A Note on the Text

This Centennial Edition celebrating the birth of poet José Garcia Villa, aka Doveglion, on August 5, 1908, collects the best poems written and published by Villa in his lifetime, including the complete 1942 publication of Viking/Penguin’s Have Come, Am Here, the poet’s first U.S. book of poems. All of the poems from Selected Poems and New (1958) appear here, including Villa’s designated poems from Volume Two (1949) and thirty-one previously unpublished U.S. poems from Appassionata: Poems in Praise of Love (1979). Also appearing for the first time are Villa’s versification innovation (Duo-Technique), his new adaptations, and witty, brilliant aphorisms (Xocerisms) on sex/love, God, poetry, et cetera, which in Villa’s words are “pithy, philosophical insights told with a dash of Tabasco.”