Let’s Get Physical

Human beings tend to forget that they’re souls of light living in physical human bodies. It can be a complicated relationship—between the soul and the body—but looking at things in this way can clarify a lot of the inner conflict that most people experience.

You see, often the body has one set of priorities while the soul and heart have another. Mostly, the body wants to feel safe above all—to stay with what’s familiar. This means that human beings often feel more comfortable staying at a place or in a job where they’re actually unhappy, rather than making the change. Because change would jeopardize the safety they’ve got used to.

Similarly, human beings often stay with a person who’s not what their soul and heart really yearn for because it’s seen as the safer option. The body might seek a mate who is ideal for procreation or protection, whereas you in your heart desire someone who makes you feel loved and understood as a person. This inner struggle can cause much frustration.

Understanding that the human body’s priorities are centered around safety, procreation, and survival can help clarify these issues for you. Understanding the body’s perspective—as being different from the rest of you—can help you smooth out this collaborative journey through life. When you begin to treat your body a bit like a pet— caring for it, trying to interpret its signals, understanding what it’s asking for or needing, and talking to it gently to explain that everything is OK and you’ll do your best to keep it safe and tend to its needs—it will relax a little more. And that helps you align more with love.

When the body is tense, it puts a dampener on love and enjoyment. You and your body are lifelong companions, so make a little effort now to help it feel safe and understood, and it’ll make the journey a lot happier for you in the long run.

The Universe