With your own pain and seasons of tears, how did joy and laughter sneak in through the cracks for you? How did it surprise you and give you the gift of relief you didn’t think you’d ever have again?
Has there been a time when you felt God was calling you to something you felt unqualified to do or be, either in a whisper or in a bold, loud push? What was it? Did you follow the calling? If not, why? Do you feel God is calling you now to do something extraordinary?
Oftentimes, we create our own narrative. Is there a story in your head that plays over and over? What are ways you can change the story in your head? What habits can you start today that will change this story?
What scars have you been hiding? Do you believe that sharing what holds you back can be a blessing to others? When others have shared their scars with you, how has it blessed your life? Does it make you feel braver to share your own?
Sometimes we overlook the little things that bring joy. Gratitude doesn’t need to be grand in size. Little wins make up the great big wins. Take some time to write down some of the small victories you’ve had and share them. Strive to make this a weekly practice.
What daily tasks or responsibilities in your life feel like burdens or annoyances? What if you no longer had the ability to perform those tasks or those responsibilities were gone? Would it change your perspective on how you look at them? Sometimes we need a reminder that we must do the work in order to enjoy the things we love.
Think about your closest friends. Don’t focus on their shortcomings or how they may have let you down in the past. Think about how they are truly gifted. Looking at someone from a different perspective allows us to give more grace during those times when we all fall short. What gifts and friends have you overlooked?
What physical activity makes you feel joyful? Not something you read or watch, but do. How can you make exercising more enjoyable?
We all have God-given gifts that we should be proud of. What are some of yours? If you get stumped on this one, ask your family and friends.
When you think about the times you laughed the most, what are they? Are there commonalities among them? Perhaps people, places, or situations? Get out the Kleenex, share your favorite moments, and be prepared to laugh through the ugly cry.
Are there life-changing events in your life that are beyond your control? Sometimes we don’t even realize we’re still trying to control these events. Share what’s going on, and ask for help to surrender control of it. When we share our fears and pains, it makes the load so much lighter and others can help us breathe and let go of what is out of our control.
Each of us holds the key to changing the world; we each can do small, random acts of kindness for others. What is a small act of kindness you can do for someone today? Imagine how it would feel to bless others several times this week! Then keep it going. Has someone blessed you with a RAK recently?
Are there tragedies in your life that brought you joy, not at the moment, but sprinkled throughout that season? Can you look back and see how God spread His love around the pain of it? Were there specific people God placed in your life during that season? What lessons did you learn?
When you reflect on your life, how do you view where you are today on your faith journey? Can you see the winding road, the ups and downs, and how God is creating the beautiful tapestry of your life?