
Aalborg Charter, 167

Accra, 168

Agenda 21, 32, 60–62, 68, 73, 74, 89–92, 164, 165. See also Rio Declaration on Environment and Development; Earth Summit

Alabama, 68, 72, 84, 85, 155

Alaska, 155

Albuquerque, 133

American Planning Association, 74

American Policy Center, 75

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009), 145

Americans for Prosperity, 75

American Sustainable Business Council, 129, 130, 135

Aral Sea, 29, 30

Archer, Jeffrey, 208

Arcosanti, 170

Arizona, 68–72, 81, 82

Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 73

Australia, 33–35, 100, 143

Bahrain, 33–35

Biosphere root of sustainability, 9, 17, 18

Bogotà, 168

Brown economy, 114

Brundtland Commission, 6, 7, 23, 32, 38, 42, 60, 137, 164, 193

Brundtland, Gro Harlem, 23

Brunei, 33–35

Business Council for Sustainable Development, 38

Business Roundtable, 116

California, 155

Cambridge, Massachusetts, 179

Canada, 100, 153

Caofeidian International Ecocity, 27, 149, 170

Cape Town, 168

Carrying capacity, 8–13, 17

Casablanca, 168

Ceres (organization), 127, 128, 134

Chambers of Commerce, 132, 133

Chile, 100

China, 29, 36, 142

Clean Air Act (1970), 59, 141

Clean Water Act (1972), 141

Climate adaptation, 28

Climate mitigation, 27

“Climate skeptics,” 63–65

Clinton Foundation, 184, 190, 191

Coca-Cola, 118

Connecticut, 155

Copenhagen, 43

Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards, 96

Critique-of-technology root of sustainability, 9, 17, 18

Curitiba, 168

Danish Climate Policy Plan, 144, 159–161

Decoupling, 89

Denver, 178, 192

Desalination, 98

Djibouti, 33–35

Dongtan Ecocity, 170

Durban, 168

Earth Summit, 32, 38, 45, 60

Ecocity Cleveland, 170

Ecodevelopment, 9, 17, 19, 22, 114, 195

Ecoefficiency, 38, 115

Ecological footprints, 103–105

Ecovillage at Ithaca, 170

Edmond, Oklahoma, 77

Energy consumption, 95, 96

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program, 59, 123, 145

Energy Independence and Security Act, 145

Environmental Performance Index, 32–35, 142, 143

Equity, 39–41

Ethical food consumption, 103

Exxon Valdez Principles, 127

Finland, 61

Food deserts, 102

France, 100

Freedom Works (organization), 75

Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, 133

Green Chamber: Greater Phoenix, 133

Green City Indexes, 169, 172, 174

Green economy, 110–114, 124

Greenwashing, 118

Gross domestic product, 21, 22, 113

Haiti, 33–35

Household consumption, 93–95

Houston, 133

Hydrology, 29

ICLEI—Local Governments for Sustainability, 61, 77, 182, 185, 190

Ideologies, 65–67, 181–190

India, 27

Industrial ecology, 115

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 34, 35, 60–64, 78, 146

International City/County Management Association, 191

International Monetary Fund, 22, 191

International networks, 152, 153

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 115

Israel, 100

Japan, 100

Johannesburg, 168

Jordan, 33–35

Kansas, 68, 72, 79–81

Kuwait, 33–35

League of Arizona Cities and Towns, 73

LEED-certified buildings, 172

Libertarianism, 65, 74, 75

Local Agenda 21 (organization), 61, 78, 183, 190

London, 182

Luxembourg, 33–35, 143

Maine, 68

Mali, 33–35

Masdar City, 170, 171, 192

Maximum feasible yield, 8, 11

McDonald’s, 118

Menomonee Valley Partners, 48

Mentougou Ecovalley, 170

Mississippi, 155

Missouri, 68

Monsanto, 118, 119

Montreal Protocol, 146

Multilevel governance, 156

National Commission on the Environment, 23

National League of Cities, 191

Natural capital, 24

Natural resource/environment root of sustainability, 17, 18

Nebraska, 155

Nestlé, 118

Netherlands, 100

New Hampshire, 68

Niger, 33–35

Nike, 118

No-growth, slow growth root of sustainability, 9, 17, 19, 25

Nonprofit sector, 46

Norway, 61

Oakland, 178

Ogallala Aquifer, 29

Oklahoma, 63, 68, 72, 83, 84

Oregon, 155

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, 99, 128, 129, 148

Oslo, 43, 168

Our Common Future, 23. See also Brundtland Commission Phoenix, 133

PlanIT Valley, 170

PlaNYC Climate Action Plan, 186

Portland, Oregon, 178, 188, 192

Precautionary principle, 101

Qatar, 33–35

Renewable energy, 95

Resiliency, 28, 68

Resolution Exposing United Nations Agenda 21 (Republican National Committee), 68

Rhode Island, 155

Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, 32, 60. See also Agenda 21; Earth Summit San Francisco, 133, 178, 192

San Marco, 77

Santa Monica, 179

Seattle, 178, 187, 192

Siemens Corporation, 43, 44, 167–174. See also Green City Index

Sierra Leone, 33–35

Small Business Administration, 130

Smart growth, 120, 166

Social justice, 40, 41

Somalia, 33–35

South Dakota, 68, 155

South Korea, 100

Spain, 100

Stockholm, 43, 168


city rankings, 178

concepts of, 1–56

and consumption, 87–107

and government, 137–161

outcomes, 157, 158

and population growth, 5, 6

and private sector, 109–135

three E’s of, 6

Sustainable agriculture, 8–10, 100–102

Sustainable biological resource use, 8, 9

Sustainable businesses, 38

Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia, 131

Sustainable cities, 42–46, 163–192

Sustainable Cities Institute, 191

Sustainable communities, 41, 42

Sustainable consumption, 44–46

Sustainable development, 4, 8, 9, 16, 17

Sustainable economic development, 20, 21

Sustainable ecosystems, 4

Sustainable energy, 8, 9, 13, 14, 37, 87

Sustainable Seattle, Inc., 47

Sustainable society and economy, 8, 9, 14, 16

SustainLane city rankings, 172–175

Sweden, 61, 100

Switzerland, 33–35, 100, 143, 144

Tea Party movement, 74–77

Tennessee, 68, 72

Thermodynamics, Second Law of, 37

Third epoch of environmental concern, 2

Tianjin Ecocity, 170, 171, 192

Timor, 33–35

Tragedy of the Commons, 49–53

Triple bottom line, 39, 116, 134

Tunis, 168

United Arab Emirates, 33–35

United Nations

Conference on Environment and Development, 89, 148 (see also Earth Summit)

Environmental Programme, 23, 62

Millennium Goals, 148

Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, 71 (see also Rio Declaration; Agenda 21; Earth Summit)

World Commission on Environment and Development, 2–6, 23, 53, 60, 146

Urban Water Sustainability Council, 191

US Agency for International Development, 22

US Conference of Mayors climate protection program, 184, 185, 191

US Congress, 141

US Department of Energy, 145

Vancouver, British Columbia, 168

Virginia Beach, 192

Walmart, 118

West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum, 131

Wichita, 192

World Bank, 22, 191

World Business Council for Sustainable Development, 38, 39, 127, 134

World Commission on Development and Environment, 146

World Economic Forum, 126

World Health Organization, 96

World Industry Council for the Environment, 38

World Meteorological Organization, 148

World Water Council, 191

Wuxi Low Carbon Ecocity, 170

Zambia, 33–35