Dear Miss Kalayjian,

I must confess that the poem I most often recite to myself and anyone who will listen is Noel Coward’s “I’ve Been to a Marvelous Party.” Why? I can’t explain it. The sheer aimless rollicking silliness of it just appeals to me. I offer a sample stanza:

I’ve been to a marvelous party,

I must say the fun was intense,

We all had to do

What the people we knew

Would be doing a hundred years hence.

Dear Cecil arrived wearing armor,

Some shells and a black feather boa,

Poor Millicent wore a surrealist comb

Made of bits of mosaic from St. Peter’s in Rome,

But the weight was so great that she had to go home,

I couldn’t have liked it more!

— Noel Coward

With best wishes,

