Plan your fiction writing:
- Start with a memorable first sentence to make the reader want to read on.
- Introduce the characters and the setting.
- Introduce the plot.
- Develop the plot.
- What might happen to trigger off a series of events?
- Build up suspense.
- Wind up your story with a good ending. In the resolution you will have solved all the problems.
- It could be happy, sad, a cliff hanger (which leaves the reader to make up his or her own mind), or a moral ending
- Have a memorable final sentence.
- in FIRST PERSON, so you are the main character telling the story (using I or we) or
- in THIRD PERSON (using he or she) as if you were a fly watching from the wall.
• Use connectives or conjunctions:
- and or but (to join compound sentences)
- or, so, if, when, while, after, before, because, unless, until, whereas, although (to join complex sentences)
- use pronouns - who, which, whose, what, that
- to link ideas use - firstly, later, therefore, on the other hand, at that moment, by this time, next, soon...
- Use a range of sentences -simple, compound and complex sentences