11 Know your competition Give yourself a competitive advantage by making sure that what you have to offer is better than your competitors.
12 Reconnect with yesterday’s customers Tomorrow’s sales depend on finding customers today and a very good place to start is with yesterday’s purchasers.
13 Find tomorrow’s customers Prospective buyers are all around you and your success depends on finding those interested in what you have to sell.
14 Connect with customers online The Internet is a meeting place of like-minded people and user groups and other online communities offer potential sources of new customers.
15 Find out what your buyer wants Too much choice can scupper a sale – find out what your buyer needs, then offer only the most appropriate choices to address those needs.
16 Be sure of your facts If buyers discover that something has been portrayed inaccurately to them, they are unlikely to return to do business with you again.
17 Don’t neglect the paperwork Keep records of the products or services you offer, the prospects and customers to whom you sell, and the profits you make from doing so.
18 Know your career goals The setting of goals will provide you with a guiding force to help you to achieve what you want in your career.
19 Make a plan to succeed Once you have set your goals, make plans for how they can be achieved, and take the necessary actions on a regular basis to achieve them.
20 Prioritize your time learning how to prioritize your efforts can dramatically increase your efficiency and your income.