AAntHung: Acta antiqua hungarica

AFM: Annali della facoltà di lettere e filosofia, Universitá di Macerata

AJA: American Journal of Archaeology

AncW: Ancient World

ANRW: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt

AntCl: L'antiquité classique

AR: Archaeological Reports

BA: The Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World (ed. Richard J. A. Talbert, Princeton 2000)

BAR-IS: British Archaeological Reports, International Series

BNJ: Brill's New Jacoby

BNP: Brill's New Pauly

BSR: Annual of the British School at Rome

CAH: Cambridge Ancient History

ClMed: Classica et Mediaevalia

CP: Classical Philology

CQ: Classical Quarterly

CR: Classical Review

CRIPEL: Cahiers de recherches de l'Institut de papyrologie et d'égyptologie de Lille

CW: Classical World

EANS: Encyclopedia of the Ancient Natural Scientists (ed. Paul T. Keyser and Georgia L. Irby-Massie, London 2008)

FGrHist: Felix Jacoby, Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (Leiden 1923–)

FHG: Karl Müller, Fragmenta historicorum graecorum (Paris 1841–70)

G&R: Greece and Rome

GRBS: Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies

JAOS: Journal of the American Oriental Society

JARCE: Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt

JHS: Journal of Hellenic Studies

JRA: Journal of Roman Archaeology

JRS: Journal of Roman Studies

NC: Numismatic Chronicle

OJA: Oxford Journal of Archaeology

OT: Orbis Terrarum

RE: Realencyclopädie der Classichen Altertumswissenschaft (Pauly-Wissowa)

RSA: Rivista storica dell'antichità

TAPA: Transactions of the American Philological Association


Map 1. The extent of the ancient world in Hellenistic times.


Map 2. The oikoumene, as outlined by Eratosthenes.