| Appendix 3
Useful publications


High Blood Pressure: Answers at your fingertips, by Dr Tom Fahey, Professor Deirdre Murphy with Dr Julian Tudor Hart, published
Class Publishing (2004). ISBN 978 1 85959 090 4

Type 2 Diabetes: Answers at your fingertips, by Dr Charles Fox
and Dr Anne Kilvert
, published by Class Publishing (2007).
ISBN 978 1 85959 176 5

Dump Your Toxic Waist! by Dr Derrick Cutting, published by Class Publishing (2008). ISBN 978 1 85959 191 8

30 Minutes a Day to a Healthy Heart, published by Readers Digest (2006). ISBN 978 0 27644 065 6

General booklets

The British Heart Foundation publishes many excellent and recently revised booklets on all aspects of heart disease, including Women and heart disease; Smoking and your heart; Implantable cardioverter defibrillators; Trim the fat from your diet; Put your heart into walking. Head office and regional addresses can be found in Appendix 2.

In Scotland, the SHARP programme is an excellent source of information – information is available online at www.dundee.ac.uk/sharp/

The Family Doctor Series covers around 27 titles including cholesterol, stress and high blood pressure; individual booklets are priced very cheaply. Published by FDP, PO Box 4664, Poole
BH15 1NN, Tel: 01202 668330

Ask your doctor for free leaflets that may have been provided by drug companies, and also from local NHS Trusts etc.

The Coronary Prevention Group (address in Appendix 2) provides good advice. Look on their website for further information.

Diabetes UK publishes a leaflet on Eating well with diabetes, which should be useful for people with diabetes and heart problems.

In America, it is difficult to beat the booklets from the American Heart Association (address in Appendix 2). Website address: www.americanheart.org – many publications listed are listed on their website, including To Your Health! A Guide to Heart-Smart Living; Fitting in Fitness; 365 Ways to Get Out the Fat: A Tip a Day to Trim the Fat Away and 6 Weeks to Get Out the FAT.

Food and cooking

Cooking for a healthy heart by Jacqui Lynas, published by Hamlyn/Heart UK (2004). ISBN 0 600610 51 9

Healthy Heart: Best-Kept Secrets of the Women’s Institute, by Elspeth Smith, published by Simon & Schuster (2005). ISBN 0 743 25978 5

Stopping smoking

How to Stop Smoking and Stay Stopped for Good, by Gillian Riley, published by Vermilion (2007). ISBN 978 0 0919 1703 6

Stop Smoking in Five Days by Judy Perlmutter, published by HarperCollins (1997). ISBN 0 722535 83 X

Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking, by Allen Carr, published by Penguin (2006). ISBN 978 0 1410 2689 3