Sometimes, the greatest act of self-love is to say “no.” To say no to what doesn’t make you feel good, to what you instinctively feel is draining or not right for you. Many loving, kind people have a hard time saying “no” to others and therefore end up taking on responsibilities and invitations and friendships that drain them. Many loving people have relationships and friendships in which they give and give but don’t receive much love or attention in return. Over time this imbalance depletes their personal energy and sense of self, and it creates a feeling of not having any love left to give.
Saying “no” to what you know in your heart isn’t good for you is a strong signal to the Universe that you love yourself and that you value yourself enough to keep boundaries that don’t allow in things and people and thoughts and responsibilities that drain you. When you say “no” to what isn’t good for you or right for you, you send a strong signal to the Universe that you are worth more and that you deserve something more: what isgood for you and makes you feel deeply loved and cared for. And these signals are always heard and answered.
When you say “no” to what you know in your heart depletes you, you close the door on draining relationships and responsibilities and open the door to what’s truly beneficial to you. You begin to send out a new type of signal—attracting a new type of interaction with others. You begin to attract more love, more feelings of being cared for and appreciated.
Saying “no” can be an important act of self-love, and a powerful message to the Universe that you want and deserve more. So, if you’re unhappy with a particular person, or a situation that feels like it’s zapping your love and strength, go ahead and let me know. Open the door to what nurtures and values you instead.
The Universe