Nature’s Love Therapy

You live in a world of energy and you’re constantly interacting with it on a daily basis, even if you don’t realize it. You yourself are energy in perpetual motion. If you zoomed in to your body close enough, you would see tiny atoms vibrating. Nothing on Earth is really solid—it’s energy, micro particles in motion!

Your energy field/mood/functioning is actually in flux—impacted by everything that goes on inside and around you. Human beings’ energy can get very tense and frantic and busy, so if you’re feeling low or frustrated or stressed out or angry, like you’re butting your head against the proverbial wall, go into nature for a while.

The energy of plants and earth and nature is completely different from human beings’ energy because plants don’t have an analytical, thinking mind the way you do. Human beings are in stress mode a lot of the time, whereas plants and nature exist in the pure essence of each moment—no problems, no aims, no regrets. No stress.

So, go out into your nearest natural area (not one that’s busy with people)—a forest, a park, by the ocean, by a lake, on a mountain... Let yourself just stand or sit still there for a minute and feel how tranquil it is, away from other people. Let yourself relax into the now moment. This is regeneration—you are now being nourished by nature’s pureness of energy. You are now getting space to be yourself, to relax. Doing this regularly will work wonders for your body systems, your mindset, your mood, your wellbeing.

The Universe