
Human beings love creating hierarchies and placing rules and boundaries around things. But you know, nature and space are quite free-flowing; things move, shift, change, float, bob up and down, grow, and even blow up and disappear sometimes out in the Universe... New stars are born and die all the time.

The Universe doesn’t place boundaries on things; I especially don’t place boundaries on love. But human beings do. I’m not saying that boundaries are always a bad thing, but keep in mind that love is an energy—free-flowing. If I could help human beings with one thing, it would be to loosen them up a little about these rules they have in place.

Sometimes two people you’d never think “belong” together share the most special, loving bond. Sometimes two parents of the same sex can offer their child more understanding and love than two parents of opposite sexes. In times past, human beings were strongly invested in the belief that it was wrong for people of different races to love each other, and that it was wrong for couples to divorce if they were unhappy together. Those beliefs now seem outdated to large parts of humanity. Human perceptions of love continue to grow and evolve.

My truth to you is that love is an energy, and it is adaptable. Love is love no matter what situation you put it in. Your time is seeing the development of many new, untraditional relationships and family structures that reflect the truth that love is, in its essence, unlimited. Can you see that love exists and will continue to exist no matter what boundaries human beings try to place on it?

The Universe