2001: A Space Odyssey
Script: Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke, based on Clarke’s story “The Sentinel”
Direction: Stanley Kubrick
Photography (Super Panavision): Geoffrey Unsworth
Additional photography: John Alcott
Production design: Tony Masters, Harry Lange, Ernie Archer
Special photographic effects design and direction: Stanley Kubrick
Special photographic effects supervision: Wally Veevers, Douglas Trumbull, Con Pederson, Tom Howard
Editing: Ray Lovejoy
Music: Richard Strauss, Johann Strauss, Aram Khatchaturian, György Ligeti
Costumes: Hardy Amies
Cast: Keir Dullea (David Bowman), Gary Lockwood (Frank Poole), William Sylvester (Dr. Heywood Floyd), Daniel Richter (Moon-Watcher), Douglas Rain (Voice of HAL 9000), Leonard Rossiter (Smyslov), Margaret Tyzack (Elena), Robert Beatty (Halvorsen), Sean Sullivan (Michaels), Frank Miller (Mission Control), Penny Brahms (Stewardess), Alan Gifford (Poole’s Father)
Produced by Stanley Kubrick for MGM
Running time: 141 minutes