The meal went peaceably enough. I had set up a card table where my dining table used to be, before I knew about the extra guests. When I had the cooking under control, I poked my head out of the kitchen long enough to discover the card table had been replaced. In its place was a massive, round table that looked like it had been carved from a solid block of ice. The chairs were dark green, save for where a pair of pale purple rose blooms crowned the top of each chair. Seven of them in all, looking more grown than made, surrounded the table.

Veruca broke off her conversation with Selena to shoot me a curious glance. “Interesting company you keep when I’m away.”

I shrugged and went back to finish the meal. The table occupied my mind, as I wondered how the two fae had gotten it in there without me feeling even the hint of magic.

“Do not meddle in the affairs of Fairy, for you are mortal and easily duped? Relax, I can take ‘em if it comes to that.”

Fortunately, Selena barely ate, so the meal fit for an army managed to find Veruca, Kerath, and me. I hoped her eating habits weren’t a reflection of my cooking. I’ll admit it wasn’t great, but it wasn’t bad, either.

After dinner, Selena formally presented the table to me, in replacement of one that I had lost while saving her love, Kerath. I graciously accepted, while being careful to point out that neither of us owed the other anything in way of gifts or boons. Veruca asked what had happened to the old one. Kerath responded in the way that only a great trial lawyer could, recounting our tight negotiations and the mysterious ambush afterward with a flair for dramatic storytelling. He seemed to relish the drama in every detail, though I noticed he left Agent Devereaux out of the story.

Veruca’s expression was grim as he finished. “You’re becoming popular, Colin. There was another one waiting for you when I came home today.”

I thought back to the blood. “Looks that way. Three guys tried earlier the same day as the exploding van.”

“Three?” she asked, her look more proud than surprised, as if our training together was paying off.

“Three. Big guns, bigger silencers.”

Kerath leaned forward on to the table. “Yes. The Faceless Ones can be quite relentless.”

Veruca was verbally faster than me on the reply. “Faceless Ones?” I was going to say the same, though somewhere in my soul that phrase already echoed around.

Selena cleared her throat. “A secret organization of humans bent on ruling the mortal world. Our queen is most unhappy that they attacked her emissary. She sends word that her resources are at your disposal in seeking revenge against them, Wizard Fisher.”

I digested that over an already-full belly of turkey and pizza. At last, I said, “Tell Hher Majesty thank you for me.”

Veruca gulped the last of her wine. “But what do they want with Colin?”

All three of them looked at me. I simply shrugged. “Not a clue.”

“Really? I thought you were smarter than that.”