If my sun set in the west

I could not bear it!

And if it rose in the east—

I must annul it!

Myself demands

Rarest Circuit.

’Twere natural history

To set in the west,—

But my sun’s imperialcy

Hath this reversed,—

To reach all Lands

Exquisite and first.


God said, “I made a man

Out of clay—

  But so bright he, he spun

Himself to brightest Day

Till he was all shining gold,

And oh,

  He was lovely to behold!

But in his hands held he a bow

Aimed at me who created

Him. And I said,

  ‘Wouldst murder me

Who am thy Fountainhead!’

Then spoke he the man of gold:

‘I will not

  Murder thee! I do but

Measure thee. Hold

Thy peace.’ And this I did.

But I was curious

  Of this so regal head.

‘Give thy name!’—‘Sir! Genius.’”


Countering the general eye,

To surpass it quietly,

These eyes stay in private sockets

To detect the invisible currents

Whose metrics is immortality.

In consequence whereof,

These lines are charged

With ions heretic! O do not touch

Here unless you are prepared

Or can sustain the hidden

Voltage. Move away, gaze away,

Or yield the Self gracefully too.


Sir, I commend to you the spirit

Of Lucifer, who was most beautiful

And wore in that proud skull

Rebellion like a jewel exquisite;

I adjure you to meekly admit

That seething genius pre-punctual,

Foreword to all the historical:

I beg you to give him his meet.

Brightest of archangels and brightest

Of demons—proud, incomparable Lucifer!

I alone of all men remember

And praise that magnificent zest

That sent God frantic to abuse

And doom this First, pioneering Genius.


Come to a conference with me!

We will confer About,

Till you are in Doubt.

This is the first Circumstance.

Come to a conference with me!

We will confer About,

Till you reject Without.

This is the second Circumstance.

Come to a conference with me!

We will confer About,

Till you see God Turned About.

This is the Immortal Circumstance!


I unfell completely from

As I fell completely into:

The Act most pure.

Than purity more clear

And excelling it:

But here was purest trapezist.

With a brilliance of spirit

Agiler than mathematics

Preciser than God

I equated Life to Fire

In clearest ethics

And so—I am called Immoralist.


Now, if you will look in my brain

You will see not Because

But Cause—

The strict Rose whose clean

Light utters all my pain.

Dwelleth there my God

With a strict Rod

And a most luminous mien.

And He whippeth! lo how

He whippeth! O see

The rod’s velocity

In utterest unmercy

Carve, inflict upon this brow

The majesty of its doomèd Now.


Myself solving myself—

Myself Eye and Seen,

Patient and Psychologue—

With only God between.

Standing proud, immutable!

Dark, impenetrable!

The Power that balanceth me

Pierceless, immovable!

Away, my Lord! Away!

Leave thou a path to see

This formidable clay!

Create graceful vacancy,

Resign this Regency!

Else bear the terrible hell

Of Creator swerved aside

By mortal’s brave scalpel.


Imagination is Where God

Would have been born

  But for Heaven,—

Yet that it comprises more

But increases the stature of its door.

Because that it weds

Both Heaven and Hell

  And giveth Angel

Brother in Devil—it may not

Except by true gods be subjugate.

Even God, when He enters

Imagination’s door—lo!

  He must bow—

It is such a Terrible Door

He enters with golden terror.

But Within—lo, behold

The Greatest Nativity—

  The Nativity

Of Everness—more immortal

Than His own Soul.


I was not young long: I met the soul early:

Who took me to God at once: and, seeing

God the Incomparable Sight, I knelt my body

Humbly: whereupon God saw the star upon

My brow: stooped to kiss it: O then the

Blinding radiance there! explosion of all

My earthness: sparks flying till I was all

Embers: long, long did God hold me: till

He arose and bade me to rise saying: Now

Go back. Now go back from where you came.

Go back: Understanding is yours now. Only

Beware: beware! since you and God have lovered.


My mouth is very quiet

Reverencing the luminance of my brain:

If words must find an outlet

They must work with jewelled pain.

They must cut a way immaculate

To leave the brain incorrupt:

They must repay their Debt

Like archangels undropt.

The miracle of a word is to my mouth

The miracle of God in my brain:

Archangels holding to His North and South,

His East and West by an inviolable chain.

An archangel upon my mouth

May blow his silver trumpet:

But he holds to his North or South,

Blows—and again is quiet.


From seeming to being is forever.

From birth

To forever.

Being’s seeming is not ever.


Will not seem.

Is, is sovereign, nor needs


Is independent rose.


The way my ideas think me

Is the way I unthink God.

As in the name of heaven I make hell

That is the way the Lord says me.

And all is adventure and danger

And I roll Him off cliffs and mountains

But fast as I am to push Him off

Fast am I to reach Him below.

And it may be then His turn to push me off,

I wait breathless for that terrible second:

And if He push me not, I turn around in anger:

“O art thou the God I would have!”

Then He pushes me and I plunge down, down!

And when He comes to help me up

I put my arms around Him, saying, “Brother,

Brother.”…This is the way we are.


Now let us announce me.

This is a very grave duty.

Let us announce me.

Announce me perfectly.

I am most of all, most.

The least of me is most.

God can see almost

The most He got to almost.

He was almost I

Until He could not die.

I was almost He

Until I learned to disagree.


Between one and one

Between integer and integer

Is itself’s nothing

The abstract zero.

Between I and I

Between self and self

Is itself’s everything

The abstract Hero

That self may equate to

Or keep ever as two.


To give you my permanent address

Will astound you

As myself have.

The days of no address

Or the days of interrogation

Are gone.

Have found.

Migration has escalade

Up or down

Or width here to there

But always a focus

An always-address.


Could have been Death

Had not Love supremed me.

Might have been less than

Death, or more.

But when God heard it

He abdicated grandly

And I was there without sound—

The Word.


Saw God dead but laughing.

Uttered the laugh for Him.

Heard my skull crack with doom

Tragedian laughing!

Peered into the cracked skull—

Saw the tragic monkhood

In the shape of God’s deathhead

Laughter upon its mouth a jewel.

Jewel bright, O Jewel bright,

Laughter of the Lord.

Laughter with eternity immured

O laugh bright, laugh bright.

Then did the Lord laugh louder

I laughing for Him,

I from the heart’s honeycomb

Feeding braver, braver,

Till all the universe was Laughter

But the Laughter of the Lord

O the Laughter of His Word

That could laugh only—after His murder.


Only birds, only mirrors

The unadulterated eye

Can see me. Their quick thought

Quickly congratulates

My braveries, my ardours,

My revolutionary sky,

My pledges, my truths unbought,

My axioms and postulates.

Congratulates without script

Being pure unenemies,

Unacademes and strict

Against falsities.

Degree without manuscript,

Degree without cease,

Over the purest conflict

The cleanest theologies.


Since my Correspondence

With God

Dates all my luminance.

’Tis our Communions

Gives me pinions.

From Him

All my dazzling opinions—

Yet anonymous He

But for me! His Verity


His conclusions in bankruptcy

Without my Finality!


My most. My most. O my lost!

O my bright, my ineradicable ghost.

At whose bright coast God seeks

Shelter and is lost is lost. O

Coast of Brightness. O cause of

Grief. O rose of purest grief.

O thou in my breast so stark and

Holy-bright. O thou melancholy

Light. Me. Me. My own perfidy.

O my most my most. O the bright

The beautiful the terrible Accost.


Flew birds east where I was.

Flung back the sun to see.

Fled in terror of Divinity

Brothering his Judas.

Birds! birds! birds!

My immortality is such

That I must love overmuch.

Yet a terror of herds

Seizes me, such a terror

As no mirror of hell can divulge.

Then who must assuage?

Judas, Judas!—Aggregate Traitor.


So that it could be essence

The history of within:

This was the method

My soul made for sin—

Beneath the circumstance

Of sensual lust

The divinest God

Uprose from the sinful crust.

He had not known me

Without the senses’ mystery!

Only the exactitude of sin

Had revealed Him within!


Or I myself in death

As I ascended—Death being more

Than philosophy. There was a Door

Made me hold my breath

And He was Outlined there.

Who? Who the Apparition?

Subject me to no explanation—

O but it was Flaming there!

The Outline of Fire

With velocity of Eternity!

But who? who?—Anonymity?

Most certainly not. Die—and aspire!


Then when He said no I knew yes.

There was no reason to say yes.

He said no.

But I knew yes.

I went ahead.

He said no, I knew yes.

I went ahead.

There was no reason not

I knew yes.

Knowing yes, going ahead, I knew no.

There was no reason not

He said no

I remembered He said so.


Nevermore to delay life

End the beginning

Devise the bravest perpendicular

To the squarest circle.

Assume the ending.

If He lies broken who broke Him?

Assume your innocence!

If you are broken who broke you?

Assume His innocence!

The perpendicular of heaven and death!

Now the wounded may rest.

If He—on your breast.

If you—on His breast.

Rest, rest.


Time the traveller

Bringeth us little specimens

We call experience:

But the great Essences

The things not specimens

These must be of our Own Blood!

A resident God

Our beautiful blood’s miracle.

In our blood’s laboratory

We have this Task to do,

The Distillation of the Dew

With passion of the Tormented.

Till prismed in the blood,

O luminous and glowing,

We see this royal God bowing

Our lovely Parentage acknowledging!


Often, the livingness of death

More is than the livingness of life:

Then is the face of death

Brillianter than the face of love.

Creatrix of the austere fire

Death has a sensuous skull:

Peerless, merciless Beauty rare!

She is the Rose Original.

She is the merciless beauty

Of Hierusalem, whose pleasaunce

Is despair—whose peerless piety

Seduced Jesus for the Tree.


Sir, there’s a tower of fire in me

Binding me with terrible strength

The whole of my mortal length

And splitting brave the skull’s empery

In a rush of dauntless energy

To reach the most luminous ether.

I am the mortal grounding of a tower

Imminent with immortality.

The reasons of my skull avail not

Against this rush of fire, and whether

I assent or not, I am the creature

Must uphold the merciless bigot—

But I am loyal to the earth though through my skull

Descend God the Burning Jewel, like my betraying angel.


Were death not so involved

(I mean not the flesh’s death)

I should long have resolved

The tactics of her faith.

Her tissues move unmusketed,

Her soldiery is lean;

Their sandals are blanketed,

Yet they cut most keen.

Her soldiers are devout,

Their pulses are delicate;

They keep no route,

Nor argue to debate—

But in phalanx move as one,

A fleet of angels, satin-shod;

They kiss like angels, every one,

And poison like an inverted God.


Mostly are we mostless

And neverness is all we become.

The tiger is tigerless

The flame is flameless.

Dig up Time like a tiger

Dig up the beautiful grave

The grave is graveless

And God is Godless.

I saw myself reflected

In the great eye of the grave.

I saw God helpless

And headless there.

Until I put my head on Him.

Then He uprose superb.

He took the body of me

And crumpled me to immortality.


Futurity’s equivalence to Now

Is incurable.

How far to see

Is my problem.

To divide futurity rightly.

First, God, if you can remember

He is not undiscriminative love.

Unmythed God.

I unchurched Him and charged

Him manfully.

God is Alive now.

Possibility of His death is remote

He having now my head.

God’s old head I have given

To the crows.

His old eyes are pecked out

And dead!

Therefore I charge you, God,

To be careful of my head!

“I will be careful.”

Be careful of my head!


Faithfullest, for I am infidel!

Lexicon—renew thy charge!

Defeated antonymity,

Conjugated marge!

Of Infidel—to disavow

Be his true symmetry—

To unknow—

His brave geometry—

Yet such my Infidelity

As by her pure artillery

—Firing, she but teaches Him

His Brightest Angelity!


In life I shone with so much death:

(For death is so very bright—

To see her splendid sight

Maketh to hold the breath).

With so much death I shone, I shone:

Many could not look at me

But thought such beauty savagery:

The lesser stooped to pick a stone.

And cast it at this Savage strange.

And cast it at my Light.

But none could dim my bright

That from Death was her pure exchange

For the heart I burnèd for her sake,

For the mind I brokèd for her sake.


O, the brightness of my dark!

Dark inwove of Light—

Where to grope is to see

That unconfrontable Instancy

Of my Lord God stretchèd stark,

Maniac without sight,

Upon the burning meridian

Of this ambitious brain.

Lo, thou espousèd there!

Lo, thou naked Rasputin!

Why wilt not arise and blare

Thy terrible chagrin

At this brain of thy make?

Why lieth trodden silent

When chagrin can slake?

“Because I am reverent.”


How shines my dark-world

Upon the sun! and gives it

Light for the earth-world—

While I lie in darkest defeat,

In dark most terror-complete.

How shines the sun-world

Upon the earth-world! and feeds it

My brilliance terror-hurled—

The sun’s immortal deceit,

Assumption of my immortal feat!

Be absolved, Sun, be absolved:

But only in the name of Love—

My dark-world God-revolved,

My dark-world you have pity of!


Progress from no or yes

Progress from life or death.

Progress from who

Or progress from not-who.

I progressed from Christ.

Christ progressed from me.

Whoever progresses from us

Progresses to secrecy.

Christ is my secret

I His secret!

I the Cross upon Him

He the Cross upon me.

I the Hand across His mouth

He the Hand across my mouth.

I the Word breaking His mouth

He the Word breaking my mouth.


The contraband of soul

Amongst mortality!

  We must hide it

In direst secrecy!

Lest it be known to all

And their fingers point

  “Judas!”—and fit

Us to the beams conjoint!


I betook me to the ways of Truth,

I burnished me for the field of death,

I tautened this fragile breath

So it could compass life with ruth—

I marshalled the beautiful skull

To look for the great undeath,

I found the necessary faith

In my heart that brave jewel.

So here was I, seeker and assaulter,

With Life to probe and prove:

In chastest ways only did I move

To find that great ultimate Center.

In this Diagram without fault

Lo, behold me—Center of the divine assault!


If: or: maybe.

These are the divisor words.

The Holy Ghost made these cruelties

In the image of His kindness.

These words divide justly.

To the honor of Love

The divisor words divide the heart

Purely. The cisions are clean.

The blades are keen.

The anguish has an immortal mien.


It is necessary to die livingly.

It is very necessary to do this.

I have every death of a life.

You can see it in my death.

Very well it is a commandment.

Go everyone to die livingly!

I am living with a command,

I command death very livingly.

It is necessary to do this.

Heart and brain must die livingly!

I have every life of a death.

You can see it in my life.


Now of two deaths

Life-death, Death-death

Look to the first:

The expiration by Thirst

The expiration within.

Now I died this way and

Created the vital death

Validing the final death.

Easily: for the dial was set in

Life: so Death ticked pure,

Timed in pulsing blood.

Now this is not death but God.


Within the city of my death

Comes Death melancholy,

For that he seeks to reap me

Who gave God His Head.

Yet if he touch me, ah! he

Slays but the body alone,

Still upon its Throne

Shall sit my Head.

Poor Death! who can no

More call me dead

Unless he kill my Head:

And that forever is upon

His Shoulders and He proud

To wear it, His diadem

From Life, the gem

He died for. So Death—I live!


By death only. Her revival of infinity

Declaimed silently. And this only.

My heart is there at the prophetic mouth.

Will you propel me fairly, Death?

Will you language me commensurately?

Meanwhile, I am Spanish, caballero.

In this ravishing world I am polite.

Tip my hat though inwardly I spit.

Because my heart is bitter at your

Prophetic mouth. My brain is gay.

My limbs are sensual. My heart only

Has the perils of immortality.


I told God to go away—

“For Thou art sick and can not

Bear man’s beauty:

Then, do Thou away and not

Come back till Thy Eyes see well:

Be Thy Body robust,

Thy Heart clean to spell

The beauty of mortal lust.

Away then my Lord till Thou

Art purified! I myself

Will know Thee then, and seek Thee

In man’s behalf.

But now Thou must away—

Thou must, lest Thou rot

Excessive in Adam’s eye

And he…forgive Thee not.”


For which I designed God perishable—

For I have designed man illustrious:

In whom He must seek hermitage

And break His austerity!

So have I made God perishable

Finite, lean and homeless:

Till His need brave Him to merge

With Adam’s mortal beauty.

Let His eyes then be forever triste

In most agony of the Christ!

Until He learn this couplement

For His perfect Jerusalem.

Aye, I His poet make this Tryst

For I would have Him capsized!

That He arise in healment

Perfect and a Gem.


Christ adventuring in my mind.

Christ bedding, loving a woman.

Christ Progenitor.

And you sulking, slinging me slime

You denouncing, damning me

Because my Christ is beautiful!

Christ living, human in my mind.

Christ honest, laughing, singing,

Nude musical!


In the chamber of my philosophy

God is instructed.

God is all naked

For reception of my energy.

God is all naked.

I am all incandescent.

God must begin His ascent

To me the Created.

God is instructed

In the ways of humanity.

God must humanize divinity

To be perfected.

God is my elected.

Him have I chosen

To be berosen.

Him have I elected.

God is my miracle!

God is my Work!

Music from the stark,

Original, marble Syllable!


First add-subtract

Until Identity.

Then to counteract


Until Unity.

Both emprised,

This mortality

Achieveth Christ—

Both comprised,

This perfection

Is dissolution!

Immortalled Christ!


God fears the poems of

Such as I!

Who am neither blind

Nor sly:

For that though I praise Him

I accuse!

His inhuman Godhood

I refuse.

For that though I seek Him

I repel Him!

Repulsion so great

As to unnerve Him.

Dissolution of God

Is my end:

That His Nullity

I may forfend.

Dissolution of the

Spermless God:

To the Aristocracy

Of the Living Blood.


Are you waiting for God’s Word

With so much patience?

Are you waiting and waiting

In clamor or silence?

Arise! Wait no more!

In the end is only one’s own nakedness!

Though God himself cleave to thee

Alas! He is messageless.

All He can do is embrace thee:

His mind was long ago dead.

He cleaveth to thee so meek:

Be gentle, be gentle to this crazèd Head!


Now I will tell you the Future

Of God. The future of God is

Man. God aspired before and

Failed. Jesus was too much

God. Since God is moving

Towards Man, and Man is moving

Towards God—they must meet

Sometime. O but God is always

A Failure! That Time is the

End of the world. When God

And Man do meet—they will

Be so bitter they will not speak.


Imagine God a peacock—

Imagine Him crucified,—

Over Him the beauty

Of great peacock feathers.

The Cross of the Peacock

Must not be denied.

Here begins our duty

To say our peacock prayers.

O Lord of peacocks,

Behold Thy tribe below!

O Peacock God,

Hear our peacock prayers!

God as a Peacock

Can suffer no shock.

Nazarene as Narcissu,

Behold all mankind bowing to you!


With every word, with every thought

With every act,

Besmirched I God;

But He, to counteract

Came down to calm the cruel mouth

And kiss the rebel brow,

And said not a word,

Nor loud, nor low!

And kissed once more the rebel brow,

In Godhood’s mystery.

But I, where God touched me,

O frantic! sought immediate cautery.


The wind shines,

  The sun blows:

The leaves dig,

  The roots unfold—

We are looking in the mirror

Of Narcissu!

The birds bloom,

  The flowers fly:

The bees sing,

  The birds sting!

We are looking in the mirror

Of Narcissu!

Who is very beautiful

Being Jesus,

Who is very sorrowful

By this mirror—

Seeing the image of man

Reflected there

  (O the wind shines,

    The sun blows:

  The leaves dig,

    The roots unfold)

O that very strange glass

O that very strange glass

Where the image of man

Is Judas.


Then we came unsinging

Because having looked at God

He was unrememberable!

There was nothing to say, He

Himself could not say the Word.

His priests, however, went on lying

They that never saw God.

But we who had seen Him were not able

To lie. Speechless we went our way

Muted in unmemory of the Lord.


Sphinx-mouthed Sage whose

Secret was uttered by

  The Crucifixion:

Accept the Lie

Of Mankind that

  Heard Thee not!

Who threw Thee a paper mourning-rose

At Thy Resurrection,


In paper religion

As at a carnival

  ’s carousal—

Accept the Fact that Even Thou

Must bend before


Dark uncancellable brow—

Eternal fountain-ore

  Of the Judas Kiss—

Accept Defeat! Accept Defeat!

Hope no more,

  O Deluded!

It is terribly writ

That for ever and ever

  Thou bleed!


I made myself to burn

Brightly to seek and learn

The unknowable temperature

Of God’s Calenture.

My mind I pitched to

Direst fever, as few

Or none ever may know:

I reached that glow!

Fevered to the bright, grand

Temperature, lo! His princely hand

Smote the lance of my mind:

“Not by the mind, O Blind!”


God not looking, sudden

  I gripped His heart:

Cleft it in twain—division

  Swift and alert,

Cision by the deft hand,

  His Godhead’s clue

Finally to unwand

  As the mind’s long due.

Immortal tissue riven,

  Yet shrank I not;

But bent the mouth brazen

  To the bleeding cut.

Ah, His secret was not fair,

  O but so bitter!

My lips may not again fare

  On blood of Cavalier!


Inexplicacy of birth

Has given me God’s eyes!

Miracle against earth

That my soul defies.

Ah, look into my eyes and see

God’s very Potency!

See the Power and the Glow

The ultimate Yes or No

Tremble on the verge of

My human eyes: God’s lens

Through which I see—all of love:

And die of His immortal suspense!


Silentness is not Silence.

He’s silent in silence whose

Soul’s geography is bare.

But silentness is deportment

Heroic, when the field is

Occupied. He’s silent in

Silentness—whose God is there,

Or when God lies dying,

A finger to His lips. Hush!


Allow God’s cowardice

A design—

Then it shines divine.

Bear Him no malice—

He will bloom the Word.

Though it come

The unforgettable Sum

At the tip of a sword.


Days of my youth

Call my amaze,

Held I so much Truth

In so young a Blaze.

How kept I all

Without faint from Heat?

Who signed my Scroll

To be without limit?

I know, I know!—

The Angel Jesu!

Right on my brow

In mortality’s lieu.


When I mimic God,

And act His omnipotency—

  Lo, how grand

Is His courtesy!

How gallantly He watches,

Without least murmur

  Or demur,

Comprehending my fever.

But when God mimics me—

I stand in human rage

  Unable, unable

To watch the stage!


Equality? Our

Souls equal?

  As well say

Intersects are parallel.

Firmament of star

Heaven centrifugal

  These have a way

Distinct, unequivocal.

Elements, compounds

Of the Greater Rounds,


To the Decimal?


God is Love

Priest’s dixit!

Lie infinite

Of the Pulpit!

Making God


In vain His

Son’s novitiate.

Nay, God makes

Strictest choices.

His Ledger demands

Brightest Invoices!


I will bespeak the mordaunce

In God’s heart. I threw the lance

That set it there. I know

Then the potency of the blow.

He moved not as I raised the

Lancèd hand. He stood a body

Whole of love. He commanded not

The hand’s desistance. He cut

The figure of Loneness against

The sky. But my will was earnest!

I sent the lance and hurled him

Down. He fell on the rough rim

Of the earth. I helped him not

To rise. He arose and reviled not.

He walked to me but then I ran.

I am everyone called Man.


Death, corollary to Life

But only by Chronology.

Death, the supreme Theorem—

Life, the Corollary.

Whose antecedence—

Paradox divine—

Mathematicus Sublime

Created in inversed line.

A progression of wine

From fruit to poem.

Grape, the Corollary,

Wine, the Theorem.


A brilliance met me,

I was returning lifeward

Moving deathward. A brilliance

Like music not music

A brilliance like sun.

Do you not see it?

A brilliance majestic

Like an imperishable word.

For I was a poet and death

And brilliant as despair

And moving deathward

To see lifeward.

Brilliance and brilliance

Together coming! O brilliances

All exceeding! At last

Christ with Judas.


In contest for myself

I live and do;

And such my atomy

Not to contest self

Itself should detest.

The investment is small—

Only the mortal I,—

Yet expenditure can appall

And leave self aghast.

But never capital expel

If atomy bear

Blood of His bequeathèd Ghost.


Had I not this life decreed,

With a clarity passional,

Most self to deed

With strictest diagonal,

It had not chosen love

Nor distilled it,

Nor audited proof

So oblique and exquisite.

Not merited, not heard

The birth of that Debt,

Of that syllable The Word

Heard only in the ricochet.


Now, there dwelt in me

Great unwisdom, of great decorum;

Of evil pride,

And great beauty:

Marching me with splendor,

Moving men to homage, whom

Their eyes denied

Visibility of horror.

But I saw Criste at last

Who rent my mask to doom:

Lo, how these men cried

And turned me Outcast!


Now that now

You are truer old

Time to learn to bow

Time to learn to hold

Self in homage.

Time to know to burn

With purer rage

Time to know to scorn

Unself in any place

In any when, in any with.

Time to unveil the face

Of the unknown pith:

Time to claim its grace

Time to confront this Face.


Does a mirror forget?

I believe it does not.

I believe a mirror will not forget

If you come to it superb.

Clear gaze of mirrors

Towards the gaze of God:

As the waters of Galilee

Upholding the superb Feet.


A wall is History.

I say, Illuminate this

To see Who hang there.

Their Instantness never will cease.

Not to see is not to unsee them.

The not-seer cannot unmake.

Sweet, murdered stars

Upon the solid black stake

Drift history immortalward.

Extension of the Wall

Is due in every Now.

Otherwise the Fire will fall.


A true wrath requires reason.

A way of Truth is wrath.

Truth having no season

Truth may choose time and path.

The time of wrath is pure

When Truth is upward.

And path is Signature

Upon the chosen Guard.

Evilness in such is never.

He climates the Absolute.

This lightning fever

Requires imperial salute.


The shadow of a great man

Is always Christ.

Under the raiment

Looms the inevitability life-sized.

And who must speak

If not this Shadow?

Though it counterspeak the law

It need not go on tiptoe

Being the Christ Shadow:

Purity Intangible,

With death’s agility

To be uncrucifiable.


Always I did want more God

Than life could yield,

More God than God could give.

I betook me to His Rood,

Made it my chosen Field,

That I might truly live.

I bled in direst blood

And by Him twi-distilled,

Yet eluded He me as through a sieve.

Till He loosed again His Blood,

And over my soul it ruby-spilled,

And wove it into lovely mercy’s Hive.


Always and always the amaranth astir

Ages and ages assailing man the fair

Assuaging now afflicting now man the alone

Asking answers atop and across the bone.

Aliment of another air another star

Amator of all the alive and of attar

Amorous and adored, O altar of lovers fair

Assail now the less amorous and less fair.

Adam and all Adam’s young address and arrest

Afflict these with the music-auroral breast

Atone at last for the agony of Jesus most fair

Always and always teach His ascension rare.


Greatly imagine me, my God,

As greatly I imagine you: You will see

That my image is a load

You can most proudly bear:

My movements in you shall stir

Manly immortality.

Make me your living Forehead!

’Grave me beyond perishment as I

’Grave you so that you always lead.

As you are my spirit’s end,

Make me your spirit’s own! Bend

O bend to my urgency.

Be the Great Imaginer. Imagine me

Yourself tri-solved: O believe in Mortality.