. See also Morality

European Convention on Human Rights, 68

Evangelium Vitae (John Paul II), 3, 51–52, 94, 97–99

Expanding circle narrative, 8

Externalism, 133–135

Falwell, Jerry, 125

Feinberg, Joel, 5, 57

Fidelio (opera) (Beethoven), 36

Finaler Rettungsschuss, 105, 113–114

Forfeiture of dignity, 113–114

Formula of Humanity (Kant), 80–90

Formula of Universal Law (Kant), 87

Freedom, 94–95, 98–100

French Revolution, 38, 40–41

Gäfgen, Magnus, 105, 110

Gelasius I (Pope), 13

Geneva Conventions, 58–60

Genocidal propaganda, 160

German Democratic Republic, 79

Germany, legal system of. See Grundgesetz (Basic Law) of the Federal Republic of Germany

Glover, Jonathan, 158

Goodness: externalism and, 133–135; humanism and, 129–131; non-human things and, 136–138; Platonism and, 135–136; utilitarianism and, 130–133; virtue ethics and, 140

Grace and dignity, 31–38

Gravitas, 13. See also Dignitas

“Greek State, The” (Nietzsche), 41–42

Griffin, James, 5

Groundwork to the Metaphysics of Morals (Kant), 20–23, 27–28, 29, 87, 144

Grundgesetz (Basic Law) of the Federal Republic of Germany: Catholic Church and, 53, 56, 80, 90–100; dignity in, 2, 77–80, 126; interpreting the, 100–104; Kantian background of, 80–90

Haggerston Baths (Hackney), 71–72

Heinzen, Karl, 41

Herder, Johann Gottfried, 32, 33

Heroism, 36

Hierarchy, 47–54

Home, Henry (Lord Kames), 31

Honor, 27, 36

Human dignity, 12, 17–19; Feinberg on, 57; Kant and, 23–24, 144–145

Humanism, 129–131; Kant and, 142–143, 150, 155; Nietzsche on, 45–46

Humanitarianism, sentimental, 41, 43–45

Humanity, Formula of (Kant), 80–90

Humanity: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century (Glover), 158

Humanity in my person (Kant), 122–123

Human rights. See Rights, human

Human Rights Committee (UN), 66–67

Humiliation, 60, 74–75, 127, 158–160

Humility, 26

Humor, 73

Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell, 125

Ig Nobel Prize, 18

Informed consent, 120–121

Inner transcendental kernel, 9, 31, 55; the Grundgesetz and, 109, 114; Kant and, 143, 147; the state and, 70, 74–77

“In Search of Dignity” (Brooks), 3–4

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 66, 68

Inviolability, dignity and: Catholic thought and, 6–7, 96–98; difficulty in sustaining, 126; in Grundgesetz, 2, 77–79; human rights and, 53–54, 109–111; Kant and, 55, 80, 93; legal discourse and, 77

John Paul II (Pope), 3, 6, 51–53, 94–100, 120–121

Kant, Immanuel: autonomy and, 21–22, 25–26, 30; categorical imperative, 81, 87, 90; dignified behavior and, 30, 61; on duty, xv, 87, 90; duty- based approach and, 142–156; equality and, 27, 31, 41; ethics of, 143–144, 155; Formula of Humanity, 80–90; Formula of Universal Law, 87; morality and, 10, 23–26, 30–31, 55–56, 144, 153; on persons/personhood, 85–86, 93, 122–123, 144–145, 150–153; Platonism and, 10, 143, 145; respect and, 26–27, 30, 150, 152–156; Schiller and, 36–37; the sublime and, 28–30; suicide and, 122–123, 146–153; value (intrinsic) and, 10, 19–23, 30–31, 55, 80, 86, 143, 153–155

Kidnapping, 104–105, 108, 110–111

Korsgaard, Christine, 87–89, 93, 118, 122, 145–147, 151

Labor, dignity of, 42–45, 48–51

Laocoön group, 32–33

Lawgiving, Kant on, 25–26

Laws on dignity, 9, 63–128; airline hijacking and, 105–110, 113, 118–119; Catholic thought and, 90–100; confusion about, 67–68, 76–77; Formula of Humanity and, 80–90; Grundgesetz and, 77–104, 126; irreverence and, 73–76, 125; reconciling conflicts in, 107–119; torture and, 104–105, 108, 110, 111, 113; undignified behavior and, 63–73, 125–126; voluntarism and, 119–125

Lectures on Ethics (Kant), 152

Legislation. See Laws on dignity

Leo XIII (Pope), 48–51, 93

Lèse-majesté, 74

Life, the right to: abortion and, 96–99, 102–104, 115; airplane hijacking and, 109–110, 114; kidnapping and, 104–105, 107

Little People of America, 69

Luther, Martin, 20

Macklin, Ruth, 5, 120

Maritain, Jacques, 53

Marx, Karl, 41

McCrudden, Christopher, ix

Meanings of “dignity.” See Strands of meaning

Means, treating people as, 80, 82–85, 99–100, 118

Merkel, Angela, 2

Metaphysics of Morals (Kant), 26, 80, 147

Metzler, Jakob von, 104–105, 110, 113

Mill, John Stuart, xii, 123–124

Milton, John, 16

Moltmann, Jürgen, 3

Moore, George Edward, 137–138

Morality: capacity for, 57–58; Catholic thought on, 94–95; Kant on, 23–26, 30, 55–56, 144, 153; Schiller on, 34–35; will (der Wille) and, 34

Morality of Freedom, The (Raz), 130

Moral law, Kant on, 25–26, 30–31, 38, 55, 61

Moral theories / philosophy: duty-based, 139–142; revolution in, 155–156; rights-based, 139

Moral will (der Wille) (Kant), 34

More, Hannah, 38–39

Morsang-sur-Orge (France), 63–65, 68

Mulieris Dignitatem (John Paul II), 52–53

“Nature of Gothic, The” (Ruskin), 14

Nazi regime, 112, 158

Niebuhr, Reinhold, 3

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 41–46, 142

Noumenal realm (Kant), 145, 154–155

Nozick, Robert, 111

Obama, Barack, 3–4

Object formula (Objektformel) (Dürig), 81

“Of the Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce” (Milton), 16

On Christian Liberty (Luther), 20

O’Neill, Onora, 88–89, 139

On Grace and Dignity (Schiller), 31

On Human Dignity (Moltmann), 3

Orwell, George, 73

Parfit, Derek, 84

Pascal, Blaise, 17–18

Persons/personhood: Kant on, 85–86, 93, 122–123, 144–145, 150–153; U.S. Supreme Court on, 124

Philosophy: dignity and, 4–10; as holistic discipline, xi–xii; inaccessibility of, ix–xi, xiii–xiv; proof in, xii–xiii. See also Moral theories / philosophy

Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, 14–15, 17, 24

Pinker, Steven, 119–120, 125

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 124

Plants, dignity of, 18–19

Platonism, 135–136; duty without, 156–160; Kant and, 10, 143, 145

Police powers, 63–68

Political theory vs. philosophy, xv–xvi

Principia Ethica (Moore), 137–138

Prisoners of war, 58–60

Prostitution, 69–70

Public order, 63–68

Punishment, humiliation and, 74–75

Quod Apostolici Muneris (Leo XIII), 48–49

Rank. See Status

Ratzinger, Joseph (Benedict XVI), 94

Rawls, John, 89, 139

Raz, Joseph, 130–131

Relativism, 95, 99–100

Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone (Kant), 37–38

Respect: attitude of, 143–144; duty and, 10, 29, 55, 61, 157; human dignity and, 5, 57; irreverence and, 74; Kant and, 26–27, 30, 150, 152–156; philosophical puzzle of, 9–10; religion and, 156–157; for rights, 54–61

Respect-as-observance, 57, 61, 114–115

Respect-as-respectfulness, 58, 61, 115

Reverence, 156; lack of, 73–76

Rights, human: balancing of, 109–111; as contrasted with dignity, 53–54; deprivation of, 101; description of, 6; dignity and, 2, 53, 54; to respect, 54–61; as side-constraints, 111. See also Life, the right to

Rights-based moral theory, 139

Roe v. Wade, 124

Ruskin, John, 14

Schiller, Friedrich, 31–38, 41, 56, 160

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 1, 41

Sexuality and bio-ethics, 96–99

Slavery, 39–44

Smith, Adam, 31

Socialism, 92

SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands), 80

Squeamishness, 132

State: action, 112–113; undignified behavior and, 68–73

Status and dignity, 11–15, 41, 54–55, 61

Strands of meaning, 8, 19, 40, 41, 54, 61; behavior as (see Behavior, dignified); legislation and, 114–119; status as (see Status and dignity); treatment as (see Treatment and dignity); value (intrinsic) as (see Value (intrinsic) and dignity)

Strauss, Franz-Josef, 76, 110–111

“Stupidity of Dignity, The” (Pinker), 119–120

Subjectivity, 97–98

Sublime, the, Kant and, 28–30, 38

Suicide, 121–123, 146–153

Supreme Court (U.S.), 124–125

“Sur l’éminente dignité des pauvres dans l’Église” (Bossuet), 18

Swiss Federal Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology (ECNH), 4, 18–19

Teleology, 139

Thoughts on the Imitation of the Painting and Sculpture of the Greeks (Winckelmann), 32

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 47

Torture, 104–105, 108, 110, 111, 113, 158

Translations of “dignity”: Bacon and, 15–16; the Bible and, 11; B’Tselem, 11; dignitas, Cicero and, 11–12; respect and, 156; the sublime and, 28–29

Treatment and dignity, 57–62, 126–127; degrading, 159–160; Grundgesetz and, 115–119; state power and, 75

Ukraine penal code, 74

United Airlines Flight 93, 119

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 2, 53

Universalizability-test approach, 146

Universal Law, Formula of (Kant), 87

Utilitarianism, 86, 130–133, 139, 155

Utilitarianism (Mill), xii

Value (intrinsic) and dignity, 15; Catholic Church and, 16–17, 47–48, 61; Grundgesetz and, 115; Kant and, 19–23, 30–31, 55, 61, 80, 86, 143, 153–155; Plato and, 143

Vatican, Second Council of, 93

Verfassungsgericht, 75–76; on abortion, 102–104, 115; demeaning treatment and, 115–119; on torture, 105; on violation of dignity, 109–110, 113

Veritatis Splendor (John Paul II), 94–95, 99–100, 120–121

Virtue ethics, 140

Voluntarism: Catholic rejection of, 94, 97–100; Kantians and, 89, 145–147, 151; legislation and, 119–125

Wackenheim, Manuel, 63, 65–69, 76

Wakeling, E. J., 72

Washington, George, 39–41

Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, 32–33

World War II, 53

Worth, dignity and, 2, 14–16, 19–20