Are All the “Good Ones” Really Taken?

Many people resign themselves to the thought that they’ll never find their dream love. They accept the belief that “all the good ones are taken,” or that “it’s smarter to settle,” or that it’s unrealistic to expect to experience amazing, jaw-dropping, everlasting, fairy tale love in life.

Now, if you’ve bought into those beliefs, please let go of that straight away! Do you really think I’d send you here to be just OK? The likelihood of you, exactly you, being born is something like one in a gazillion! You are here to experience the pinnacle of love!

I have to be honest with you, though. The problem is, if you already believe that you’ve got to settle for less, or that you won’t experience true love, you’re shutting the door on that love arriving. So, to remedy this, begin to nourish your dream once more and don’t let others talk you out of it. You don’t actually have to tell them about your dream—just know that you and I have this project together.

Begin by writing down some key things about your dream lover, your dream relationship. Write about how they’d make you feel, how they’d act, what they’d look like, and how your life together would be. Get very specific. You might even want to get some pictures of people and situations that capture the essence of your dream. Now, focus on this often—every day, as often as you can think of it. Your focus will be calling it to you, bringing it forth. This will work even if you’re already with someone. You will begin to see a different side to them.

Know that I’m there listening and watching the whole time, making my own notes about what you are after so I can bring you those things. Your job is to stay focused on what you desire, and what will make you feel so joyous that it’s as if you’re floating on love, up on a cloud above the world with happiness. Feel that feeling of joy and appreciation now and know that this person and relationship exists already. It’s just a question of getting it to you. Leave that up to me. I love you too much to see you be just “OK” when I know you could live in bliss.

The Universe