Attracting Love

When you approach love as always having to get it from others, you are unfortunately making things harder for yourself. You see, to seek love from other people, thinking that you need them or that you won’t manage without them, tends to make the connection distorted—emotionally and energetically. It becomes about need and want, which are based in feelings of not having enough. It’s out of harmony with the energy of love.

So, in order to attract lasting, joyous love from others, begin to strengthen your own love within yourself. Be good to you. Cherish you. Know that others can give you love but you are not dependent on it. Shift your thoughts. What if you were already whole inside? What if you didn’t need love or another person?

Visualize a golden light emanating from your heart and filling your whole space. Feel this inner love comforting and completing you. This lifts you up into the realm of unconditional, naturally flowing love—and high-vibrational, mutually loving relationships. Try it! I would love to see you happier than you ever thought possible.

The Universe