Segen Fox


After his final class on Friday, Brian grabbed a quick bite to eat and then hurried back to his dorm room. Excitement hummed through his veins in anticipation of the night to come. A friend of a friend had invited him to a party at one of the most popular fraternities on campus. The invitation had come as a surprise since he'd done almost no socializing in the weeks since he’d arrived at school. Familiarizing himself with the grounds and getting settled into his classes had hogged all his attention.

As a lowly freshman, and an introvert to boot, he didn’t know why anyone had gone out of their way to include him, but he knew better than to look a gift horse in the mouth. It was enough that someone had taken notice of him and decided he was interesting enough to warrant an invite.

He showered and kicked back naked on his bed with a text book and the intention of passing the time by studying. His foot tapped the mattress as he read and re-read the same page three times before he gave up and pitched he book onto his desk. There was no point in trying to read. His concentration sucked golf balls.

Giving up, he turned his focus on making sure he looked good for the party. He went through all the clothes hanging in his closet, struggling to figure out what to wear, and settled on tight blue jeans and a simple black T-shirt. The clothes weren’t fancy, but they fit him like a glove and showed off the burgeoning muscles he’d worked on building all summer. He twisted sideways and glanced at his butt in the full length mirror on the inside of the closet door. The back of his shirt reached the top of his jeans and the denim clung to his round cheeks like a lover’s hand. The outfit would have to do. He gave himself a nod of approval and headed out.

The walk from the dorms to the frat was short and picturesque since the campus grounds were lush and green and the leaves were just beginning to change colors. He arrived shortly after nine, as fashionably late as he’d intended since he didn’t want to look desperate.

Butterflies swarmed his stomach as he walked into the fraternity and made his way directly to the kegs set up at the back of the living room. Some liquid courage was just what the doctor ordered. Socializing with virtual strangers still took a little work and the alcohol would help loosen him up a bit. He downed the first cup and immediately refilled it.

Glancing around the large room, Brian scoped out the crowd. Guys and girls stood in tight clusters around the room, talking and laughing, while others meandered in and out, or disappeared upstairs. Males outnumbered the females by three to one. Not bad odds for a lonely gay boy on the prowl.

He spotted a few people he’d seen around campus, but no one he knew well enough to identify by name. His curious gaze clashed with a few other inquisitive bystanders who were lingering around the fringes of the group and received a few nods and smiles. Those simple greetings made him feel welcome and bolstered his confidence.

After refilled his cup a third time, Brian made a pass around the downstairs, through the living room and the billiards room, saying hello to people when an opening came his way. He avoided the people who looked snobby or well on their way to fucked up. It wasn’t even ten o’clock and yet there was already a drunk girl kneeling in the back corner of the billiards room, puking her guts out into a trash can.

He stopped at the back of the room and watched two hunky football players shoot a game of pool. After a couple of hours and several more drinks, Brian was feeling no pain. He’d struck up a rapport with a couple of sophomores and their girlfriends, and shot the breeze with them for a while until a third girl came over to chat and started hitting on him. Although he didn’t want to alienate his new buddies, he had absolutely no interest in the girl.  The blonde girl—Mindy or Minnie or something that started with an M—wasn’t unattractive; he just didn’t swing that way.

Unfortunately, he couldn't just come out and tell her he was gay. His closet was deep enough to reach Narnia and he needed to stay in it for a while. The risk of losing financial support from his religious parents wasn’t worth the freedom of being out and proud. There would be plenty of time for that after he’d earned a degree and could support himself. In the meantime, he planned to spend his college career studying, making damn good grades, and quietly experimenting when and where he could. He’d already visited a local gay club that allowed people eighteen and up to enter, but he hadn’t gotten up the nerve to approach anyone.

It was a shame none of the guys at the club had been as aggressive as this girl. Then he might have stood a chance at getting laid.

Brian took a deep breath and let it out. “I’m flattered. Really. But I’m just not interested.”

“I’m gonna change your mind, sugar britches. Jus’ take me home with ya and I’ll rock your fucking world.” The inebriated girl staggered forward and grabbed Brian’s shoulder. The beer in her free hand sloshed over the rim of the cup and splattered the front of Brian’s shirt.

“Shit!” Brian lifted the wet cloth away from his skin and scowled at the mess. Looked like the party was over for him. No way in hell would he stay and wander around wet and smelling like a brewery.

“Oopsie.” The blonde giggled and ran a hot pink lacquered fingernail down the middle of Brian’s chest. “Guess you’ll have to lose the shirt.”

“For God’s sake, Mindy. Leave the guy alone.” Evan Stacey, college quarterback and all around big man on campus, strode up beside Brian and Mindy. He made a shooing motion with his hands. “Go hump somebody else’s leg. You aren’t wanted here.”

“Fuck you, Evan.” Mindy pouted and stormed away, dragging her two girlfriends and their respective boyfriends along with her.

Brian choked on his laughter. What Evan said was horrible, but funny. Mindy did kind of remind him of a bitch in heat, not that he would ever say as much. He glanced at Evan, taking in the man’s rugged good looks, and smiled. “That was kind of mean, don’t you think?”

“Maybe, but subtlety is lost on her.” Evan tilted his head to the side and seemed to study Brian. “I can call her back over here if you’d like.”

“No!” Heat rushed to Brian’s face at the realization of how loud he’d blurted that out. “No,” he repeated at a much lower volume. “That’s okay. I don’t need anything else spilled on me tonight. I already smell like I waded around in the keg.”

Evan leaned in closer and inhaled. “You smell just fine to me.” He exhaled and blew humid air over Brian’s neck.

“Thanks, I guess.” Brian shivered, while his mind raced ahead at the speed of light, pondering the possibly of whether Evan might be bent. What was the chance of Evan not only liking guys, but Brian in specific? His calculations pointed to zilch. Evan was hot, talented, and one of the most popular guys in school. He could have anyone he wanted. What use would a star athlete like him have for a puny freshman?

“If you want,” Evan said, “I can get you one of my shirts to wear.”

“Sure.” Brian loved the thought of wearing something of Evan’s. It was probably as close to skin to skin as he would ever get with someone so hot. “As long you don’t mind.”

“It’s no biggie.” Evan shrugged. “You want to follow me to my room? I’m sure we can find something in my closet that’ll do.”

Brian nodded, then stayed within touching distance of Evan as they made their way through the crush. They went up the stairs and a short way down the hall before entering Evan’s room through a door to the right. The space was plain, clean, and of average size. Even so, it was much nicer than Brian’s crappy dorm room – not that that was saying much. A postage stamp was bigger than his room.

He sat on the foot of the full size bed and watched as Evan sorted through the closet in search of something to lend. Although he tried not to stare, his gaze kept returning to the denim covered ass wiggling in front of him. Hell, he was only human. The butt beneath those snug jeans qualified as a work of art. It was easy to imagine dropping to his knees behind Evan, pulling the man’s pants down around his ankles, and sinking his teeth into that fine ass. Then Evan turned around and Brian got a vivid reminder that the front side of the guy was even better than the back. The large bulge behind Evan’s fly begged to be explored and lavished with attention. Brian’s mouth watered at the thought of servicing the football stud’s big dick.

Heat raced through Brian’s body and centered in his groin. His cock firmed up and pushed against his fly. He swallowed back a groan of discomfort and ignored the urge to adjust himself. The last thing he needed was to draw attention to his boner while he was alone with a straight jock big enough to clobber the hell out of him.

Evan pulled a black cotton T-shirt from its hanger. “This might be a little big, but I think it’ll work.”

Brian stood and accepted the shirt. “Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it. I know how gross it feels to be covered in beer.”

“Yeah.” Brian tugged his shirt off over his head and used the dry back side to mop the extra dampness from his chest. “You can say that again.”

Evan made a strange noise—part cough, part groan—and Brian dropped the smelly shirt on the foot of the bed and glanced over. “You okay?”

“Huh?” Evan’s gaze lifted to meet Brian’s. “Oh yeah. My spit just went down the wrong way.”

“I hate it when that happens.” As hard as Brian found it to believe, he was pretty damn sure he’d just caught Evan checking him out. He could play this one of two ways. Ignore the look or test the waters and see what happened.

Fuck it. You only live once. “Do you always choke when you swallow?” There. That was kind of subtle. All right, not really, but he couldn’t be expected to come up with something scintillating when he was buzzing like a motherfucker and facing his first sexual encounter or his first ass-whooping. The way he figured, it could go either way.

He stood there for a beat, self-conscious and building apprehension by the truck load, while he waited for Evan to respond.

“Well, well, well...” A tall brunette guy walked into the room. “What have we here? Did you start the party without me, Evan?”

Brian frowned. What did the guy mean by that?

Evan shook his head. “No. Nothing like that, Casey. Brian here was just asking me if I like to swallow.”

The brunette—Casey, apparently—quirked one dark eyebrow. “Oh really?”

“That’s not exactly what I said.” Brian shook with nerves. Shit, he was dead meat. He should have kept his fucking mouth shut.

“He’s right.” Evan shrugged. “How did you put it?”

“It’s not important.” Brian looked from Evan to Casey, weighing his options. Both guys were bigger than him by several inches and who knew how much weight. The only difference was Evan’s build was bulky with muscle, while the other guy—Casey—seemed built more like a runner, with long, lean lines. Brian didn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of winning a fight with them and he highly doubted his ability to sprint fast enough to make it down the stairs.

“I don’t know about that.” Casey closed the door and flicked the lock. “I can’t speak for Evan, but I’m very interested in hearing more.”

With his only avenue of escape blocked, Brian was fucked. “I didn’t mean anything by what I said. I was only joking around.”

“I don’t think so.” Casey moved closer, forcing Brian to step back until the back of his knees hit the edge of the mattress. “In fact, I bet you’re one hell of a little cocksucker.”

“I’m not— I’ve never—” Oh God. Brain’s stomach twisted. He was so going to die.

“Ease up, Casey,” Evan said. “You’re freaking him out.”

Wait. What? Brian wanted to glance at Evan, but he didn’t dare tear his gaze away from Casey. “Back off, man.”

“Why? Am I making you nervous?” Casey moved closer, invading Brian’s personal space.

Brian met Casey’s dark gaze and tried not to show any fear, which was easier said than done. “Is that a trick question?”

Casey smirked. “No, baby, it’s not a trick question.”

The other man’s condescending attitude and pompous expression snapped Brian’s temper like a thin twig under a heavy boot. “Quit fucking with me. If you’re going to kick my ass, then get on with it. Otherwise, back the fuck up and let me out of here.”

“Damn.” Casey laughed and shook his head. “You really are green as grass, aren’t you?”

“You’re lucky he didn’t slug you, asshole.” Evan elbowed Casey out of the way. “I did say you were scaring him.”

Brian looked from one man to the other. “What the fuck is going on here?”

Casey ran his fingers through his short brown hair. “Baby, we don’t want to hit you. We want to fuck you.”

It took Brian a moment to digest that. They both wanted him? A few things definitely made more sense now. He glanced at Evan. “Is that true? Does he speak for you too?”

Evan nodded. “We’ve seen you around school. Then Casey said he ran into you at Cherry Bomb last weekend. Since you were at the club, we passed along an invite for the party in the hopes of getting you alone to see if you’d be interested in a little fun on the down low.”

Brain racked his brain trying to remember whether or not he’d seen Casey at the club. He couldn’t recall. There’d been so many guys there, all of them blurred together in his memory. “No shit? You aren’t fucking with me?”

“We’d like to.” Casey grinned.

“We aren’t bullshitting you.” Evan’s gaze lowered. “You have the most beautiful mouth. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.”

“Oh really.” New found confidence soared through Brian. He slowly licked his lips and was instantly gratified by Evan’s quiet groan. “Do you want to kiss me?”

“God yes.” Evan closed the distance between them and caught Brian’s chin in his large palm. He gently tilted Brian’s head up and back and covered Brian’s mouth with his own.

Oh-so-soft lips stroked back and forth over Brian’s, tempting him with the merest taste of what was to come. The teasing inflamed him, made his pulse race and his body yearn for more sensation. He couldn’t believe this was really happening, but the proof pressed against him. There was no denying Evan’s desire when the man’s hard cock pushed against Brian’s lower stomach through two layers of denim.

Evan flicked his tongue over tender depression between Brian’s lips, bidding for entrance, and Brian happily gave in and opened up, letting Evan inside. He moaned at the first soft touch and met the second with equal resistance. From there they batted back and forth, exploring and tasting each other.

So lost in kissing Evan, Brian almost forgot about Casey until a warm, firm body pressed against him from behind. Brian’s head swam from the intoxicating blend of lust and alcohol. It was impossible to think with Evan’s tongue in his mouth and Casey’s hot lips painting a damp trail down the side of his neck. He couldn’t concentrate on any one thing. Too much was happening all at once.

All higher brain function ceased in the wake of his body’s needs being met for the first time in his life. He had not one, but two men vying for his attention, and he was damn well going to take advantage. All the things he’d only dreamt of doing up until this point were finally within his reach.

Brian shivered in anticipation. He fisted his hands in Evan’s shirt and tore his mouth free. “We need to lose some clothes. Like now.”

“Sounds good to me.” Evan backed up and pulled his shirt off over his head.

“Hell yes.” Casey must have lost his shirt while Brian and Evan were kissing because he stood next the bed in nothing but his jeans. Those disappeared in short order and were kicked to the side, leaving Casey naked.

Brian looked Casey up and down, from his broad shoulders down to his big, narrow feet and everywhere between. His body was smooth and lithe, with wiry muscle definition in all the right places. A long, thin cock with a thick mushroomed head stood out from his groin, hard and ready for action.

Brian could have stared all night, and might have if not for the sound of Evan’s jeans hitting the floor with a quiet thump. Brian whipped around and found an all new appreciation for the male form in all its various shapes and sizes.

Evan’s bulky form had muscles on top of muscles. His chest and shoulders were impossibly broad. Long arms bulged with power. Fine black hair peppered his pectorals and arrowed down his torso in a narrow trail that pointed to a hefty cock straight out of a gay boy’s wet dreams. Furred balls hung low beneath, ripe to be tasted and worshipped.

Need swamped Brian. He took a step forward, ready and willing to drop to his knees and worship at the altar of Evan.

“Aren’t you going to strip?”

Casey’s voice stopped Brian in his tracks. He glanced down and realized he still had on his jeans and shoes. Shit. He’d been so intent on watching the others that he’d forgotten all about himself. How embarrassing. With haste, he toed off his sneakers and reached down to yank off the socks. He straightened, aiming to start on his pants next, but Casey skidded to his knees in front of him and knocked his hands out of the way.

“Allow me.” Casey immediately got to work undoing the row of buttons holding Brian’s jeans secure. The minute the final button popped open, Casey yanked the flaps wide and started working the snug material down Brian’s narrow hips. The heavy material dropped to the ground and puddled around Brian’s feet. Casey's eyes widened as he took in what lay beneath. “Holy hell.”

From behind Brian, came the sound of Evan’s throaty groan and the quiet sound of his bare feet padding across the carpet toward Brian. “Oh man.”

Heat climbed up Brain’s neck and blossomed in his face. Since he hadn’t dared hope for something like this to happen tonight, he’d worn his favorite, raggedy jock. The material was yellowed with age and worn thin from one too many wash cycles. “I, um, would’ve worn something nicer if I’d know you guys were going to work so hard to get me out of my clothes.”

Casey shook his head. “You won’t hear any complaints from me.”

One of Evan’s large hands caressed the outside of Brian’s left buttocks, where the jock strap met his skin. “No, this is...this is great.”

It was Brian’s turn to moan as warm hands assaulted him in front and back. Two sets of palms rubbed over flesh no one but himself had ever touched before. Casey caressed the front of Brian’s thighs, his fingers framing Brian’s groin, while Evan massaged his ass.

The introduction of a clever finger stroking between his cheeks sent Brian’s eyelids fluttering downward. A groping hand covered his package, squeezing his cock and balls through the material of his jock made Brain’s eyelids shoot back open in wonder. He looked down and watched as Casey slid the cotton pouch over to the side and freed his erection. His dick was so hard it hurt and his balls weren’t in much better condition. They already pulled taut to his body, preparing to fire his load. If he wasn’t careful, he’d shoot his load too soon, putting an end to a tryst he wanted to go on and on until he was too tired and sore to move.

Casey took Brian’s cock into his mouth and sucked. He bobbed up and down, taking a little more of Brian’s shaft with every pass. Slick moisture spilled from Casey’s mouth and bathed Brian’s cock and balls in saliva. The warm, wet heat around his shaft felt unbelievably good, while the cool caress of Casey’s breath wafting over Brian’s damp balls made him tingle in all the right ways.

His eyelids drooped as pleasure soared through his body. He couldn’t hold still, he had to rock into the incredible sensations. No way would he be able to go back to beating off after this. Not when he finally knew what he was missing.

Warm hands parted his buttocks and reminded Brian of the man kneeling behind him. He stiffened, not knowing what to expect. Something firm and damp rubbed over his hole. Around and around it went, teasing him with just enough friction to make him itch for more.

Casey wrapped a hand around the base of Brian’s cock and started stroking in time with every bob of his head. Those clever fingers twisted and rubbed, gliding over Brian’s cock like they were coated in butter. Casey’s mouth seemed to get hotter and tighter, the suction increasing.

Brian opened and closed his hands, unsure of what to do with them. He wanted to grab Casey’s head, hold the other man still, and fuck his mouth. However, he didn’t want to risk doing anything that might interrupt Casey. His mouth felt too damn good.

The men kept on, working in tandem to drive Brian out of his mind with pleasure. Their hands and mouths were everywhere: stroking Brian's thighs and ass, fondling his cock and balls, lingering over his taint and the sensitive ring of muscle guarding the entrance to his body.

Just when he thought things couldn’t get any better, humid air blew through the crease between his cheeks and was quickly followed by a wide swath of soft, wet heat.

Oh God. That had to be Evan’s tongue. Brian’s pulse skyrocketed and his ass puckered. Evan’s licking my ass. “Oh damn. Ah. Don’t stop.” Please don’t stop, he silently repeated. Whatever Evan was doing with his tongue back there felt obscene and fan-fucking-tastic.

He couldn’t believe he had Casey sucking his dick and Evan rimming his asshole at the same time. This kind of shit did not happen to people like him. Porn stars maybe, but not average Joes. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect his virginity to go out with a bang.

Not that he was complaining. Fuck that.

A long, uncontrollable moan spilled from deep in his throat. At any other time, he would have been embarrassed by the noise. Right then, he didn’t give a shit. The dual sensations of Evan and Casey’s mouths on his body were causing Brian’s mind to short circuit. Everything disappeared but the need roaring through him. His balls ached and his dick was so swollen it throbbed in time with his heartbeat. Every touch of Evan’s tongue made Brian’s asshole quiver. Each rasp of evening stubble against Brian’s groin and buttocks made him clench in agonizing lust. The suction around his cock was nirvana. He rocked back and forth, from one hot mouth the other, and let Evan and Casey play his flesh like a musical instrument.

“Oh God.” Brian’s stomach tightened in warning. He groaned in abject despair, not wanting to finish so soon. He didn’t want to come yet, but there was no way to stop it. His muscles tensed and his back arched, pushing his dick deeper into Casey’s mouth. “I’m—. Ah, fuck. I’m gonna come.”

The warm mouth on Brian’s cock vanished. Casey stopped sucking and wrapped his fingers around Brian’s sac up close to the root of his shaft and gave them a short, sharp yank. “Oh no, you’re not. Not yet, hot stuff.”

Brian hollered, knocked Casey’s hands away, and cupped his balls. “Fuck. That hurt! What the hell did you do that for?”

“Can’t have you coming too soon, now can we?”

Brian shot Casey a dirty look. “I would’ve got it back up.”

“Maybe,” Evan added, rising to his feet behind Brian. He kneaded Brian’s shoulders with a strong grip and kissed the side of his throat. “It’s better this way though. If you wait, you’ll come twice as hard when I’m fucking you.”

“Is that what you want?” Brian’s ass clenched at the thought of Evan's big cock spearing him hard and deep. He’d watched enough porn and read enough dirty stories to know the first time would probably sting like hell, but he still wanted it. The threat of a little pain wasn’t going to stop him from experiencing all of life’s pleasures. His curiosity demanded satiation, not to mention his libido.

“Oh yeah.” Evan speared his tongue into Brian’s ear and then retreated to bite the fleshy lobe. “I can’t wait to spread you open and break you in.”

“God, Evan.” Brian didn’t even know what to say to that. The words sounded filthy, a little obscene, and so damn sexy.

“Will you let me in?” Evan pressed up tight against Brian and rained warm, moist kisses down the side of his neck. “Let me be the first man to fuck you?”

Brian subtly wiggled his hips, trying to imagine how the hard cock pressing into the cleft of his buttocks would feel pushing inside him. Would there be a stretch or burn; would he love it or hate it? There was only one way to find out. “Do you have the stuff we need?” He wasn’t doing anything without condoms and lube to ease the way.

“Of course.” Evan released his hold on Brian and walked over the nightstand by the bed. He stuck his hand inside the top drawer and pulled out a strip of condoms and a flip-top bottle of lube. “See? We’re all set.”

“Okay.” Brian shivered at the thought of putting those rubbers to use and turned his attention to Casey. “What about you? What do you want?”

“To get off.” Casey shrugged. “It doesn’t matter how.”

“I can, um...” Brian’s gaze dropped to Casey’s long, hard cock. Saliva pooled in his mouth and forced him to swallow. “I can suck you off.”

“Hell yes, you can. I’d love to have your pretty lips wrapped around my tool.” Casey leaned back on the bed, his weight resting on one elbow, and waggled his cock at Brian. “Want a taste?”

That was one question Brian didn’t have to think about. He smiled at the big goof and nodded. “Yeah, I do.”

He dropped onto his knees in front of Casey and surveyed the banquet of delights in front of him. Although he’d seen it done on the internet, this was his first time touching a cock other than his own. He was more than a little nervous and really hoped he didn’t fuck it up. It looked simple enough when people did it in porn. How hard could it really be?

He leaned forward, rubbed his cheek against the inside of Casey’s thigh, and breathed in the scent of male musk and desire. Longing rippled down his spine and settled in his balls. He wanted to excel at this, to make Casey feel as good as he had when it was his turn earlier.

With that thought in mind, Brian moved higher and ran the flat of his tongue up the center of Casey’s sac. The lightly furred skin felt soft and wrinkled under his touch.

A quiet groan from above tempted Brian to glance up. He watched as Evan and Casey kissed and a fresh rush of need zinged straight to Brian’s dick. God, they looked good together. The football stud was leaning over Casey’s slimmer form and dipping into his mouth like it was the first sip of water after a long drought. As Brian looked on, Casey grabbed Evan’s cock and started stroking it.

Evan’s guttural moan ushered Brian back to the task at hand. He had a hard dick right in front of him and he knew exactly what he wanted to do with it. Starting at the base of Casey’s cock, Brian ran the flat of his tongue up one side and down the other. He took hold of the shaft in a firm grip and licked up and down and all the way around until Casey’s hard-on gleamed with spit. Satisfied he’d tasted every inch, Brian turned his attention to the plump head. The smooth, stretched skin felt spongy and malleable. He explored the small slit and the tender depression beneath the helmet.

Casey must have liked that because he moaned and bucked upward. Brian tongued the same spot again, exerting just a touch more pressure, and was rewarded with the taste of precum. Encouraged by Casey’s responses, Brian tightened his lips and forced them down over Casey’s cockhead. Saliva filled his mouth and eased the way for the first few inches. Halfway down, his lips met his thumb and forefinger where they ringed Casey’s shaft and forestalled further descent.

Retracing his path, Brian retreated to the head, licked a slow circle around the plump circumference, and bobbed back down to kiss his fist. Casey’s dick felt so good gliding in and out of his mouth, stretching his lips and brushing against his palate. The welcome weight slid over his tongue just right. He wished he could deep throat, but he didn’t dare attempt it just yet. Choking was not sexy. Besides, there was always time to learn a new skill later, when he wasn’t already doing everything in his power not to embarrass himself in front of two hot guys who obviously had a lot more experience than him. Hopefully this wouldn’t be the only chance he got to be with them.

The longer he worked over Casey’s dick, the more his jaw ached from being stretched so wide. He ignored the sting and kept going. The pain didn’t matter. Making Casey come was all Brian could think about. Seeing him shoot, being the cause of such pleasure, seemed monumental. Nothing else was as important. He disregarded the squeak of bedsprings and kept his head down, determined to suck Casey’s dick so well that the man came back begging for more.

The warmth of Evan’s broad chest pressed up against Brian’s back. Lips caressed his nape and shoulders. “Move up onto the bed.”

The suggestion made Brian moan around Casey’s erection. With a touch of reluctance, he released Casey’s cock and glanced over his shoulder at Evan. “Are you going to fuck me now?”

Evan smiled and caressed the outside curve of Brian’s hip. “I’d like to.”

Brian’s ass clenched at the thought of taking his first dick. He pushed down a brief bought of anxiety, determined to explore everything these two men were willing to share with him. “Go for it.”

Casey scooted back against the headboard, making room for Brian to crawl onto the mattress. He settled between Casey’s leg, with his down and his ass up. Without wasting any time, he went after Casey’s cock and popped it back into his mouth. As much as he was enjoying sucking on Casey, he also needed a distraction from what was about to happen. He wanted to stay as relaxed as possible. Otherwise, it would hurt more when Evan’s big dick spread him open.

“That’s it.” Casey’s speared his fingers into Brian’s hair and cupped his head. “Suck me. Suck me hard.”

“Mm hmm,” Brian murmured around the hard length sliding in and out of his mouth. He wanted to say he was doing the best he could, but his mouth was full to bursting and it was damn hard to keep a single thought in mind for more than a nanosecond when Evan was rubbing his butt and skimming his fingertips up and down the cleft between Brian’s cheeks.

The gentle sensations weren’t enough. Brian knew what was coming and he craved it more than his next meal. Finally, he was going to experience what it felt like to be fucked. Impatience was his first, middle, and last name all rolled into one. He’d been waiting for this since he hit puberty and figured out he liked boys more than girls.

Casey started rocking upward, pushing his dick through Brian’s lips faster and deeper. At the same time, Evan’s slick fingers breached Brian’s asshole and speared deep. Brian gasped at the sharp stab of discomfort and was distracted just long enough for Casey’s thick cock to batter against the back of his throat. He gagged and choked; his eyes immediately filling with moisture.

Casey swore and pulled back. “Shit. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Brian blinked, clearing the moisture from his lashes. “My fault.”

Evan smacked his lips against Brian’s rump. “Did I distract you?”

“Just a... Oh.” Brain moaned at the deep twist of Evan’s fingers. “Just a little bit.”

Evan laughed and did it again, brushing over a sensitive spot inside Brian that made him clench and shudder. “I think you like that, don’t ya, Brian?”

“God, yes.” Brian hung his head and brushed his cheek against Casey’s stiff dick. He lapped at the swollen balls beneath, unable to do anything more taxing while Evan kept fingering him.

Casey chuckled, then groaned as Brian sucked one of his balls into his mouth and licked it. “Ah, fuck. I’ll give you five years to stop that.”

“He really likes it when you play with his nuts,” Evan shared.

“Oh yeah. That’s good,” Casey said, his thighs quivering. “Really good.”

Brian switched balls and gave the other one some lovin’ while Evan’s fingers played his ass like a musical instrument. His fat fingers stretched Brian open, making him burn, but the friction felt unbelievably good. The odd sensation made him itch for more. He pushed back against the intrusion, in search of something he wasn’t able to define. Before he could figure it out, Evan’s fingers disappeared.

“Damn it.” Brian lifted up and glanced back over his shoulder at Evan. “Don’t stop.”

“I’m not quitting, just moving on to the main event.” Evan slapped Brian’s ass. “You ready for the real thing now?”

“Yeah.” Hell yeah. If taking a cock up his ass felt half as good as Evan’s fingers, then he was going to become the biggest power bottom on campus.

Casey wrapped his fist around the base of his cock and pointed the tip at Brian. “Hey now... Don’t forget about me.”

“As if I could.” Brian leaned forward and ran his tongue around Casey’s knob. He got it good and wet, then covered his teeth with his lips and forced his mouth down over the tip. He licked across the slit and flicked over the tender depression beneath the head, trying to give Casey as much sensation as possible.

In the background, he heard the crinkle of foil tearing and the squelch of more lube being spilled. His attention was split between the cock in his mouth and what Evan was preparing to do behind him. The anticipation was hell on his nerves.

Just when he was about to pull off Casey’s dick and demand to know what was taking so long, something blunt and wet dragged down his cleft and pressed up against his pucker. Time seemed to slow to crawl as the pressure increased. It felt like there was a baseball bat knocking on his backdoor. He took a deep breath and pushed back, bearing down at the same time, and Evan’s helmet breached his body. Evan didn’t stop, just kept on coming, moving deeper until every inch of his massive cock was stuffed inside Brian’s no-long-virgin back passage.

Brian’s nerve endings went up in flames. His mouth went lax around Casey as he tried to breathe through the discomfort and not scream for Evan to pull out. Was it normal for it to sting so much? Surely the worst was over. Otherwise, who the hell would want to bottom? Masochists?

He squeezed his eyes shut and prayed the pain would pass quickly. Evan moved a bit, grinding against Brian’s ass, and the extreme pressure started to lessen. The cock splitting him open retreated, only to ease forward once again. Evan slowly pumped into Brian, over and over.  With each stroke, the thin line between pain and pleasure blurred until one sensation was indistinguishable from the other.

Brian pushed back against Evan, getting into the slow and deep rhythm. He nuzzled Casey’s dick, licking up the shaft, as he became more accustomed to the friction and glide of Evan sliding in and out of him. He took the tip into his mouth and sucked.

“Oh man,” Casey whispered, his voice as hoarse and tortured as if he’d been shouting. “You’re killing me. I’m so fucking close.”

“Me too,” Evan said as he clutched Brian’s hips and increased his pace. “I can’t hold out much longer. You’re too damn tight.”

“Please.” Casey ran his fingers through Brian’s hair and cupped the back of his head. “Come on, Brian. Suck me off. Make me come.”

Brian whimpered around Casey’s dick. Hearing the jock plead for release really tripped his triggers in a big way. He bobbed forward, taking more of the shaft into his mouth, and wrapped his hand around the base to hold it steady. There was no way to get fancy, not with Evan pumping into him and screwing with his concentration, but he could focus on the first few inches and do his best to blow Casey’s mind.

Every time Evan thrust in, Brian would drop down on Casey’s cock. When Evan retreated, Brian would pull back until just the head was in his mouth. Soon, all three of them fell into a rhythm that worked. They moved together, pleasure building between them with Brian acting as a conduit between the two jocks.

Brian lost himself in the push and pull of both men using his body to take what they needed. His jaw ached and his ass throbbed. His dick hung hard and dripping, bouncing as he was jostled back and forth. He wanted to reach down and tug himself, but he was using one hand to hold Casey still and the other to brace his weight on the bed. Unless he magically sprouted a third hand, he was out of luck. His orgasm curled low in his gut, building steam. It wouldn’t take much—just one touch and he would go off like a rocket—but he couldn’t even beg for what he needed because his mouth was stuffed full.

Evan shoved hard into Brian, hitting his sweet spot just right, and he moaned around Casey’s shaft. Pleasure zinged up his spine and tightened his balls. What he wouldn’t give for just a little friction around his damn cock.

Casey shifted his hips pushing up deeper into Brian’s mouth. “Oh fuck yes. Do that again.”

Brian gazed up at Casey with watering eyes and wondered what the hell he was talking about. He hadn’t done anything different or special.

“Moan for me,” Casey demanded. “The vibration...” Casey’s words trailed off as Brian caught on to what he was being asked for and hummed around the cock in his mouth.

After only a few more passes, Casey stiffened and pulled away. He grabbed his dick and stroked hard, his hips pushing the fat length through his clenched fist, and shot. Cum shot up into the air and splattered his groin. A couple of wild spurts landed on Brian’s chin.

Brian inhaled the musky scent of sweat and cum and ached right down to his marrow. He closed his eyes and tried to remember to breathe as he reached down for his own throbbing length.

Before he could make contact, Evan released his death grip on Brian’s hips, slid his hands around Brian’s chest, and lifted him up on his knees. He reached around and grabbed Brian’s cock, stroking it hard and fast. “Your turn, Brian. Come for us. I want to feel your ass quiver around my cock and watch you shoot your load all over Casey.”

Evan’s dirty demand was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Electricity shot through Brian like lightning in a bottle. Pleasure crashed over him in one strong wave after another. His strength deserted him. He dropped his head down on Casey’s groin and held on tight to Casey’s thighs to moor him while every one of his muscles clenched and released, over and over again, until he was sure his body was trying to turn itself inside out. He’d never come so hard in his life.

Evan’s thrusts picked up speed until he was slamming into Brian. He let out a long, ragged moan and drove home once more, shoving as deep and grinding against Brian’s ass. Even through the latex, Brian could feel Evan’s dick throb as it spewed into the condom.

All too soon, Evan eased out of Brian and backed away to get rid of the condom. Brian collapsed on his side next to Casey, exhausted beyond belief. He felt like he’d just completed a triathlon. Dear God. How had he managed to go so long without sex? Now that he’d experienced it, he was going to want to do it again and again.

Casey threw his arms over his head. “Holy shit. That was something else.”

“Oh man.” Evan flopped onto the mattress on the other side of Casey. “That was amazing.”

Brian lifted up on one elbow to improve his view of the guys. His butt gave a small twinge of protest, but he ignored the sore muscles and grinned. “You can say that again. Just let me know when you’re up for round two.” A sore ass was more than worth the payoff.

“Soon.” Casey laughed and swatted Brian’s hip. “Only next time I’m gonna be the one plowing your sweet ass.”

“Sounds good to me.” Brian relaxed back against the bed. At least now he had something to look forward to other than winter break.

Dear Reader,

I hope you enjoyed Double Teamed. I certainly enjoyed writing about Brian, Evan, and Casey. So much so that you may very well see more of them in the future. I have a lot of plans for the College Boys series and hope you'll all stick around to meet all the guys and read about their kinky capers.

If you're so inclined, I'd love to get your feedback on this story. Anything at all you want to share—love, hate, or indifference—would be appreciated.

In Gratitude,

Segen Fox