What if your “Ideal Future Self” could be your guide through life? People say that time travel is impossible, but I beg to differ! And I have a fun method you can use to tap into your power of manifestation and become your own best friend! The light that leads the way.
So, how do you do this? How do you get advice, support, and insights from your Ideal Future Self? First, you visualize your ideal circumstances a few years from now… Who are you with? Where are you living? What are you doing? Reach for the pinnacle—don’t try to be sensible or realistic.
And now have that Ideal Future Self write you a postcard. On it, they mention where they live, what they’ve been up to lately, what they’re enjoying, who they’re with, and how good things feel. And they give you a few words of support and advice. What was the attitude that got them there? What do they want to tell you? Send yourself these postcards from time to time in the mail. Put the address of your Ideal Future Self as “sender,” even if you don’t live there (yet). Address the postcard to your current home.
This method is like an energetic lifeline from your ideal future, and it powerfully helps you get to that point. Have your inner skeptic take a seat, because in energy terms this is no play pretend! When you tap into that Ideal Future Self and their circumstances, you are forming it in the invisible. Your intention makes it so. And in the potentiality of consciousness, that Ideal Future Self truly exists. Now, enlist that “Future You” to show the way there.
I can’t wait to see how much fun you have with this one, especially when you begin to realize it actually works! Give it a few months, and we’ll laugh together when you start to notice.
Wink wink,
The Universe