
AAAI (American Association for Artificial Intelligence), 118

Adler, Renata, 19–20, 38

Adorno, Theodor W., 145n19

advertising campaigns, 14, 25n4

Agamben, Giorgio, 91

Age of Spiritual Machines, The (Kurzweil), 115

Agre, Philip, 117

A.I. (Spielberg, 2001), 11, 76, 159, 169, 173–74

Alice in Wonderland (Carroll), 155

Alien (Scott, 1979), 61, 75–76, 78–79

aliens, 7, 32

in Clarke’s novel, 35, 41n18

and gender, 72, 74, 75, 82

and science fiction conventions, 36–39

allegories, 44, 87–91, 94–97, 100

Alphaville (Godard, 1965), 7

Also Sprach Zarathustra (Strauss), 32, 35, 41n20, 90, 141, 149

Altman, Robert, 5

ambiguities, 19, 22, 33, 79–80, 83

Andersen, Han Christian, 158, 168

Andreas (Hoffmannsthal), 151

animal brain, 89–91

anthropology, 30, 37

ape-men, 9, 32. See also Moon-Watcher

and AI and transcendence, 115

and animal brain, 89–91, 99

in Clarke’s novel, 35, 41n18

and fairy tales, 153, 169–70

and gender, 70, 77, 79, 82

and gravity, 16, 21, 43, 45, 47–51, 53n19

and obscene shadow, 128, 130

and space, 62–63

Apollo missions, 30, 39–40n4, 44

architectures, 117, 119, 121

Armstrong, Neil, 72

ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency), 113

ARPAnet, 113

art based on AI, 105, 118–20

art films, 13, 16–17, 23, 101

artificial intelligence (AI), 9, 11, 105–23, 123n4

and AI-based art, 118–20

and classical AI, 110–12, 113

and critical technical practice, 117–18

and expressive AI, 116, 117, 120–23

and representation, 106–7, 112, 116–17

and transcendence, 112–15

Asimov, Isaac, 32

Astaire, Fred, 163

astronomy, 31, 33

Atmospheres (Ligeti), 35

auteurism, 4, 10, 29–39

Bacon, Francis, 70

banality, 57, 62, 92, 163

Barbarella (Vadim, 1968), 75

Barry Lyndon (Kubrick, 1975), 6, 11

and obscene shadow, 129, 134, 138–40

and space, 57, 59, 63, 64, 66

Basic Training I (Wiseman, 1971), 57

bathrooms, 47, 60, 135–39, 143, 144n12, 154, 157, 172–73

Beckett, Samuel, 155–56

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 133

believable agents, 119–20

La Belle et la Bête (Cocteau), 173

Bergman, Ingmar, 173

Bernstein, Jeremy, 18–19, 25n2, 52n14

Bigelow, Kathryn, 75

Black Prince, The (Murdoch), 155

Blake, William, 156

Bledsoe, Woody, 118

blockbusters, 14, 18, 78

Blue Danube, The (Strauss), 35, 38, 91

bone weapon, 35, 38–39

and animal brain, 90–91

and fairy tales, 153, 169

and gender, 70, 77

and gravity, 43, 45, 47, 49–50, 51, 53n19

and obscene shadow, 128–29

and space, 58, 60, 63, 67

Bonnie and Clyde (Penn, 1967), 5

Bordwell, David, 78–79

Bowman, Dave (2001), 4, 8–9, 14, 22, 32, 34, 37, 39

and AI and transcendence, 112, 115

and cinematographic brain, 98–99

and computer brain, 94–98

critics’ views on, 19, 22

eyes of, 49, 133, 169–70

and fairy tales, 150, 152, 154–61, 164, 166–75

and gender, 78–83

and gravity, 48, 50–51, 53n21

and obscene shadow, 128–29, 134–35, 138–41

and space, 57, 60, 61, 62, 64–68

box office success, 13–17

brain science, 9, 11, 87–101

animal brain, 89–91

cinematographic brain, 98–101

computer brain, 94–98

human brain of scientist, 91–94

Brakhage, Stan, 81

Breathless (Godard, 1959), 5

Bresson, Robert, 63, 156–57

Brooks, Rodney, 112

Bunny Lake Is Missing (Preminger, 1965), 78

Burgess, Anthony, 77, 133

Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 31, 72

Butler, Octavia, 74

Cameron, James, 85n15

Campbell, Joseph, 33

capitalism, 143

Carroll, Lewis, 155

Cartesian dualism, 88, 113

Cawelti, John, 76

Champlin, Charles, 26n7

Chassignet, Jean-Baptiste, 154

chess playing, 57, 58, 106, 108, 112, 143, 157, 166

Chion, Michel, 55–56, 58, 61–65, 130

Christianity, 16, 30–31, 33, 113

Ciment, Michel, 55–56, 59, 67, 140

CinemaScope, 52–53n17

cinematographic brain, 87–89, 93, 98–101

Citizen Kane (Welles, 1941), 83, 100

Civilization and Its Discontents (Freud), 128

Clare, John, 170

Clarke, Arthur C., 3, 30–31, 33–36, 41n18, 55

critics’ views of, 15–16, 18, 21, 26n9

on gender, 82, 139

on Louis XVI bathroom, 140

on monoliths, 37, 115

cleanliness, 59–60, 61, 139, 163, 173

A Clockwork Orange (Kubrick, 1971), 6, 11, 36

and fairy tales, 157

and gender, 76–77, 81

and gravity, 49

and human brain, 94

and obscene shadow, 128–29, 133–34

and space, 59, 60, 62, 63

Cocteau, Jean, 173

cognitive estrangement, 70, 84n4

Cold War, 7, 46–47, 71–72, 77, 131

commonsense reasoning and Artificial Intelligence, 107–8

communism, 7, 71, 77, 135

computer brain, 94–98

computer science, 9, 11, 51, 88, 105–6

confinement, 56–57, 59, 60, 63, 168

conjunctive orbit of moon and sun, 21

The Conquest of Space (Pal and Haskin, 1955), 7, 44, 70


and AI and transcendence, 115

and cinematographic brain, 88, 90–91, 94, 98–101

and fairy tales, 154–55, 157–59, 161, 170–72

conversation map, 118

Cooper, James Fenimore, 74

counterculture, 3, 13–14, 25n3

creation science, 31

critical reception, 13–24, 26n7, 44

establishment views, 18–20, 26nn9, 10

youthful perspectives, 20–22

critical technical practice, 116, 117–18

Cruise, Tom, 62, 137

cultural paradigms, 47–48, 50–51, 52n15

cultural production, 127–28, 133, 145n19

Curtis, Jamie Lee, 85n15

Curtiz, Michael, 24

cybernetics, 101, 130

cyborg, 113–14

Dark Star (Carpenter, 1974), 61

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), 113

Darwinism, 29, 31–32, 130

David and Lisa (Perry, 1962), 78

“The Dawn of Man,” 21, 35, 37, 43, 62, 67, 70, 82, 89, 115, 153, 169

Day of the Fight (Kubrick, 1951), 59

de Bergerac, Cyrano, 72

dehumanization, 20, 22, 36, 101

Deleuze, Gilles, 9, 88–89, 98, 100–101

de Palma, Brian, 79

Destination Moon (Pichel and Pal, 1950), 7, 44, 72

Dialectic of Enlightenment (Adorno and Horkheimer), 145n19

disorientation, 47–49, 78–79

D’Onofrio, Vincent, 134


and cinematographic brain, 98–99

and fairy tales, 150–51, 153, 155, 169

and obscene shadow, 128–29

Douglas, Kirk, 23, 82

Dream of the Moving Statue, The (Gross), 164–65

Dr. Strangelove (Kubrick, 1964), 7, 10, 11, 15

and fairy tales, 162, 175

and gender, 76–78

and gravitas, 47

and human brain, 94

and obscene shadow, 129–32, 135–36, 139

and space, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65–66, 67

Dullea, Keir, 65, 78, 94

Dyson, Freeman, 38

Easy Rider (Hopper, 1969), 15

Egan, Richard, 71

(Fellini, 1963), 13

eighteenth century, 140–41, 143, 145nn18,19. See also Louis XVI room

Eliot, T. S., 161

Enlightenment, 16, 145n19

epic films, 23, 24, 78

evangelicalism, 30–31

evolutionary science, 30–33, 130, 141

experts, 34, 37, 44, 52n5, 107

expressive AI, 9, 116, 117, 120–23

extraterrestrial (ET) life, 4, 30–31, 33, 36

eyes, 45, 61, 155

of Dave Bowman (2001), 49, 133, 169–70

of HAL (2001), 39, 48, 64, 95, 98, 108, 111–12, 116, 132

of star child, 39, 81, 156

Eyes Wide Shut (Kubrick, 1999), 4, 6, 11

and fairy tales, 158

and gender, 81

and obscene shadow, 129, 137–38, 142–43

and space, 55, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63

Fahrenheit 451 (Truffaut), 36

fairy tales, 9, 12, 147–75

falling upward, 45–50

Falsetto, Mario, 80

“Fascinating Fascism” (Sontag), 141

fascism, 131–32, 141–42

Fear and Desire (Kubrick, 1953), 5–6

Fellini, Federico, 13, 17

Female Man, The (Russ), 74

feminism, 70, 73

fetus, 8–9, 22, 32, 37, 98–99, 155, 158. See also star child

Fiedler, Leslie, 74

Filmguide to 2001 (Geduld), 172

Film Technique (Pudovkin), 41n19

Fire Maidens of Outer Space (Roth, 1955), 75

Fletcher, Angus, 170

flight attendants, 46–47, 52n14, 78, 92, 93, 163

floating pen, 38, 46, 92, 160

Floyd, Heywood (2001), 6, 9, 38

and fairy tales, 150, 154, 160–63, 169

and gender, 77–80

and gravity, 46–47, 52n15

and human brain, 92–93, 98

and space, 56

Following Story, The (Nooteboom), 148–49

Forbidden Planet (Wilcox, 1956), 7

Forster, E. M., 56

Fowler, Gene, Jr., 7

Frankenstein (Shelley), 30, 32, 71

Frazier, J. G., 33

Freedman, Carl, 74

French New Wave, 5, 7

Freud, Sigmund, 32, 128

Friedrich, Caspar David, 162

From the Earth to the Moon (Verne), 71, 73

frontier myths, 76

Full Metal Jacket (Kubrick, 1987), 11

and gender, 77

and obscene shadow, 129–30, 134–36, 143

and space, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63–64, 67

Funny Girl (Wyler, 1968), 16

game playing, 11, 57, 58, 106, 108, 112, 116, 123, 157, 166

game space, 58–59

Gayne Ballet Suite (Khatchaturian), 149

gaze of camera, 75–76, 85n15, 90, 167

Geduld, Carolyn, 172

Gelmis, Joseph, 20, 141

gender, 10–11, 69–84, 84n9, 85n15, 97, 135–39, 150, 165

generation gap in critical reception, 13–24, 25n3

Genesis Flood, The (Whitcombe and Morris), 31, 40n5

German Romanticism, 151, 169

Gilbert, James, 10

Gilliatt, Penelope, 26n7

Godard, Jean-Luc, 5, 7

God concept, 29–32

Gog (Strock, 1954), 71–72, 75

Golden Bough (Frazier), 33

Gould, Stephen J., 31

The Graduate (Nichols, 1968), 15, 16, 22

Grady, Delbert (The Shining), 66

Grant, Barry, 10–11

Grant, Cary, 165

gravitas, 10, 44, 51

gravity, 10, 35, 43–51, 52nn14,15, 53n21

Gross, Kenneth, 164–65

HAL (2001), 8–9, 11, 32, 37

and artificial intelligence (AI), 105–23

and art, 119–20

and classical AI, 110–12

and critical technical practice, 118

and expressive AI, 116, 121–23

and representation, 106–7, 112, 116

and transcendence, 112, 114–15

and brain science, 94–98

critics’ views on, 19, 22

eyes of, 39, 48, 64, 95, 98, 108, 111–12, 116, 132

and fairy tales, 151–52, 157, 159, 161, 164–73

and gender, 79–80

and gravity, 48–50, 53n19

and obscene shadow, 129–30, 132, 134, 139, 142

and space, 57, 60, 64, 65, 67–68

Halloween (Carpenter, 1978), 167

HAL’s Legacy (Stork), 55, 106

Harbison, Robert, 162

Harbou, Thea von, 73

Hark, Ina Rae, 82

Harvard Crimson, 17, 20–22, 23

Hasford, Gustav, 134

Haskins, Byron, 7, 44

Hatch, Robert, 26n10

Hawks, Howard, 24

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 71

Hayden, Sterling, 77, 131, 135

Hero with a Thousand Faces (Campbell), 33

High School (Wiseman, 1968), 57

history, 16, 20–21, 24, 36–37

Hitchcock, Alfred, 63, 157, 171

Hoffmann, E. T. A., 163

Hoffmannsthal, Hugo von, 151

Hollywood storytelling, 16–17, 18, 23

Homer, 24, 39

hominids. See ape-men

homosexuality, 139

Hopper, Dennis, 15

Horkheimer, Max, 145n19

Horner, Harry, 7

How the West Was Won (Ford et al.), 14

human brain of scientist, 91–94

human-computer symbiosis, 113–14

human intelligence, 11, 33, 87–89, 93, 114

humanism, 16

humor, 36, 37, 38, 47, 60, 130, 135

Hunter, Tim, 20

IBM, 38, 55

ideas, characters as, 6, 19, 157–58

imagination, 11, 12, 36, 93, 156

“Imagination of Disaster, The” (Sontag), 32, 36, 40n5, 44

I Married a Monster from Outer Space (Fowler, 1958), 7

Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, N.J.), 38

institutional space, 56–58

intelligence, nature of, 32–33. See also artificial intelligence (AI); human intelligence

interactionist AI, 110–12, 120

international art cinema, 17, 23

Internet, 113

Invaders from Mars (Menzies, 1953), 72

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Siegel, 1956), 7

I Robot (Asimov, 1950), 32

ironic denouement, 22, 36–38

Italian neorealism, 5

James, Edward, 44

Jaszi, Peter, 20

Johnson, Diane, 11

Journey to the Center of the Earth (Verne), 71

Juliet of the Spirits (Fellini, 1965), 13

Jung, Carl, 29, 33

“Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite,” 80, 98–100, 143

“Jupiter Mission—Eighteen Months Later,” 47

Kael, Pauline, 13–14, 16–17, 18, 22–23, 25n2, 149

Kagan, Norman, 79

Kaplan, Stephen, 20

Kauffmann, Stanley, 18–20

Keller, Evelyn Fox, 70, 81

Khatchaturian, Aram, 94, 149

Kidman, Nicole, 137

Killer’s Kiss (Kubrick, 1955), 5, 59, 62, 130, 174

The Killing (Kubrick, 1956), 5, 11, 45, 59, 65, 130–31

King Lear (Shakespeare), 160

Knight, Damon, 70

Kolker, Robert, 23, 26n12, 76, 82, 131–32, 141–42, 144n12, 145n18

Kubrick, Vivian, 92

Kuhn, Thomas, 46, 51

Kurosawa, Akira, 17

Kurzweil, Ray, 115

Lacan, Jacques, 129

La Haye, Tim, 40n5

Landy, Marcia, 9, 11

Lang, Fritz, 73

Lara Croft (West, 2001; de Bont, 2003), 75

Last and First Men (Stapledon), 78, 83–84

Last Year in Marienbad (Resnais, 1961), 64

Lawrence, D. H., 74

Lawrence of Arabia (Lean, 1962), 14

Left Behind series, 40n5

Left Hand of Darkness, The (LeGuin), 73–74

LeGuin, Ursula K., 73–74

Lem, Stanislaw, 73, 80

Licklidder, J. C. R., 113–14

Life, 25n4

Ligeti, György, 35, 79–80, 89–90, 93, 143

Little Big Man (Penn, 1970), 76

lobotomy, 9, 96–97, 169–71

Lockwood, Gary, 78, 94

Lolita (Kubrick, 1962), 15

and gender, 78

and obscene shadow, 129, 132–33, 136, 137, 140

and space, 59, 62, 65, 66

Lorca, Garcia, 174

Louis XVI room, 32, 34, 37

and cinematographic brain, 98

and fairy tales, 158, 170, 172–74

and gender, 80

and obscene shadow, 135, 139–40

and space, 56–57

Lucas, George, 7, 21, 83

Lux Aeterna (Ligeti), 35

Mamber, Stephen, 9, 10

Maneuver (Wiseman, 1979), 57

Mann, Anthony, 23

man versus machine, 4, 19, 22, 32, 96–98, 130

masculinity, 10–11, 15, 70–72, 75–77, 81–83, 160, 165

M.A.S.H. (Altman, 1970), 5

Mason, James, 132

Mateas, Michael, 9, 11

McCabe and Mrs. Miller (Altman, 1971), 76

McClintock, Barbara, 81

McDowell, Malcolm, 77

McLuhan, Marshall, 20, 34

Mean Streets (Scorsese, 1972), 5

Méliès, Georges, 35, 41n19, 72–73

Melville, Herman, 74

memory, 12, 159–61, 170

Merchant of Venice, The (Shakespeare), 153

Metamorphoses (Ovid), 157

meteors, passage of, 30, 37

Metropolis (Lang, 1926), 44, 73

MGM, 14, 30, 52–53n17

Michelson, Annette, 8, 24, 45, 47, 163

Miles, David, 151

Milestone, Lewis, 24

Miller, Frank, 92

Mind Children (Moravec), 114–15

Minsky, Marvin, 44, 107, 113

mise-en-scène, 6, 73, 79, 88, 128

Missile (Wiseman, 1987), 57

Mission to Mars (De Palma, 2000), 79

Modine, Matthew, 134

monoliths, 8–10, 32, 35, 37

and AI and transcendence, 115

and brain science, 89–90, 93, 98–99

critics’ views on, 15, 21–22, 24

and fairy tales, 153, 155, 159, 162, 172

and gender, 79–80, 82–83

and gravity, 47, 49–50

and humor, 38

and obscene shadow, 130, 138, 142, 143, 144n5

and space, 58, 60, 66

monster invasion films, 36–37, 44

moon landings, 15, 30, 72

Moon-Watcher, 35, 38–39

and animal brain, 90, 92–93

and cinematographic brain, 98

and fairy tales, 153–54, 164, 169

and gender, 70, 83

and obscene shadow, 99, 128–29

Moore, C. L., 74

Moravec, Hans, 114–15

Morris, Henry, 31, 40n5

The Mouse That Roared (Arnold, 1959), 66

“De la muerte oscura” (Lorca), 174

Mulvey, Laura, 75

Murdoch, Iris, 155

music, 32, 35, 41n20

and animal brain, 89–90

and fairy tales, 149, 163

and gender, 72, 79–80

and human brain, 91, 93–94

and obscene shadow, 133, 141, 143

mythological symbolism, 24, 30–33, 35, 37, 39

Nabokov, Vladimir, 132

Napoleon, 140

narrative strategies, 16, 20, 34

narrative structure, 5, 16, 18, 22, 47, 64, 66–67, 78

NASA, 34, 37–38, 52n5, 74

natural language processing, 107–8, 120, 123n2

natural selection, 29–30

Nelson, Thomas Allen, 26n9, 41n19, 92, 100, 140–41

neorealism, 5, 100–101

new tribaliam, 13–14, 25n2

New Yorker, 18, 25n2, 26n7

New York Times, 19, 38

Nichols, Mike, 15, 16, 22

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 32, 41n20

Ninth Symphony (Beethoven), 133

Noble, David, 113

Nooteboom, Cees, 148–49

Notes on Cinematography (Bresson), 156–57

nothingness, 29, 31, 156

nuclear war, 38–39, 58, 77, 134

obscene shadow, 12, 127–43, 145n18

Odysseus, 32, 39

Oedipality, 15, 16, 83

official space, 56–58

O’Hara, Frank, 154

Ophuls, Max, 64

Ordway, Frederick, 34, 37, 52n5

Ovid, 157

Oz project (Carnegie Mellon Univ.), 119

Pal, George, 7, 44

Palmer, Barton, 10

paradigms, 46–48, 50–51

parody space, 59–61

Paths of Glory (Kubrick, 1957)

and fairy tales, 174

and gender, 78

and obscene shadow, 129, 134, 140, 142–43, 145n18

and space, 57, 63

patriarchy, 11, 15, 70–72, 75–77, 82–83, 143

Penn, Arthur, 5

Penny, Simon, 117–18

Persona (Bergman, 1966), 173

phallic symbolism, 10, 70–73, 77, 82, 95

Pichel, Irving, 7, 44

Pickens, Slim, 77, 130

Piercy, Marge, 74

Planet of the Apes (Schaffner, 1968), 37

Playboy interview, 34

Poe, Edgar Allan, 72, 132, 170

point of view, 61, 80, 99, 171

Polanski, Roman, 155

Poole, Frank (2001), 32

and computer brain, 94–96, 98

and fairy tales, 149–50, 152, 154, 160–61, 164, 166–68, 170

and gender, 78–79

and gravity, 47–48, 53n19

and obscene shadow, 138

and space, 57, 58, 59, 60, 63

Primate (Wiseman, 1974), 57

progress, 15, 16, 17, 33

and computer brain, 95

critics’ views on, 21–22

and gender, 76

and gravity, 46

and obscene shadow, 128, 139

prophetic year, 4

psychedelic images, 3, 13–14, 25n3, 32, 98

Psycho (Hitchcock, 1960), 171–72

psychological meanings, 30, 37, 82

Pudovkin, V. I., 41n19

pulp fiction, 31, 71, 72

Pyle, Private (Full Metal Jacket), 61

Rain, Douglas, 94, 171

Rasmussen, Randy, 62

rational thought

and AI and transcendence, 112

and animal brain, 91

and fairy tales, 153–54, 158

and gender, 70, 78, 83

and gravity, 45, 50

and obscene shadow, 128, 140–41, 143

realism, 59, 100. See also scientific accuracy; verisimilitude

reasoning. See rational thought

rebirth, 9, 10, 38

and cinematographic brain, 99

and fairy tales, 155

and gender, 82–83

and gravity, 51

and obscene shadow, 142

and space, 61–63, 65, 68

recreational drug use, 3, 13–14, 25n3

Red Planet Mars (Horner, 1952), 7

Reed, Kit, 74

Reflections on Black (Brakhage, 1955), 81

reflexivity, 89, 100

religion, 14, 30, 39

Religion of Technology, The (Noble), 113

repetitions, 58–59, 66

representation and AI, 106–7, 112, 116–17

Requiem, The, (Ligeti) 35

Resnais, Alain, 64

“Retourne le Miroir” (Chassignet), 154

Richter, Daniel, 90

riddles, 12, 151–54, 158

Ripley (Alien), 76

ritual space, 58–59

Rolling Stone, 30

Romanticism, 151, 155, 163, 169

Rosemary’s Baby (Polanski, 1968), 155

Rosenfield, Albert, 25n4, 144n5

Rossiter, Leonard, 92

Run Lola Run (Tykwer, 1998), 64

Russ, Joanna, 74

Russian scientists, 38, 46–47, 52n15, 79, 92, 161–62

Sack, Warren, 118

Sagan, Carl, 37

Salinger, J. D., 15

“Sandman, The” (Hoffmann), 163

Sargent, Pamela, 74

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 26n10

Schnitzler, Arthur, 143

Scholes, Robert, 84n4

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 85n15

science, 16, 21, 33, 36, 39, 44, 51

and evangelicalism, 30–31

and gender, 70, 83

and obscene shadow, 145n19

science fiction, 29–33, 40n5

and brain science, 93–94

and gender, 71–77

science fiction films, 7, 10, 35–39

and computer brain, 95

critics’ views on, 17, 20–21, 25n4

and gender, 70–73, 75–78, 84n9

and gravitas, 43–44, 51

scientific accuracy, 4, 7, 52n5, 73

and gravity, 43–45, 51

and science fiction conventions, 36–38

Scientific American Frontiers, 112

Scorsese, Martin, 5

Scott, George C., 135

Seabright, Idis, 74

seeing, 12, 39, 50, 152, 155, 168, 170. See also eyes

Sellers, Peter, 62, 65–66, 132, 135

Sengers, Phoebe, 117

“Sentinel, The” (Clarke), 18–19, 26n9, 34, 82

Shakespeare, William, 153, 160

shape shifting, 12, 66, 159

Sheldon, Alice, 74–75

Shelley, Mary, 30, 71

The Shining (Kubrick, 1980), 6, 11

and fairy tales, 173

and gender, 77

and obscene shadow, 128–29, 136–37

and space, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64

“Ship Who Sang, The” (Wilhelm), 74

Short-Timers, The (Hasford), 134

Siegal, Don, 7

signs, 47, 60, 69

silent film, 25n2, 34, 35, 90

Simmons, Jean, 82

Sinai Field Mission (Wiseman, 1978), 57

skepticism, 51, 141, 155

Smith, Kiki, 161

“Snow Queen, The” (Andersen), 158

Sobchack, Vivian, 78

Social Darwinists, 142

Solaris (Lem), 73, 80

Sontag, Susan, 32, 36, 40n5, 44, 141

Soviet scientists. See Russian scientists

space, 10, 55–68

alien space, 62–63

and cinematographic brain, 88

dream space, 61–62

geometrical space, 63–65

institutional-official space, 56–58

parody space, 59–61

ritual-game-war space, 58–59

thematic contradiction of, 19–20

ubiquitous space, 65–67

Space and Place (Tuan), 60–61

space operas, 44, 72, 75

Spartacus (Kubrick, 1960), 18, 23, 82, 134, 157

special effects, 21, 35, 44, 76, 83

Spiegel, Lynn, 39–40n4

Spielberg, Steven, 11, 76, 174

Stapledon, Olaf, 78, 83–84, 86n34

star child, 14, 22, 32, 37. See also fetus

and AI and transcendence, 112–15

and cinematographic brain, 99

eyes of, 39, 81, 156

and fairy tales, 155–56, 158–59

and gender, 80–83

and gravity, 50–51

and obscene shadow, 134, 138–42

and space, 57, 61, 63, 65

Stargate, 34, 61–62, 80–81, 150, 169–71

Star Trek (television series), 78

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Wise, 1979), 79

Star Trek: The Next Generation (television series), 112

Star Wars (Lucas, 1977), 7, 21, 83

statues, 161, 164–65

St. Clair, Margaret, 74

Stevens, Wallace, 159

stewardesses. See flight attendants

Stork, David, 37

Strange Days (Bigelow), 75

Strauss, Johann, 35, 43, 46, 72, 163

Strauss, Richard, 32, 35, 41n20, 72, 89–90, 93, 141, 149

superhumans, 113–14

superimpositions, 64, 65

Superman, 32, 41n20

Super Panavision, 37, 52–53n17, 83

Sylvester, William, 77–78, 92

symmetrical compositions, 59, 63, 64

Talaley, Rachel, 75

Tank Girl (Talaley), 75

Tarantino, Quentin, 5

Taylor, John Russell, 25n3

technology, 4, 15, 21–22, 30, 32–33

and animal brain, 91

and cinematographic brain, 88, 99–101

and computer brain, 94–98

and fairy tales, 154, 164

and gender, 70, 72, 76–78, 83

and gravity, 43–44, 46, 51, 53n21

and human brain, 92–93

and obscene shadow, 128, 145n19

and science fiction conventions, 36–37

television, 25n2, 44, 88, 112

Telotte, Jay, 10

Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 160

Terminator (Cameron, 1984, 1991; Mostow, 2003), 75

Thackeray, William Makepeace, 138

Things to Come (Menzies, 1936), 44, 73, 78

3001: The Final Odyssey (Clarke), 34

time-image, 100–101

Time Machine, The (Wells), 71, 86n33

time travel, 29, 37, 65–66, 83, 86n33

Tiptree, James, Jr., 74–75

Toilets in Kubrick’s films, 47, 60, 135–39, 157

Toles, George, 9, 12

trajectory, 10, 18, 44, 47–51

transcendent intelligence, 29–30, 112–15

and fairy tales, 154, 159

“Trash, Art, and the Movies” (Kael), 16–17

travel planning domain, 107, 123n2

trip movie, 3, 24, 25n3, 61, 149

Trip to the Moon (Méliès, 1902), 35, 41n19, 72–73

True Lies (Cameron, 1994), 85n15

Truffaut, François, 5

Tuan, Yi-Fu, 60–61

Turing, Alan, 109, 119, 123n4

Turing Test, 109–10, 119, 123n4

20,000 Leagues under the Sea (Verne), 71

2001: A Space Odessey (Clarke), 18, 26n9, 35, 41n18, 133–34

2010: Odyssey Two (Clarke), 34

2061: Odyssey Three (Clarke), 34

Tykwer, Tom, 64

Ubermensch, 32, 41n20

ubiquitous space, 65–67

UFOs, 33

Ulysses, 159

Variety, 26n10

verisimilitude, 35–36, 39, 45. See also scientific accuracy

Verne, Jules, 71, 72–73

violence, 5, 6, 9, 12

and computer brain, 96

critics’ views on, 15, 19, 21–22

and gender, 70, 77

and gravity, 47–50, 53n19

and obscene shadow, 127–28, 130, 134–35, 140, 142

and space, 57–59, 63

Virilio, Paul, 45–46, 48, 50–51

von Braun, Wernher, 52n5

Walker, Alexander, 32, 48, 56, 80, 140

War and Peace (Tolstoy), 56

war films, 5, 63, 77

War of the Worlds (Haskin, 1953; Spielberg, 2005), 36

war space, 58–59

Weaver, Sigourney, 78

weightlessness, 30, 46, 49, 52n14, 64, 76, 78, 160

Welles, Orson, 58, 83

Wells, H. G., 32, 71, 73, 78, 86n33

western films, 72, 76, 84n9

“Where No Man Has Gone Before” (Star Trek episode, 1965), 78

Whitcombe, John, 30–31, 40n5

White, Susan, 11–12, 60

Wilcox, Fred, 7

Wilhelm, Kate, 74

Willis, Connie, 74

Wiseman, Frederick, 57

The Wizard of Oz (Fleming, 1939), 143

Woman in the Moon (Lang, 1929), 73–74

Woman on the Edge of Time (Piercy), 74

“Women Men Don’t See, The” (Tiptree), 74–75

Women of Wonder (Sargent), 74

Woolf, Virginia, 161

work space, 57–58

“World as Meditation, The” (Stevens), 159

Youngblood, Gene, 26n7

zero gravity, 47, 60, 138. See also weightlessness

Žižek, Slavoj, 129, 134–35

zoo, 32, 34, 50, 57