If you’re ever feeling bad for some reason, know that it’s because negative emotions and energy are moving through you or in you. This could be because some old wound has been triggered by a new event or another person; or it could be because you’ve picked up on negativity from someone else. Remember that negativity is energy—it cannot really harm you. Like a cloud in the sky, it can pass and disperse.
Whatever is causing your sadness, anger, or other negative emotional state, the fastest and smoothest way to get out of it is to resolve to let it go. You might even want to say, “This is not me. This is not me,” which will set an energetic intention that this cannot stay with you anymore. Then visualize pure white light coming into your space and transmuting the negative feeling and energy—neutralizing it and replacing it with the healing energy of light.
Within a short time, the energy shift will translate into all levels of your being, allowing your emotional state to rise up into positivity again.
The Universe