Ready? The answer is: The fastest way to attract your Twin Flame/Soul Mate/Husband/Wife/Dream Lover is to fall inlove with yourself! Sound crazy? Let me explain…
When you begin to see your own best sides in the way that a doting wife or husband would, to accept your flaws and celebrate your amazingness in the way an ideal lover would, to focus on all your gifts and talents and beauty in the way your dream partner would, you shift your energy completely. You become magnetized to that person and that ideal love. Try it, and see how it works.
The unfortunate truth is that as long as you keep focusing on your perceived flaws and your problems, you’ll only attract relationships that keep you in those feelings of not being good enough. So make an agreement with yourself to practice being your own ideal lover, and see the magic of your dream man or woman showing up in life too.
This will help you with existing relationships too. Energy works miracles. And of course, I’ll be on the sidelines rooting for you the whole time.
The Universe