Why Certain People Show Up in Your Life

Many human beings are frustrated with the people they encounter in life. Especially because it often feels like the same issues crop up over and over again—like a woman always meeting men who have no sense of responsibility, or who are only after “one thing”; or a man who feels as if he always meets women who are critical and demanding, or who only want him for his money.

Now, I want you to really pay attention to what I’m saying because knowing this will help you no matter where you’re at right now: You attract who you expect. Your beliefs about other people, the opposite sex especially, are constantly sending out an energy signal to your surroundings and matching you up with more of the same. As long as you believe certain things about men, the men you meet will tend to display those very characteristics—even if they have other traits, those will be the ones drawn out in your encounters together.

So, in order to remedy this and help you attract what you want rather than what you don’t want, begin to grow aware of your beliefs about other people, and when you notice negative perceptions coming up, steer yourself in a more desirable direction. Write down your list of desirable traits in the opposite sex, in your ideal partner, or even in friends. Make a list of the personality traits of your dream lover. Write down the characteristics of your ideal friend.

Deliberately train yourself to notice positive traits in other people—even if, to begin with, you’re practicing with characters in TV shows or novels. When you begin to look for the good in others, you automatically begin inviting in a whole new type of person to your life. And you’ll find that a new and more positive dynamic develops with existing friends and loved ones too. Enjoy!

The Universe