Three answers you’ll need to find for me:

One is a curve in the shore or sea

Two is a wound from teeth so mean

And three forms data in a computing machine

Answer: Bight/Bite/Byte


You’re up the creek without a paddle, when a feeling of wonder and dread overcomes you. The water ahead is split by a mineral outcrop; the rock links two alternatives, but which one should you take?

Answer: Oar/Awe/Ore/Or



1. To sink or fix firmly into a substance

2. The highest part of something

3. To touch or scrape lightly in passing

4. The molten rock layer between the inner solid core of the earth and the mantle

5. Richly luxurious and expensive

Answer: Embed/Crest/Graze/Magma/Plush


Take the word CYBERSPACE.

In CYBERSPACE you can find many things

• a long sharp weapon that someone flings

• to char or scorch or cook or singe

• look closely if you are one of noble birth;

• the length of a trip round the sun for our earth

• you may be a prophet, or one who sees what’s not yet

• and a drink made with hops is frothy and wet

Answer: Spear/Sear/Peer/Year/Seer/Beer


Take seven steps in all to change PUZZLE to PALACE.

You can change one or two letters at a time, and you can change the position of one or two letters at a time. The new letters in each step have been given to you, but you have to rearrange the unchanged letters to make words.

1. P U Z Z L E

2. D D

3. A

4. E D

5. I R

6. A

7. P A L A C E

Answer: Puzzle/Puddle/Paddle/Padded/Paired/Parade/Palace