Dear Sophia,
Thanks for your letter. I am always happy to hear from young people.
Of course, I think your poetry project is worthwhile (in fact, I am a vice-president of the International Rescue Committee), and therefore I am enclosing a poem for you. It’s by a boy named Motele — and was originally written in Yiddish, which was the language of my childhood as well. I have always found it moving.
With best wishes —
From tomorrow on, I shall be sad —
From tomorrow on!
Today I will be gay.
What is the use of sadness — tell me that? —
Because these evil winds begin to blow?
Why should I grieve for tomorrow — today?
Tomorrow may be so good, so sunny,
Tomorrow the sun may shine for us again;
We shall no longer need to be sad.
From tomorrow on, I shall be sad —
From tomorrow on!
Not today; no! today I will be glad.
And every day, no matter how bitter it be,
I will say:
From tomorrow on, I shall be sad,
Not today!