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Adams Street, 237
Adirondack lakes, 73–74
Allegheny County Court, 77
Allegheny Mountains, 1, 43, 66, 74, 99
Allegheny River, 43, 46, 69
Alma Hall, 172–73, 178
Altoona, 249
Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers, 57–58, 264–65
American Law Review, 258
American Revolution, 43, 45
Armenian Genocide, 275
Army, U.S., 225
Arnold, Matthew, 214
Arthur, Chester A., 226
Atlantic & Ohio Telegraph Company, 30
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 212, 213, 214
Bar Harbor, Maine, 62, 63
Barnes, Charles, 149
Barton, Clara, 225–30, 241, 275
Bass fishing, 67–68, 80
Battle of Antietam, 225
Battle of Fredericksburg, 225
Battle of Gettysburg, 124
Beale, David
aftermath of flood, 178–80
dam breaks and flooding, 147–50, 171–73
life after the flood, 244, 274–75
money issues, 232, 233
recovery efforts, 207, 209, 210–11, 218–19, 220
Beaver, James
charitable donations, 231, 232
Homestead Steel Strike, 265
military assistance from, 221, 224–25
seeking military assistance from, 180, 207, 217–18, 220
Bellefonte, 217
Bennett, Edward, 119–20, 133–35
Benshoff, Arthur, 149
Berkman, Alexander, 265
Bessemer, Henry, 49–50
Bessemer process, 49–51
Bethlehem Steel, 266, 269
Bidwell, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Clinton, 103, 110–11, 118–19
Black-bass fishing, 67–68, 80
Boardinghouses, 54
“Bohunk,” 56
Bolivar, 181, 199, 201
Bookkeeping, 30
Bowser sisters, 189, 190
Boyer, William, 118
dam flooding, 126, 128
rainfall, 103, 104, 110–11, 113
as superintendent of club, 103
Braddock, Edward, 45
Braddock’s Field, 45
British Army, 27, 43
Bromine, 222
Bromo-Chloralum, 222
Brooklyn Bridge, 42
Buchanan, John, 112–13
Burials, 211, 218, 243–44
Burns, Robert, 29, 38
Byers, Abraham, 138
Cambria City, 56, 124, 181–82
Cambria County Court House, 78
Cambria Iron Company, 1–3
Carnegie and, 23–24
dam breaks and flooding, 1–2, 151–53, 177
labor unions and, 56–58
Morrell and, 42, 46–48, 50–52, 58–62
recovery, 210, 269
wages, 54–55, 57–58
Canal system, 69–70, 71, 72–73
Carbolic acid, 222
Carnegie, Andrew, 23–39
background of, 25–27
cost-cutting and profits, 31–32, 36
at Cresson Springs, 37, 38–39, 63–64, 66, 74
early daily work life of, 28–30
early life of, 25–30
The Gospel of Wealth, 4, 38
investments of, 30–31, 36–37
mental restoration in nature, 25, 38–39
Morrell and, 42, 48, 58–62
move to Pittsburgh, 27–28
at Paris Universal Exposition, 197–98
as philanthropic capitalist archetype, 24–25
post-flood response of, 198, 253, 254
railroad businesses, 30–32, 35–36, 61–63
South Fork Club and, 23, 24, 25, 38–39, 62–64, 91–92
steel businesses, 23–24, 32–35, 48, 58–63, 91, 264–66
telegraph business, 35–36
Carnegie, Margaret, 27–28, 37
Carnegie, Tom, 58–59
Carnegie, William, 26–27, 28
Carnegie Brothers & Company, 91–92
Carnegie Library, 198, 253
Carnegie Steel Company, 264–65
Carpenter, R. C., 86
Cash donations, 230–33
Central Park, 164, 183, 221, 242
Chambers, Minnie, 155, 169–70, 177
Charitable donations, 230–33
Chicago Fire of 1871, 267
Child labor, 29–30, 267
Cholera epidemic, 71
Civil War, 8, 31, 180, 225, 244
Cleveland, 268
Coke, 32, 34, 47–48, 51, 66, 76
Collective bargaining, 265
Communalism, 22
Compleat Angler, The (Walton), 67
Conemaugh, Lake, 81, 87, 94–95. See also South Fork dam
rainfall and morning of dam break, 107–13
South Fork Club creation of, 41–42, 66, 68–73
Conemaugh River, 3, 69, 70
Conemaugh River Bridge
dam breaks and flooding, 136–37, 151, 152, 165–70
failure of, 181–82
fires at, 168–70, 212–13
Conemaugh Valley
history of settlement, 42–47, 55–56
map, viii–ix
Coney Island, New York, 272
Con men, 218
Connellsville coke ovens, 76, 86
Copperas, 222
Cotton industry, 28, 96
Crawford Coke and Coal, 86
Cresson Springs, 37, 38–39, 63–64, 66, 74
Crime, 217–21
Cronyism, 44, 96
Culion Leper Colony, 274
Daisy (cow), 7
Darby, Abraham, 34
Deckert, Frank, 122, 123, 127–28, 199
Decoration Day (May 30, 1889), 101–2, 104–5
Deforestation, 13, 14, 15
Dick, Charlie, 106, 167–68, 169, 219
Dickens, Charles, 69
Disaster souvenirs, 218, 270–71
Disaster tourism, 270–74
Disease prevention, 221–22
Disinfection, 221–22
Donations, 230–33
Double-entry bookkeeping, 30
Dry-fly casting, 67
Dunfermline, Scotland, 26–27
Du Pont brothers, 96
East Conemaugh, 117, 121–22, 139–41
Edgar Thomson Steel Company, 59–60, 264, 275
Ehrenfeld, Emma, 119–22, 133–35, 199
Eiffel Tower (Paris), 197
Elk Lake, 74
Ellis Island, New York, 274
Epidemic, cholera, 71
Erosion, 14–15, 94
European immigrants, 55–56
Event songs, 273–74
Exposition Universelle (1889), 197–98
Fault doctrine, 257–58
Federal Steel Company, 265
Fenn, Mrs., 183
Financial Panic of 1873, 58, 76
Fires, 168–70, 212–13
First National Bank of Johnstown, 47, 85
Fishguard, 80, 112–13, 125–26, 250
Fishing, 67–68, 80, 92–93
Fishing lures, 67–68
Flood songs, 273–74
Fly fishing, 67
Fly rods, 67
Fort Pitt, 43
Foster, Barbara, 190, 192
Fourteenth Infantry Regiment, 221
Fourth Ward School, 209, 230
Franco-Prussian War, 180, 225–26
Frankstown Road, 179
Frick, Elizabeth Overholt, 75–76
Frick, Henry Clay, 75–77
background of, 75–76
Carnegie and steel industry, 76, 86, 91, 264–65
Homestead Steel Strike and, 264–65
post-flood response of, 198, 206, 253
South Fork Club and, 75, 76–77, 84, 86
Frick, John, 76
Frick Coke Company, 76, 86, 91
Fritz, George, 7, 50–51
Fritz, John, 7, 50–51
Fulton, John, 210, 251
dam inspection, 86–88, 89, 103, 248
Fulton, Mrs., 149
Galveston Hurricane of 1900, 12, 275
Garfield, James, 226
Gautier Wire Company, 3, 51, 143–44
Geis, Abbie, 9–10, 11, 13, 145–46, 155–57, 160–61, 238
Geis, Billy, 5
Geis, Edward, 239
Geis, Richard, 9, 146, 156
Geneva Convention, 226
George, Henry, 97–98
German Reform, 55
Gertrude Quinn. See Quinn, Gertrude
Gilded Age, 21–22, 45
Gladstone, William Ewart, 214
Goldman, Emma, 265
Gospel of Wealth, The (Carnegie), 4, 38
Grease fires, 168
Great Galveston Hurricane of 1900, 12, 275
Great Railroad Strike of 1877, 57
Great Storm of May 1889, 99–101
Greeley, Horace, 124
Gromley, Christopher, 139
Guess (dog), 147, 150, 171
Hamilton, Alexander, 45
Hamilton, John B., 221
Harrisburg, 104
Harrison, Benjamin, 8, 221
Hart, Captain A. N.
dam breaks and flooding, 149–50, 171–73
recovery efforts, 209, 210, 218–19
Hastings, Daniel
background of, 217
Barton and Red Cross, 224–25, 227–28, 230, 275
efforts to deter crime and theft, 217–21
life after the flood, 275
recovery efforts, 217–21, 224–25, 252
H.C. Frick Coke Company, 76, 86, 91
Heidenfelter, Mrs., 107
Heiser, Victor
aftermath of flood, 243–44
dam breaks and flooding, 153–54, 159–60, 161–62, 164, 182–85
life after the flood, 244, 274
Hess, John, 139–41
“Highway Patrolman” (song), 274
Homeopathic Hospital (Pittsburgh), 275
Homestead Steel Strike, 264–65
Horseshoe Curve, 70, 72
Hungarian immigrants, 56, 219
“Hunkies,” 56
Hunkietowns, 56
Husband, Herman, 43–44, 45
Immigrants (immigration), 14, 55–56, 209–10
Industrialization, 26–27, 56
Iron, 32–33, 48
Iron bridges, 34
Iron furnaces, 33, 34
Iron ore, 33, 52
Iron smelting, 33–34, 49–50
Jefferson Medical College, 274
Jewish immigrants, 55–56
Johnson, Tom L., 95–98
background of, 95–96
charitable giving, 266–68
donations and money issues, 230, 232–33
life after the food, 266–68
monopoly and privilege and, 95–98, 260, 266–67
recovery efforts, 207–10, 211, 214–15, 222–24
South Fork dam and, 95, 98, 253
streetcar businesses, 96–97, 223–24
Johnston, George, 127, 150–52, 165
Decoration Day (May 30, 1889), 101–2, 104–5
the flood. See Johnstown Flood of May 31, 1889
flooding in, 12, 13, 93–94, 123
history of, 14, 42–47
map, viii–ix
population of, 13–14
steel industry in, 2–4, 13–14, 42–43, 46–47, 50–52
Johnstown City Council, 47, 85
Johnstown Department of Public Safety, 220
“Johnstown Flood, The” (song), 274
Johnstown Flood literature, 244, 271
Johnstown Flood of May 31, 1889, 9–11
aftermath of, 177–93
charitable donations, 230–33
crime and theft, 217–21
dam breaks and flooding, 12, 16–17, 131–66
disaster tourism, 270–74
disinfectiing city, 221–22
effect on the development of American law, 257–61
fire at bridge, 168–70, 212–13
flooding begins, 123–29, 131
lawsuits and court cases against South Fork Club, 256–58
legacy and popular culture, 270–74
morning of, 105–13
negligence and liability of South Fork Club, 255–61
news reports of, 204–5, 236, 250–51, 257–58
night of, 163–75
rainfall, 99–113
recovery efforts, 206–33
relief efforts, 203–6
unnatural contributing factors, 12–15, 247–61
warning messages, 117–29
the wreckage, 177–93
Johnstown Flood of 1887, 123
Johnstown floodplain, 14, 101
Johnstown Flood Relief Commission, 231
Johnstown Gas & Water Company, 47, 85
Johnstown Opera House, 47
Johnstown’s Presbyterian Church, 147, 213, 274–75
Johnstown Tribune, 78, 94–95, 124, 127–28, 252–53, 276
Johnstown Works, 269
Johnstown Zouaves, 8
Jones, Bill
at Cambria mill, 50–51, 59
at Carnegie’s Thomson mill, 59–60, 198, 275
life after the flood, 275
relief efforts, 213–15, 275
Juniata River Valley, 42
Keltz, S. W., 120, 133–34
Keystone Bridge Company, 34
Kloman, Andrew, 58–59
Knox, Philander, 92
Knox & Reed, 92, 254
Koch, Henry, 236
Labor, 52–58
capital and, 260–61
child, 29–30, 267
wages, 54–55, 57–58
Labor housing, 47, 53–54, 56
Labor strikes, 57, 58, 264–65
Labor unions, 56–58, 264–65
Lake Conemaugh, 81, 87, 94–95. See also South Fork dam
rainfall and morning of dam break, 107–13
South Fork Club creation of, 41–42, 66, 68–73
Latrobe, 241
Laurel Hill, 43
Lavell, Pat, 214–15
Lawsuits against South Fork Club, 256–58
Leis, Mr. and Mrs., 191–92, 237
Leishman, John G. A., 91–92
Liability, 255–61
Libby (nurse), 9–10, 11, 145–46, 155–57, 160–61, 238
Lilly Station, 199, 200, 201
Lincoln, Abraham, 8
Little, Nancy, 256
Little Conemaugh River, 3, 46, 69, 94
dam breaks and flooding, 11–12, 13, 135–37
erosion, 14–15, 94
narrowing of, 15, 16, 94–95
rainfall, 101, 105–6, 117
unnatural contributing factors, 12–15, 247–61
Lloyd, Mr., 147, 149
Looting, 218, 219
Lorillard, Pierre, 62
Low pressure system, 100–101
Lucy Furnaces, 58–59
Luddites, 27
Ludwig, Mrs., 237
Lumbering, 13, 14, 15
McCachren, Maxwell, 235–36
life after the flood, 276–77
rescue of Gertrude, 185–88, 236, 276
McCullough, David, 244
McDowell, N. M., 86, 89
McGregor, James, 254
Magee, Thomas, 152–53, 170–71, 182
“Magic lanterns,” 272
Main Line Canal, 69–70, 72–73
Marine National Bank, 103
Market Street Bridge, 34
Marvin, S. S., 206
Maryland Coal Company, 264
Matthews, William, 173
Medical care, 221–22, 229
Mellon, Andrew, 76, 84, 92, 253
Meteoric iron, 32–33
Metz, Mrs., 189–90, 193
Midvale Steel and Ordnance Company, 269
Miller, Reuben, 206
Millionaires’ Row (Cleveland), 96, 207
Millville, 166, 181–82
Millville bridge, 124
Mineral Point
dam breaks and flooding, 135, 138–39
deaths, 138–39
telegraph warnings, 117, 120–21, 122, 199
Minersville, 56
Mississippi River, 34
Monongahela River, 43, 45
Monopolies, 22, 61–62, 95–96
Morgan, J. P., 265
Morgues, 210, 211, 218
Morrell, Daniel J., 41–42, 58–62
Cambria Iron Company and, 7, 42, 46–48, 50–52, 58–62
concerns about South Fork dam, 83, 85–86, 88–90, 93, 248
death of, 95
early life of, 42
Morse, Samuel, 119
Morse code, 30, 119, 121
Mountain House, 37, 38–39, 63–64, 66
Mount Marcy, 74
Moxham (town), 97, 181
Moxham, Arthur
life after the flood, 268–69
recovery efforts, 208–9, 210, 217–18, 219, 220, 223–24
Muriatic acid, 222
Musante, Mr., 161
“My Last Message” (song), 273–74
Napoleon Bonaparte, 31
National Steel Corporation, 265
New Austria, 143
New Florence Station, 203–5, 248
Newport, Rhode Island, 62
New York Sun, 250
New York World, 272
New York Yacht Club, 68
Niagara Falls, 181
Nickel, 32–33
“Night of the Johnstown Flood, The” (song), 274
Nitric acid, 222
Noah’s Ark, 272
Nursing and Barton, 225
Ogle, Hetty, 127–28, 129, 273
Ohio River, 43, 44, 46
Oil, 29, 32, 35
Oil fires, 168
Oklahoma house, 242
Old Overholt, 75–76
Panic of 1873, 58, 76
Paris Exposition of 1889, 197–98
Parke, John, 102–3
aftermath of flood, 249
background of, 102
dam breaks, 131–33
flooding, 125–27, 128, 131
inspecting the dam, 109–10
rainfall, 105, 108–10, 111–13
warning messages, 118–21
work at club, 102–3, 104
Pennsylvania Main Line Canal, 69–70, 72–73
Pennsylvania Railroad, 46, 103
canal system and, 46, 72–73
Carnegie and, 30–32, 35–36, 61
flooding, 110–11, 199–205
Great Railroad Strike of 1877, 57
Horseshoe Curve, 70, 72
Pitcairn and, 84, 85, 91, 199–205
Pennsylvania Supreme Court, 259
Phenique, 222
Phenyle, 222
Philippines, 274
Phipps, Henry, 91–92
Phipps, Henry, Jr., 206
Pig iron, 33, 49, 52–53
Pinkerton Agency, 265
Pitcairn, Robert
background of, 91
dam breaks and flooding, 199–203
Pennsylvania Railroad and, 84, 85, 91, 199–205
relief efforts, 203–4, 206, 212
South Fork dam and, 200–201, 203–5, 248–49, 253
Carnegie family move to, 27–28
history of, 43–44
relief train, 211–12, 213–14
wealth of, 22
Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce, 230
Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph, 204
Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, 204
Pittsburgh Dispatch, 204, 254
Pittsburgh Ladies’ Committee, 213
Pittsburgh Locomotive Works, 34
Pittsburgh Relief Committee, 206, 210, 211–12, 220, 229
Pittsburgh Times, 204
Placid, Lake, 63, 73–74
Poetry, 272
Policing, 217–21, 224–25
Pollution, 221–22
Poplar Street bridge, 124
Portage system, 69
Poverty, 97, 267
Presbyterian Church, Johnstown, 147, 213, 274–75
Price-fixing, 61–62
Progress and Poverty (George), 97–98
Prospect, 177
Psalm 23, 148
Psalm 46, 148
Purity, 222
Quicklime, 222
Quinn, Eulalia, 276
Quinn, Gertrude, 4–11, 244
aftermath of flood, 236–41
background of, 4–5, 7–8
dam breaks and flooding, 1–2, 9–10, 145–46, 155–57, 160–61, 173–75
the fires, 167–75
life after the flood, 272, 276–77
newspaper reports of, 236
rainfall begins, 106
rescue of, 175, 185–90, 192–93, 236, 276
return to Johnstown, 241–43
Quinn, Helen, 156, 157, 191, 192–93, 237
Quinn, James, 4–11
aftermath of flood, 191–93, 236–39, 242, 243
appearance of, 5, 6
concerns about dam safety, 94
dam breaks and flooding, 9–11, 16, 145–46, 156–58, 173–75
life after the flood, 276–77
rainfall begins, 106
reputation for worry, 10–11
rescue of Gertrude and, 192–93
Quinn, Marie, 10, 242–43
Quinn, Rosemary, 156, 157, 191, 192–93, 237–41
Quinn, Rosina
aftermath of flood, 237–43
background of, 5–6
in Kansas, 9, 237, 238–41
life after the flood, 276
Quinn, Vincent, 6–7, 8
dam breaks and flooding, 9–10, 146, 155, 158–59
death of, 158–59, 238, 240
rainfall begins, 106
Quinn’s Store, 4, 47, 190, 191, 237, 238, 276
Radioactivity, 32
Rainfall, 99–113
Red Cross, 225–30, 241, 275
Red Cross hotels, 229, 241
Reed, James Hay, 92, 254–55
Regulations, 28, 85, 269
Regulator Rebellion, 43
Reilly, John, 74–75, 200
Relief train, 211–12, 213–14
Republican Party, 8
“Retort” coke ovens, 47–48
Revere, Paul, 273, 274
Reverend Beale. See Beale, David
Revolutionary War, 43, 45
Robert the Bruce, 29
Rockefeller Foundation, 274
Roebling, John, 42, 46
Roosevelt, Theodore, 260
Rosin, 222
Ruff, Benjamin Franklin, 73–81
background of, 65–66
controlling interest in South Fork Club, 75, 76–77
death of, 95
desire to create a lake, 65–66, 68–69, 73–74
Morrell’s concerns about dam, 88–90, 95
purchase of property for South Fork Club, 74–75
redamming of South Fork, 77–81, 83–84, 86–88, 200–201, 248, 250
Russian famine of 1921–22, 275
Rylands rule, 258–59
Sailing, 68
St. John’s Catholic Church, 180
Salvation Army, 8, 175
Sang Hollow, 203, 211–12
Sanitary corps, 222
Sanitas, 222
Schwab, Charles, 265–66, 269
Scott, James, 220, 221
Scott, Tom, 30–31, 61
Scottsdale, Kansas, 9, 237, 238–41
Sea Islands hurricane of 1893, 275
Seventh Avenue Hotel, 92
Shelters, 229, 241
Sherman Antitrust Act, 260–61
Skinner, George, 236
Slag, 33, 52–53
Slattery, Gertrude. See Quinn, Gertrude
Sluice pipes, 70, 72, 73, 78–79, 87, 248
Smelting, 33–34, 49–50
Social Problems (George), 97–98
Sodium hypochlorite, 222
Soil erosion, 14–15, 94
Songs, 273–74
Sons of Vulcan, 58
South Fork
initial damming of, 65, 68–73
rainfall and morning of dam break, 107–13
redamming of, 65, 77–81, 83–84, 86–88, 103, 200–201
washouts, 79, 80
South Fork (town)
dam breaks and flooding, 136–37
damming of South Fork and concerns in, 78, 93
rainfall, 104, 107, 110
warning messages, 117–20, 125
South Fork dam
causes of failure, 12–15, 247–61
culvert, 72, 73, 78–79, 87, 126
dam breaks and flooding, 12, 16–17, 131–37
discharge pipe system, 72, 78, 79, 88, 200, 248
false alarms, 93–95
first dam collapse, 72–73
first dam construction, 70–72
fishguard, 80, 112–13, 125–26, 250
Fulton’s inspection of, 86–88, 89, 248, 253
lack of regulations regarding, 85
local acceptance of, 93–95
local discomfort with, 84–85
map, viii–ix
Morrell and, 83, 85–86, 88–90, 93, 248
negligence and liability issues, 255–61
Pitcairn’s responsibilities, 200–201, 203–5, 248–49, 253
rainfall and morning of break, 107–13
second dam construction, 77–81, 83–84, 86–88, 103, 200–201
sluice pipes, 70, 72, 73, 78–79, 87, 248
spillway, 71–72, 77–78, 79–80, 87, 93, 111–13, 125–27, 248
warning messages, 117–23, 127–29
South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club, 12, 21–23
aftermath of flood, 198–99
auction of contents, 263–64
Carnegie and, 23, 24, 25, 38–39, 62–64, 91–92
cause of dam failure, 248–56
closing of, 263–64
controlling interests in, 75, 76–77
cottage construction, 84
cottage life, 90–91
creation of lake, 41–42, 66, 68–73
fishing at, 67, 80, 92–93
formation of, 22–23, 24, 63–64, 65–66, 77
indoor-plumbing system, 102–3, 104, 263
initial rainfall, 102–5, 107–13
lawsuits against, 256–58
local employment at, 84–85, 92
membership of, 21, 23, 75–76, 83–84, 90–92, 95, 253–54
negligence and liability issues, 255–61
purchase of property, 74–75
Ruff-Frick shareholder combination, 75–78
secrecy of, 21, 23, 83–84
South Fork station, 110–11, 113, 120–21
South Fork telegraph tower, 119–22
Souvenirs, 218, 270–71
Spencer, Herbert, 214
Springsteen, Bruce, 274
Steel industry, 2–4, 13–14, 23–24, 32–35, 48, 58–60, 264–66, 269
Steelmaking, 33–34, 48–51
Stella, 240–41
Steubenville bridge, 34
Stevenson, Mrs., 154–55, 177
Stone bridge. See Conemaugh River Bridge
Stony Creek, 11, 13, 46, 69, 94
erosion, 14–15, 94
narrowing of, 15, 16, 94–95
rainfall, 101, 105–6, 117
unnatural contributing factors, 12–15, 247–61
Storm of May 1889, 99–101
Stowe, Edwin H., 77
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 236
Strayer, Jacob, 256
Streetcars, 96–97, 223–24
Superior Rail Mill and Blast Furnaces, 34
Swank, George, 124, 127–29, 252–53
Swiss Red Cross, 225–26
Tax policy, 97–98
Telegraphy, 31, 35–36, 119–21
Textile industry, 26, 28
“That Valley of Tears” (song), 273–74
Theft, 218, 270
Thomson, J. Edgar, 30, 31
Thomson Steel Company, 59–60, 264, 275
Trout fishing, 67, 80, 92–93
Turtle Creek, 91
Tuxedo Club, New York, 62
Twain, Mark, 21
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 236
Unger, Elias J.
aftermath of flood, 249, 255
background of, 103–4
business interests, 86 103, 92
dam breaks, 131–33
initial flooding, 125–26, 128, 131
initial rainfall, 103–4, 107–8, 110–13
presidency of South Fork Club, 103–4
warning messages, 117–18, 125
Union Army, 8, 225
Union Depot Hotel Station (Pittsburgh), 103, 204
Union Iron Mills, 58–59
Union Station (Washington, D.C.), 226
Universal Exposition of 1889, 197–98
University of Pennsylvania, 102
U.S. Red Cross of the Geneva Convention, 226
U.S. Steel, 265–66, 269
Utopia, 222
Vandyke beards, 5, 6
Wage labor, 54–55, 57–58
Wallace, William, 29
Walters, James, 172–73
Walton, Izaak, 67
Washington, George, 45
Weather Bureau, U.S., 100, 101
Webber, Herbert, 248
Western Union, 36, 127–28, 129
West Overton, 75–76
Wet-fly fishing, 67
Wetzengreist, 119, 120–21, 122
Whiskey Rebellion, 43, 45, 59, 76
Whiteface Mountain, 74
Whitman, Walt, 272
Woodruff Sleeping & Parlor Coach Company, 103
Woodvale, 117, 135, 142–43
Workers. See Labor
Workers’ camps, 222
Young, Mrs., 149