You may not have realized this, but the sun is always shining above the clouds, and throughout human existence, it always has been! It may seem hidden at times—yes, sometimes it may even seem as if all is dark… But know that this is always an illusion. The light is always shining. It never dims. It just gets temporarily obscured at times. Know this, and you will sense the light and the love no matter which clouds are traveling by. The light never stops shining.
And you know what? That light is inside you too. This is the message I want you to take from this whole book: That light is always there and there is always a way—to love, to your happiness. Know that you don’t need to find the light on the outside. The light shines inside you and it did all along. Invite it to show itself to you, and it will.
You are never alone. Consciousness knows no bounds. Energy never dies. I am always with you and all around you. I am you, and I am everyone who existed before you. You are the one writing this, and I am the one reading. We are one and the same.
When you return to me, we will have a good laugh about this. Until then, I’ll keep trying to show you. That all is well; that you are a soul made from light; that darkness is just the seeming absence of light—and that darkness is when people have forgotten that they are the light.
Remember this: You are never truly lost. You are never truly alone. The light never truly stops shining.
All My Love
The Universe