
Thanks first and foremost to my wife and kids for putting up with me on a daily basis, and for letting me do what I do. It takes a lot of patience to deal with me when I’m trying to finish a project like this. So thank you! And I love you.

Thanks to Tim Waggoner for making time for me when I had questions about outlining. Tim, you were a HUGE help. Thank you so very much, sir.

In this story, I took some liberties with details regarding Old Orchard Beach. While some streets and places are there and known by many that frequent my favourite beach town, I was not there in 1986. I’ve fictionalised my fair share of the town for the sake of this story.

To the wonderful people of OOB, I LOVE your town on and off season. It’s my happy place.

I also mention someone reading Stephen King’s IT in July of ’86 even though the book wasn’t released until September 15th of that year. I was well aware of the fact, but I couldn’t resist putting it in here anyway. I hope my fellow Constant Readers out there will forgive me.

While I love vampire books and movies, I offer my own take on the creatures here. Much love to the classics.

Special thanks to Don D’Auria and Flame Tree Press for taking a chance on me and my little summer love story.